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Top Ten Signs You Might Be A Haifer

H-Town Man

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10. You anxiously await the 2010 census the way other people await super bowls or presidential elections, so you can see where Houston ranks among Metropolitan Statistical Areas.

9. Your homepage contains a feed from Nancy Sarnoff's real estate column.

8. Whenever someone mentions the Williams Tower, you correct them with its true name, the Transco Tower.

7. You feel more vitriol at hearing the name "John Culberson" than you do at hearing "Osama bin Laden."

6. Whenever you drive along a certain bend in the Southwest Freeway, you chuckle and say to yourself, "That Frank Sharp and his wily political machinations!"

5. You've taken out of town visitors on a drive over the Fred Hartman bridge at night, with all the refineries lit up, because such aesthetic wonder must be seen by all who have eyes.

4. When you come home frustrated in the evening, your spouse knows that it's probably not because of a long day at work, but from an internet argument with RedScare.

3. Every time you see an advertisement for Southwest Bank of Texas, your mind immediately jumps to the Bank of the Southwest Tower, and you shed a tear thinking of what might have been.

2. When your friend said to you "Hey, let's go canoeing down the Colorado River" you said "I've got a better idea: Buffalo Bayou!"

1. You took your girlfriend to the Waterwall for your first date. And your second date. And your third date....

Edited by H-Town Man
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You look at Google Earth and Live Search at least once every day for something.

McMansions give you hives.

You've ever been to Memorial Bend, Glenbrook Valley, or Roseneath "just to look at the houses"

You knew about Idylwood and Eastwood before everyone else did.

When HISD builds a new school, you don't automatically assume it's a good thing.

You own more than three books about Houston architecture or history.

You can remember eating at more than two of the places in Subdude's postcard collection.

You've been chased away from the Transco waterwall for trying to use a tripod.

Given your choice you would rather live in a 70-year-old house.

Given your choice you would rather live in an MCM house.

You have a bookmark for Houston Mod.

You miss the Coliseum and Music Hall.

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You know, I was at the top of the list than I go....oh good lord, I need a life. (5 out of 10)

Then I see the following posts and I realize I need to get out more.

I guess I need to go get a better job so I can rent some better friends.

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If you curse EA/Maxis for not having built more complicated and realistic functionality into Sim City 4000...you might be a HAIFer.

If you count crane counting as a competitive sport...you might be a HAIFer.

If you know interfloor heights of residential, office, and laboratory space and you can calculate building height on the basis of the number of floors within 2% of actual...you might be a HAIFer.

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1. At business mixers and events in the middle of each conversation you toss in "Did you know there is an online Houston forum...."

2. In the middle of the night you discover another forgotten structure or area of the city not yet mentioned...

3. Your alphabet soup mysteriously spells out H A I F

4. You start thinking up a Haif music theme or jingle.

5. Name your kid Haif. :lol:

6. Time to check in to Betty Ford Clinic for being Haif dependent.

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1. At business mixers and events in the middle of each conversation you toss in "Did you know there is an online Houston forum...."

2. In the middle of the night you discover another forgotten structure or area of the city not yet mentioned...

3. Your alphabet soup mysteriously spells out H A I F

4. You start thinking up a Haif music theme or jingle.

5. Name your kid Haif. :lol:

6. Time to check in to Betty Ford Clinic for being Haif dependent.

haha, those are pretty funny vertigo.

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Or "livable."

Or "density."

You might be a HAIFer if you've ever wondered why there are so many links to the Chronicle on HAIF, but so few links to HAIF on chron.com.

You might be a HAIFer if you know that there's a city in Saudi Arabia named Haif, and have tried to find it in Google Maps.

Everytime you hear "The Woodlands" you can't help but think how cool and fast it is gonna be to travel I-99 to get there. >:)

I know it seems like it takes forever to get to The Woodlands from downtown, but certainly it's easier than driving to Pennsylvania.


I-99 runs through the town where I went to my first college.

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1. When you see your own shadow in the evening it spells out H A I F too. :o

2. Start a new dance craze called The Haif

3. Shape your hedge to spell out Haif

4. Smoker's puff out a cloud that clearly spells it out as well. :ph34r:

5. When flying, you insist in sitting in the "Haif section" of the plane?

6. Have the logo carved in the back of your scalp on next trip to the barber.

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10. You can look forward to one day being artifically inseminated.

9. You spend a lot of time ruminating.

8. You're most comfortable being part of the herd.

edit: Sorry, those are signs you might be a heifer.

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When you drive by a construction site and say to yourself, "Have we talked about THIS site before? I gotta do a search when I get home."

lol, yep.

Or you've gained the skill of staying on the road and not crashing while trying to obtain the names of companies on the signs of the development.

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I am guilty of all of the OP's items.

In fact, I have google earth open right now because I was arguing at lunch about if it would be possible to put metrorail on Kirby to help the Village. :( (answer: probably not, but Holcombe would be a very good candidate, shunting off the red line and going out to sharpstown. decent density the entire way.)

Edited by woolie
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You say "listen to this..." (relaying a story about something you just learned on HAIF).

You have thousands of little notes, on little scraps of paper, "all over the house" about a place you need to research.

You keep a pen & notebook in the car for addresses, just in case.

You take the long cut home, just to see if anything has changed.

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  • 4 months later...
You know you are a Haifer when you remember a rotating lemon avatar, yet always thought about nipples. . . as least I did. :P

Where did that member go btw?

Found it, I remember this avatar all over the place, not so much anymore.

Is eelimon considered retro HAIF? :lol:

He has maintained the same avatar since inception.


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You know you are a Haifer when you remember a rotating lemon avatar, yet always thought about nipples. . . as least I did. :P

Where did that member go btw?

Found it, I remember this avatar all over the place, not so much anymore.

Is eelimon considered retro HAIF? :lol:

He has maintained the same avatar since inception.


The fact that you hunted down that user speaks volumes about your being a serious haif'er.

Not to mention that I briefly considered looking for it myself depresses me just a little. :)

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