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Louie Welch

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Funny thing. I'm doing a project and my professor suggested just last week that if I could get a hold of him, Louie Welch might be a good person to think about interviewing. Looks like that ain't gonna happen, luckily I know others who should be able to help me out.

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The Chron's pitiful obit is an example of how wanting news coverage is in America's 4th largest city. The guy was mayor during one of the most dramatic decades in this city's history and brought about enormous change that made Houston what is it today. If this was NYC, the Times would have had a four page spread with photos/videos etc... Five photos is all the Chronicle's editors could come up with??

The local TV stations are not much better.

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That is a riot! Maybe you can explain to younger viewers. Now that's really digging into the archives! :D

Actually I think the Chron article did a pretty good job of explaining the "Don't Shoot" t-shirts. I wasn't around during his era, so I recall hearing about his 'legacy' only in passing.

Wikipedia's entry on Welch is woefully lacking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louie_Welch

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Actually I think the Chron article did a pretty good job of explaining the "Don't Shoot" t-shirts. I wasn't around during his era, so I recall hearing about his 'legacy' only in passing.

if that's what characterized his legacy most, then we're in trouble. i think deborah wrigley's story was much more encompassing of the real person and his achievements for the city.

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if that's what characterized his legacy most, then we're in trouble. i think deborah wrigley's story was much more encompassing of the real person and his achievements for the city.

Exactly! I for one would like to see something done about him, especially since we were just kiddies and missed out on his real stories & contributions.

Perhaps there is something in the works like they did for Marvin Z?

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