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What Pushed You Over The Edge?


What finally made you post?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. I finally posted because:

    • Wanted to correct someone.
    • Wanted to add to what someone said
    • Wanted to add to the conversation I was interested in
    • Someone irritated me on their views
    • Disagreed with someone said.
    • Wanted to ask a question
    • Wanted to bring a subject that wasn't discussed
    • I was high, and didn't know what I was doing.

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I know I first came here because of the Central Bank thread started by squatterkid. I actually didn't search for it, but a friend gave me the link.

First posting, though, was about the Towers Motel on Holcombe...

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I was looking for a particular porn site,

That is the best one yet! ...Like Milton Berle said, I gotta write that one down. :lol:

I was the accidental tourist (and I do mean that) was searching for Historical Houston Mansions photos, tripped and fell on Haif World. Being naive, never imagined some could take this forum sooooo personal and get vicious. It truly becomes the "Children's Hour" at times. If only the "YOU" this and that would go away. So unnecessary. For the most part the fun ones keep it light hearted and contribute fantastic fact and pics and especially the great stories of growing up in Houston. We are the world...we are the children

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A friend sent me the link for the HA Historic Houston forum. Since I had lived in H town for over 50 years he knew I would love it. I had questions about old Houston and a few comments. I was viewing that site for 6 months before I branched out and discovered the other forums here. Now I'm hooked for good.

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On a QWERTY keyboard that's a stretch.......... :lol: or course with H2B hunt and pecking with one and on the keyboard and one hand god knows where, you never know. Besides I am sure his vision was both impaired because he misplaced his reading glasses and blue tinted at the time.... :lol: :lol:

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For some reason I was searching for when Chili's in Sawyer Heights would be opening (I hate Chili's, was searching on the wife's behalf), ironically that was the least interesting thing I have read here so far. I got hooked on reading about the neighborhood histories, building and improvement projects, and most of all the amusing banter all throughout.

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For me, it was a combination of wanting to both ask a question and respond to a thread, which concidentally happened exactly one year ago today (well, technically yesterday since it's after midnight). You guys must not be all that bad if I made it through a year. ;)

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

I was looking for a particular porn site, and I typed in the wrong URL and got this place by mistake. So, I thought that as long as I was here, . . . . . .

Oh, you used to live in that apartment complex on W 16, huh? tongue.gif

I came here to look at all the users names, and try to figure out what made them choose that name, and why they came here, and why they post what they post....well,

not really. I came here to find a girl to go out with.... oh well....

Then you went to Pie in the Sky...

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  • 6 months later...

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