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It's That Time - Property Appraisal Advice Needed


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We purchased our Eastwood home late last year. As you can imagine with a long-homesteaded property, the appraised value at the time of purchase was WAY under market price (so was HCAD's market value for that matter). Anyway, we were certain they would jack the appraisal sky high this year since HCAD at least knows the range of what we paid (since that is on HAR).

Turns out not only did they keep it well under our purchase price, but they actually REDUCED their HCAD market price 1.3%! I noticed this on many of the homes on my street.

The land value stayed the same; the reduction was taken out of the building value

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What do you all think of this ifile or isettle deal? Don't you think it has more effect to be there in person with pictures and physical evidence?

I saw that too in the website! Luckily my value stayed the same this year, but that seems like a great convenience. If you have proper documentation, and are not asking for some outrageously high cut on your property value, I am sure they will give it to you. It is just another option and a great way to not waste a day waiting.

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One other question. Is there any downside to bringing evidence to your hearing of property defects? I have a report from my home inspection that talks about the foundation and the "unleveled" floors in part of the house. If I bring this to the hearing and it gets admitted into the record, can that come back to bite me later on when I sell the house (not that a buyer's home inspector wouldn't write the same stuff I'm sure, but no need to provide them with the ammunition for free ahead of time.)

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The question is, can anybody beat 243? Bueller?

Not quite but I'm mad as he :angry2:

Tax year 2008 2007 2006 2005

Appraised Value 225000 170000 170000 175000

This house is in the county and hasn't had any renovations in 35 years. It still has the original HVAC's units (inop)


We bought the cheapest house in the neighborhood and it's going to bite us in the rear. Now I can't even get the info off HAR.

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What do you all think of this ifile or isettle deal? Don't you think it has more effect to be there in person with pictures and physical evidence?

Start with ISettle. You do not have to accept their offer but it may be what you are looking for.

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  • 2 weeks later...
...and here is something else. If Texas is a non-disclosure state (that is you do not have to disclose what you paid for your house to the appraisal district) - then how do they model their appraisals? They have to be getting the sales data, somehow...

It's the stupid MLS (Multiple Listing Services). Even though they have no legal obligation to report your sale price to the AD, they do anyway. Next time I buy a house I am going to have it written into the contract that the final price not be disclosed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Start with ISettle. You do not have to accept their offer but it may be what you are looking for.

Went to a talk given by Pat O'Connor yesterday evening re "Reducing Property Taxes"

O'Connor said from his experience with ISettle the offers are not favorable, his firm only accepted 7% of ISettle offers out of about 1,000 cases. O'Connot does not think the Isettle process considers any evidence submitted by the taxpayer, that it just develops an offer by a second computer model designed to give only a slightly lower valuation.

O'Connor alos said the 3 factors important to HCAD in evaluating a protest are Grade, CDU, and level of remodel.

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OK... So if you don't mind me asking... Assuming you have established your place as your homestead. The max is no more than a 10% increase, by law. Right? So for everyone on here... that is seeing more than a 10% increase - on your homestead property - what is the deal? Why would HCAD purposely, in violation of state law, increase your taxes beyond the legal limit? Which is going to invite all kinds of protest. It doesn't seem like it is in their best interest, to violate the law, in such a fashion. Does the 10% apply only to the structure? And they can increase your land value, to the moon, without fear?

Someone please explain.

I have the same question... my appraisal went up 11%. The tax appraisal, not market appraisal. Is this not illegal?

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Post #53... in this thread...

Sorry if I'm being obtuse, but I'm saying that my tax appraisal went up 11%. NOT my market appraisal. Post #53 seems to be in reference to the market appraisal going up. So I still don't get how my tax appraisal could be raised 11%.

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Sorry if I'm being obtuse, but I'm saying that my tax appraisal went up 11%. NOT my market appraisal. Post #53 seems to be in reference to the market appraisal going up. So I still don't get how my tax appraisal could be raised 11%.

So your market value was $200k and your appraised value went from say $180k to $190k? Sounds pretty normal to me if you've got a homestead...they're just raising your appraised value by 10% per year until it gets equal to the market value.

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Sorry if I'm being obtuse, but I'm saying that my tax appraisal went up 11%. NOT my market appraisal. Post #53 seems to be in reference to the market appraisal going up. So I still don't get how my tax appraisal could be raised 11%.

are you homesteaded?

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The people who are issuing the new taxable values are not looking up the homestead status. The more protests they receive, the more they will have to look at how they assign values.

They also raised my taxable value by about 15%. I have filed a complaint based on homestead.

How will they manage all of these protests?

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Okay. I guess I'm wasting my breath to point out how absurd it is for them to break their own rules.

The only way they're supposed to be able to break the 10% homestead cap is if you did remodeling or additions on the improvements....did you?

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They dinged us for 14%, too. Not the market value, the tax appraisal.

Thing is, I don't even think the market value is as high as the cap.

And finally, I think it's sad for HCAD to devise a program (i-settle) that is purposely confusing in an attempt to sucker people into staying out of the face-to-face system and paying more taxes than they should. Then again, it's the government and all the government ever wants is a bigger slice of my money. Sad, but not surprising.

Then again, this isn't even as remotely unfair as the way people get railroaded in municipal court for the sole purpose of revenue enhancement.

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Then again, this isn't even as remotely unfair as the way people get railroaded in municipal court for the sole purpose of revenue enhancement.

No kidding. My wife got a ticket several blocks from our house earlier this week for a rolling stop at a 4-way. She was adamant that she had come to a complete stop, but what do you think's going to happen if she contests the ticket and it's her word against a cop's? So I guess it's time for defensive driving class, so we can avoid the double whammy of a $245 fine plus getting dinged on our auto insurance.

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We fight ours every year (and get some back) and Dh asked them what we could do better next time to be more persuasive. Their answer was photos -- lots of them!! We were prepared this year to have pics of the hobo trash in our yard, people waiting in our yard for the bus, etc.

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I dont mean to high jack this posting, but i have been reading this post and my post entilted TAXES Help please!! sounds around like this. there a have been alot of good answers on this post if anyone would read and give me some more ideas i would be eternally grateful. this is my first house first protest, and im scared as He** thanks Emily

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I dont mean to high jack this posting, but i have been reading this post and my post entilted TAXES Help please!! sounds around like this. there a have been alot of good answers on this post if anyone would read and give me some more ideas i would be eternally grateful. this is my first house first protest, and im scared as He** thanks Emily

If you show up at Shiloh on Saturday, we will probably give a lecture on protesting property tax appraisals, among other topics. :D

See this thread for details.

Edited by RedScare
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think similar question was raised before but I appreciate an answer:

-the 2008 appraisal value for the house we bought in 2007 is up 1.7 times to a value very close the purchase price.

I assume:

1) Homestead exemption does not apply in this case

2) Protesting to lower the value below sales price will not work (do they know it?)

How about the things left in the house by previous owner - fridge, dishwasher, washer-drier, safe, TV, portable hot-tub - are these considered part of the taxable value of the house?

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I'll just add to this that I got a letter in the mail from O'Conner & Associates that had my tax record for the last 2 years on it then in blue ink written "Your taxes are too high" I also noticed the deadline for protesting listed on the letter was may 31st. I opened the letter on June 2nd.

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I'll just add to this that I got a letter in the mail from O'Conner & Associates that had my tax record for the last 2 years on it then in blue ink written "Your taxes are too high" I also noticed the deadline for protesting listed on the letter was may 31st. I opened the letter on June 2nd.

O'Connor isn't always Johnny-on-the-spot. I got the same letter you described last year a week after my protest hearing.

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