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when the facade started going up i was a little put off by the color but now im really digging it! thanks for the updates. my buddy snapchatted me a couple pictures of the tower the other day that i meant to post but never got around to it.

i count 32 or 32.5 floors in that picture. 1/5th the way to go!

Edited by cloud713
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when the facade started going up i was a little put off by the color but now im really digging it! thanks for the updates. my buddy snapchatted me a couple pictures of the tower the other day that i meant to post but never got around to it.

i count 32 or 32.5 floors in that picture. 1/5th the way to go!

i drive by this project practically everyday and am fairly certain that the color is nothing more than a protective film on the windows.

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Thanks, I had missed that image. I think the glass rails will look really nice. I just hope they have the issue solved that plagued the W in Austin with the glass rails. I also like the treatment of the overlapping layer look on the corner.

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not to derail the thread, but......observe the beautiful contrast between the cement patios and the blue colored glass or protective covers; now, imagine how wonderful and sleek the exxonmobil building downtown would look with a sensitive remodel.  aqua glass gleaming between the bright white (clean) brise soleil.  i'm just sayin'.......


i absolutely love this building.  i hope it delivers for the residents and that the new building across the street is equally interesting.

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Great! It should be nice for the area and hopefully it has a rippling affect.

That's a great point because I drove by today and thought the same thing. It's not like that area surrounding the tower is ugly, but it is in dire need of some connecting developments with its surroundings. I think this tower is going to create that connection.

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The shot looking down West Alabama made me think of the fact that we would have a much more attractive inner city IF we could simply reduce the number of above ground power lines!  I still can't figure out all the advances in technology over the past 130 (or so) years and we still have power moving the same way down the same poles across the same streets just as we would if this was 1910, 1930, 1950 and it is 2014!

End of rant.  Sorry.

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