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Favorite Corny Movie


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I've been on an old movies kick for the past few months. One that is VERY corny, but fun to watch is Algie the Miner, and various movies that are on TCM.

In fact, I've grown rather addicted to "Silent Sundays" on TCM. There are a number of good, but what would be considered "Corny" movies, that are shown on that channel.

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"Back to the Beach" is another favorite "corny" movie of mine.

I still cant beleive we actually paid to see that at the premiere! Actually all the beach films of the 60's were hilariously camp and seem outlandish by today's standards, but oh well at least Frankie & Annette were in lust. We kids used to dance on the couche's in the living room as soon as the dance scenes kicked in. :blush:

Where's Eric Von Zipper leader of the RAT'Z gang? (what a cool Brooklyn dialect) Yooz I don't like!


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I still cant beleive we actually paid to see that at the premiere! Actually all the beach films of the 60's were hilariously camp and seem outlandish by today's standards, but oh well at least Frankie & Annette were in lust. We kids used to dance on the couche's in the living room as soon as the dance scenes kicked in.

Where's Eric Von Zipper leader of the RAT'Z gang? (what a cool Brooklyn dialect) Yooz I don't like!

My dad took me to the dollar theater to see "Back to the Beach". Whatever happened to dollar theaters?

Anyway, I was interested because Pee-Wee Herman had a cameo and my dad was interested in seeing Annette. We both agreed it was corny, even at the time, but we both loved it. It was during the filming of "Back to the Beach" when Annette Funicello was diagnosed with MS.

Are those photos from "Beach Blanket Bingo"? I love the songs in that movie.

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Beach Blanket Bingo...That's the name of the game! ( do "the swim" while you sing it)

There was "How to Stuff a Wild Bikini"

it could be the one that had a girl ghost walking around the beach in a bikini and all you could see was a floating 2 piece walking around. We must have really lost our marbles to sit through that!

and you must check out the attached link! Will always worship Candy Johnson!



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All the karate (Bruce Lee) films of the early 70's. :wacko:

I was so sick of these films, they got more and more outlandish as the years went on. I was dragged along so my little brothers could see them. Practically at gunpoint.

In fact Judy Lee (Bruce's younger sis) was promoted as the next karate star. That must have been short lived. I can never forget a scene where she was ambushed by about 10 ninja type dudes. Not only did she beat the crap out of each one she castrated at least one with her sword and then continued to "single handedly" karate chop their whole karate school to smithereens! The camera was going snap, snap, snap as her hands broke timber after timber and the whole building was left in a pile of rubble. How much could you stomach?

and who can forget when these Shanghai Killers would yelp, and fly in mid air about 15 feet in the air and the strings were in clear view! This was one craze I personally could have thanked God for!

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Speaking of Camel Toe(s) ... does anyone remember another good, corny movie.

I was about to say all of John Waters films! (serious cult following)

With names like these who wouldn't want to go see them? The final turd scene in Pink Flamingo's will forever be imbedded in the psyche.

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I couldn't help but think of Mommie Dearest when I saw this.

"TINA! Bring me the ax!"

Lucy Harper took an axe...gave her husband 40 wacks....

It was sad that Joan had sunk to an all time low by accepting that part in this pre-slasher genre. Clearly was in need of mula after the Baby Jane $ had been spent.

Its so cool when George Kennedy gets his head chopped off (terrible/cheap special effects that only a child could be frightened by. (You can tell it's a mannequeins head). Now considered a cult classic too! pass the popcorn kiddies :D

Kimberly, maybe we can get you one of those Baby Jane Hudson doll's for Christmas?


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Can it get any cornier than Pippi Longstocking & Benji films of the 70's?

Pippi was supposed to be like some super courageous homeless brat that never bathed and could outdo Superman! The hair thing was a trip!

Then Benji was the dog that could bend steel with his teeth!

and simply wouldn't go away, ever....Ruff!


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Its so cool when George Kennedy gets his head chopped off (terrible/cheap special effects that only a child could be frightened by. (You can tell it's a mannequeins head). Now considered a cult classic too! pass the popcorn kiddies

Fakey or realistic, I hate the lopping off of people's heads in movies and TV. Once I was watching a marathon of "Friday the 13th" (the tv series) on the Sci Fi channel and there was a scene in one of the stories where an old woman gets her head chopped off and it was so stupid looking, but it made me nauseas for days whenever I thought about it.

Likewise, I hate the part in "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte" when Bruce Dern's head bounces down the stairs. I won't watch that movie because of that scene alone.

Kimberly, maybe we can get you one of those Baby Jane Hudson doll's for Christmas?

What, does its head fall off or something?


Want a truly corny one that's fun to watch?

The Bad Seed.


Golly, what a little creep! That movie is disturbing.

Vertigo, that Pippi photo reminds me of "Annie"! One of my favorites! Just watched it the other day. I showed it to my little niece and nephew and they liked it.

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Want a truly corny one that's fun to watch?

The Bad Seed.

I think that was the one with Julie Christie? or some broad gets impregnated by a demon? Never saw but heard it was a riot!

and heres Ernest! Need we explain, put the corn in corny! Maybe thats why he smoked himself to death! Must have had a serious drug habit to get to this point!

:wacko: Maybe this is why other countries hate us so much?


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Aww, Ernest. I used to love him.


I think that was the one with Julie Christie? or some broad gets impregnated by a demon? Never saw but heard it was a riot!

No. That sounds like "Rosemary's Baby". Except it was Mia Farrow, not Julie Christie. Terrible movie.

"The Bad Seed" is about a little girl who kills people. Simple as that.

Here's the original trailer:


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Aww, Ernest. I used to love him.

No. That sounds like "Rosemary's Baby". Except it was Mia Farrow, not Julie Christie. Terrible movie.

"The Bad Seed" is about a little girl who kills people. Simple as that.

Here's the original trailer:


Right! I was thinking of 1977's The Demon Seed. I heard 1981's "The Incubus" was equally as outrageous!


PS, after seeing that trailor for The Bad Seed, I got to see it now! I had never heard of it! Seems bizarre for 1956! :D

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I'm surprised no one mentioned another of my favorites ...

... Beetlejuice.

That's not corny, thats cool! I love that one too!

The pairing of Geena and Baldwin was perfect as well. I still say its the best film M Keaton ever made. He was always so much better at comedy.

Now all the "Police Academy" films were goofy, trash but they made $$$ and thats what counts in Wallywood. Now all of those actors were type cast for ever, we never see them anymore. :lol:

and what about the "Porkies" movies? Pre Girls-Gone-Wild entertainment. No one will ever forget the scene of the weiner in the wall when the woman coach grabs it and yanks. Sad, sad, sad.

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PS, after seeing that trailor for The Bad Seed, I got to see it now! I had never heard of it! Seems bizarre for 1956!

I know, especially for a mainstream film of that time.

Now all the "Police Academy" films were goofy, trash but they made $$$ and thats what counts in Wallywood. Now all of those actors were type cast for ever, we never see them anymore.

Not true. I saw the blonde woman who played Steve Guttenberg's girlfriend on a commercial for Totino's Pizza Rolls. Speaking of Steve Guttenberg, he's a contestant on "Dancing with the Stars".

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That's not corny, thats cool! I love that one too!

The pairing of Geena and Baldwin was perfect as well. I still say its the best film M Keaton ever made. He was always so much better at comedy.

Now all the "Police Academy" films were goofy, trash but they made $$ and thats what counts in Wallywood. Now all of those actors were type cast for ever, we never see them anymore. :lol:

and what about the "Porkies" movies? Pre Girls-Gone-Wild entertainment. No one will ever forget the scene of the weiner in the wall when the woman coach grabs it and yanks. Sad, sad, sad.

I wonder how they got away with the stuff in Porky's. Some of it was really raunchy.

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