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Buffalo Heights District: Mixed-Use Development At 100 Waugh Dr.


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I don't think one entity owns all of those properties. HCAD shows different owners with different addresses. Doesn't mean they aren't related, but it's unlikely. When I get time, I'll see if the County Clerk's office shows any changes that aren't in HCAD

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On 8/21/2017 at 0:11 AM, Urbannizer said:


It's good, but it could be better.


Get rid of the double-row of surface parking in front of the HEB. In fact, since there's all that structured parking, get rid of ALL the surface parking. Then you can make the RoW's of the internal streets much narrower (say, 20 ft), with retail on both sides, and restrict a lot of them to pedestrian (plus emergency vehicle/delivery) access.


With narrow RoW's, you don't need street trees, since buildings provide the shade. That lets you get rid of the stupid, useless street-side "green space" that no one uses and put in actual park space that people DO use. Why you would put in 140-ft right-of-ways in a pedestrian-oriented development is beyond me.

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This is from 2015, wonder how realistic this project is? I haven't heard or seen much about it recently. Would fit in with what it seems they are doing at buffalo heights. 

Really interested to see the plan for the remainder of the Archstone lot. 

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On 4/11/2018 at 8:35 PM, Visitor said:

How many stories is the crane set at now? Gauging perspective since I can see the crane from my dining room. 

I don't think they will have to jump the tower crane to finish this job, so it's probably as tall has it needs to be.

Edited by hindesky
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  • 3 weeks later...

I heard phase 2 is already in the planning phases. Any idea on the footprint of that or the type of development?  


Been waiting to hear about new Archstone residents getting a notice. 

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Collvill Office Properties hired to lease Buffalo Heights project

By Katherine Feser

May 17, 2018 Updated: May 17, 2018 1:24pm


Collvill Office Properties has been tasked with finding office tenants for the H-E-B-anchored Buffalo Heights development going up in the Heights area.


BKR Memorial II, privately held company of the Russell and Glenda Gordy family, and Houston-based developer Midway have retained Colvill Office Properties to lease One Buffalo Heights, the 37,000-square-foot office portion of Buffalo Heights District Phase I.


The seven-story development on Washington Avenue, between South Heights Boulevard and Studemont, will also have 232 apartments and a 96,000-square-foot urban prototype H-E-B. It opens next year.


Michael Anderson and Connor Saxe are handling the assignment.



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  • 1 month later...

I didn't snap a pic but from Yale/Washington this looks massive all of a sudden. Really looking forward to it and the rest of the infill that it may spur. 


Personally I'd love to see that heights/Washington quadrant completely redeveloped. Porch swing/car wash/cafe luxor/smoke shop/jblacks(new bbq spot)/enterprise/old cash advance & dry cleaner all razed.


I use that enterprise often, go to Sammies, and am looking forward to the bbq spot.  But that area has so much more potential. Especially aesthetically and with regard to walkability. 

Edited by Visitor
Added cafe luxor to the demo list
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14 hours ago, Visitor said:

I didn't snap a pic but from Yale/Washington this looks massive all of a sudden. Really looking forward to it and the rest of the infill that it may spur. 


Personally I'd love to see that heights/Washington quadrant completely redeveloped. Porch swing/car wash/cafe luxor/smoke shop/jblacks(new bbq spot)/enterprise/old cash advance & dry cleaner all raised.


I use that enterprise often, go to Sammies, and am looking forward to the bbq spot.  But that area has so much more potential. Especially aesthetically and with regard to walkability. 


Did you mean raised, as in higher in the air, or razed as in demolished? (yes, I'm being a grammar pedant today)


11 hours ago, jmitch94 said:

Yeah lets get rid of what makes Washington desirable so we can have more giant apartment blocks. 


People have to live somewhere, and the places Visitor mentioned are dumps with few redeeming qualities.

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