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Super Tuesday Scoreboard


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Nobody's talking about disaffected Democrat voters, but a lot of them don't like their choices either.

That's because there are virtually none. I have not talked to a single Democrat that feels disaffected, or does not like their choices. In fact, virtually every Dem and most left-leaning independents I have talked to likes every choice they have. They may have some small qualms about one candidate or another, but overall believe that this is the best slate of Dems since Clinton himself.

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not sure any of the candidates have balls to change the status quo for real.

i'm not sure any candidate has the power to change the status quo. hillary certainly doesn't have the clout to build consensus across party lines. i'm not sure i want mccain to build consensus. i've had the thought in recent days that i wouldn't mind obama if the congress and senate were controlled by the republicans (and with a stronger margin). it wouldn't take long to see whether his (obama's) rhetoric has any legs.

frankly, i'd just as soon write myself in as to vote for the lot of 'em.

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That's because there are virtually none. I have not talked to a single Democrat that feels disaffected, or does not like their choices. In fact, virtually every Dem and most left-leaning independents I have talked to likes every choice they have. They may have some small qualms about one candidate or another, but overall believe that this is the best slate of Dems since Clinton himself.

And the polls back what you are saying. On Super Tuesday, exit polling found that 71% of Clinton supporters would be happy with Obama winning and 70% of Obama supporters would be happy with Clinton winning.

Anecdotally, I've found this to be true as well. All of my friends and family members who vote Democrat were having a very tough time choosing between the two candidates. Some were even deciding while waiting in line at the polls here in Boston.

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And the polls back what you are saying. On Super Tuesday, exit polling found that 71% of Clinton supporters would be happy with Obama winning and 70% of Obama supporters would be happy with Clinton winning.

Your numbers give credence to my point. 30% disaffected on either side of Clinton/Obama is not a small margin, especially considering how close our presidential races have been in the last several rounds. And that survey fails to identify the proportion of Democrats that are unsatisfied with either candidate.

Having said this, the general election is still about 8 months out. A lot can happen, and I don't think that exit polling from primaries is really going to be all that useful.

Edited by TheNiche
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WASHINGTON (Feb. 8) - It's almost as if people can barely stand the thought of President Bush and Congress anymore. Bush reached his lowest approval rating in The Associated Press-Ipsos poll on Friday as only 30 percent said they like the job he is doing, including an all-time low in his support by Republicans. Congress' approval fell to just 22 percent, equaling its poorest grade in the survey. Both marks dropped by 4 percentage points since early January.

looks like people are digusted in general.

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Your numbers give credence to my point. 30% disaffected on either side of Clinton/Obama is not a small margin, especially considering how close our presidential races have been in the last several rounds. And that survey fails to identify the proportion of Democrats that are unsatisfied with either candidate.

Having said this, the general election is still about 8 months out. A lot can happen, and I don't think that exit polling from primaries is really going to be all that useful.

Actually, those numbers didn't say anything about the other 30% being disaffected. Since when did 70% being HAPPY mean the other 30% were disaffected?

Also, you don't hear the Dems saying things like "supporting Obama is like gouging the eyes out of liberals" or I'd support Huckabee before I'd support Hillary.

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Here we go with "POLLS", which mean nothing, the pollsters are nothing more than spin doctors with data that's crunched on a curve to go along their cause. Polls are artwork at best and mean absolutely nothing, just something to charge the media frenzy and an attempt to sway a few votes.

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Sure I do. My very own Democrat mother said that, although about any any Republican candidate versus Hillary.

Well, I guess your Dem mom dines alone. I haven't heard it from Dems, pundits, bloggers or polls. Frankly, it sounds like wishful thinking on your...and Republicans'...part.

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Well, I guess your Dem mom dines alone. I haven't heard it from Dems, pundits, bloggers or polls. Frankly, it sounds like wishful thinking on your...and Republicans'...part.

You haven't seen any of the "people dislike Hillary" stats?

EDIT: Besides, if Kinkaid gets to base his own conclusions on the input of his friends and family...

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You haven't seen any of the "people dislike Hillary" stats?

EDIT: Besides, if Kinkaid gets to base his own conclusions on the input of his friends and family...

Actually, I drew my conclusions from the exit polls taken on Super Tuesday. It's not my fault if you didn't understand the results.

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Sure I do. My very own Democrat mother said that, although about any any Republican candidate versus Hillary.

While I may not be the fondest of Hillary (personality-wise) what is this dislike. I mean, when people say they don't like Hillary, can they name three politically related things they don't like?

Or is it just a jump-on-the-Rush-Hannity-bandwagon of dislike for woman.

Most people I hear say they dislike her cannot name one reason why...

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We were at 888 last night for dinner and overheard the following conversation. I can't promise this is word for word but it's very, very close.

A very large middle-aged white man with 2 younger (early 20s) men, who appeared to be his sons:

Boy number 1: "Well I don't know, I just can't stand the sound of her voice. She just talks like a socialist."

Father: "Well you know before she was Clinton's wife she was from the Midwest. Chicago is full of socialists."

Boy number 2: "Obama will be assassinated! What kind of name is that? He sounds like one of those guys from 911. You watch, if he gets elected, he'll get assasinated!" (he was really emphatic about the assasination thing)

Boy number 1: "I'm not a registered voter. I gotta go do that"

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Boy number 2: "Obama will be assassinated! What kind of name is that? He sounds like one of those guys from 911. You watch, if he gets elected, he'll get assasinated!" (he was really emphatic about the assasination thing)

I am hearing this in some circles in the office... why do you think people are saying this? Doesn't anybody find this disturbing? Somebody, please enlighten us...

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I am hearing this in some circles in the office... why do you think people are saying this? Doesn't anybody find this disturbing? Somebody, please enlighten us...

Not to start a weird thread within this thread, but it would seem that a lot of people (black and white mainly since I have not heard this from any Latinos I know) feel that a black man in power is a threat. It is also presumed that many black leaders in the past (Malcolm X and Dr. King to name two of the most common) were struck down when they gained too much power.

It is felt by many that the same fate would meet Obama.

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I am hearing this in some circles in the office... why do you think people are saying this? Doesn't anybody find this disturbing? Somebody, please enlighten us...

i think some have been looking at his houston office and seeing this.


not that he himself supports the cubans but it sure doesn't leave a good impression for some.

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While I may not be the fondest of Hillary (personality-wise) what is this dislike. I mean, when people say they don't like Hillary, can they name three politically related things they don't like?

Or is it just a jump-on-the-Rush-Hannity-bandwagon of dislike for woman.

Most people I hear say they dislike her cannot name one reason why...

1. As P.J. O'Rourke said on Bill Maher, she's an American Brezhnev. She comes across as an apparatchik (no pun intended) who is thinks it is her turn.

2. She receives a ton of dough from the health care lobby, and her health care plan effectively forces Americans to buy their products.

3. She didn't divorce Bill.

4. Knowing that she is hated by many and thus gives the Republicans their only chance of winning the White House this year, she has stayed in the race and jeopardized the Democrat's chances.

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1. As P.J. O'Rourke said on Bill Maher, she's an American Brezhnev. She comes across as an apparatchik (no pun intended) who is thinks it is her turn.

2. She receives a ton of dough from the health care lobby, and her health care plan effectively forces Americans to buy their products.

3. She didn't divorce Bill.

4. Knowing that she is hated by many and thus gives the Republicans their only chance of winning the White House this year, she has stayed in the race and jeopardized the Democrat's chances.

Thanks for the reply, but as I figured only ONE of your responses (#2) is actually a political issue and #4 is a supposition on how well she would do in the general election (although I agree with you).

Your other two issues seem to be personal or moral issues you have with her.

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Not to start a weird thread within this thread, but it would seem that a lot of people (black and white mainly since I have not heard this from any Latinos I know) feel that a black man in power is a threat. It is also presumed that many black leaders in the past (Malcolm X and Dr. King to name two of the most common) were struck down when they gained too much power.

It is felt by many that the same fate would meet Obama.

I've picked up the same vibe from other people as well. It probably does have a lot to do with history of black leadership, and a weird Nation of Islam thing too. I've know my fair share of white people who believe that just about any articulate, clean-cut black man is NOI, and NOI is in bed with Muslim terrorist organizations, including Bin Laden's.

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I hope and believe that Barack Obama will be the Democratic Candidate on the ballot. By the way it's looking now, He's on a role. It will really be awesome if he can get Texas on March 4th. There's supposed to be a democratic debate on February 28, 2008 at the GRB Convention Center. Hilliary has committed to participating, but Barack has not yet committed.

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He's never set foot in that office. It's a makeshift office that was just opened yesterday, and I'll bet decorated by those three ladies seen opening the door in the video, the office manager of which appeared to be of Cuban heritage. What do you want to bet it's not there now, and he had no idea it was ever hung? The Che Guevara flag has no meaning to him I am most certain. And I am sure the person who put it up, is regretting it now if they were no immediately fired. Obama has three ladies of Hispanic lineage in his Harris County office for one very good reason. Harris county has a huge Latino voting base that he is trying to secure. Perhaps he should have sent someone down to oversee the decorating of the office before they let Fox News of all the TV stations in the world in the front door. I don't listen to Rush, but you can bet he's popping oxycodone and ranting at the top of his lungs.

Edited by Mark F. Barnes
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Actually, I drew my conclusions from the exit polls taken on Super Tuesday. It's not my fault if you didn't understand the results.

I take "happy" to mean "content." Not "joyous" or "excited".

And if someone is not at least content, they must be discontent.

While I may not be the fondest of Hillary (personality-wise) what is this dislike. I mean, when people say they don't like Hillary, can they name three politically related things they don't like?

Her policy, her scandals, her person.

The non-political aspect I don't like is her voice. Like nails on a chalkboard to me.

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Thanks for the reply, but as I figured only ONE of your responses (#2) is actually a political issue and #4 is a supposition on how well she would do in the general election (although I agree with you).

Your other two issues seem to be personal or moral issues you have with her.

You said "[m]ost people I hear say they dislike her cannot name one reason why". Those are 4 reasons people dislike her. Most people I hear say they dislike her are more than capable of providing reasons.

I don't consider any of those "personal" or "moral".

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You said "[m]ost people I hear say they dislike her cannot name one reason why". Those are 4 reasons people dislike her. Most people I hear say they dislike her are more than capable of providing reasons.

I don't consider any of those "personal" or "moral".

I believe I said 3 political things. You named one, the other was not really political, and the other two WERE personal or moral reasons.

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I believe I said 3 political things. You named one, the other was not really political, and the other two WERE personal or moral reasons.

You said 2 things. I was responding to the last one.

Divorcing someone is a personal matter the last time I checked. I am not sure how that plays into a political assessment of someone.

Really? The line I've heard is that staying with Bill shows her desire for power is greater than her self respect. You can't imagine how that would play into a political assessment?

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i think some have been looking at his houston office and seeing this.


not that he himself supports the cubans but it sure doesn't leave a good impression for some.

Am I reading you correctly? You are saying that the cause of some people's beliefs that Obama would be assassinated is because a couple of staffers put up a Che Guerra flag in his Houston office that opened on Saturday?

3. She didn't divorce Bill.

Interesting concept that a failure to divorce is now considered a character flaw. Are you Baptist?

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