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So what we see is final? Why the change?

I finally understand that the little picture under my name means corresponds to my "user rank". Since my rank depends entirely on the number of posts I make, expect a flood of membag posts ASAP.

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So what we see is final? Why the change?

The icons and other graphics that we've been using on HAIF have been in place since it went online in 2001. The people who write the software changed the icons to the ones you see now a few years ago. But every time there's been a software update, I've gone in and manually replaced the new icons with the old ones to keep the look consistent.

When the Sunday morning upgrade went wrong, it took out our old graphics. Not a big deal, as it's happened before since I can never remember the difference between clicking "Replace" and "Merge." But when I went to the archive of old graphics, it was corrupted. About the only one I was able to salvage is the round blue arrow thingy that indicates new posts. Since the icons didn't really all match up since some features were added after the HAIF look was frozen, I decided to finally give in and go with the new look.

I did, however, bring back the HAIF pointy arrows since the default arrows have the forum software company's logo on them, and why should I give them free advertising?

I have this dream that some day I'll hire someone to do all new icons for HAIF. But there are other priorities now.

As for the user ranks, about ten of them survived the upgrade. But since we were already rapidly running out of hurricanes, I decided to start all over with new, larger, icons and new ranks with new pictures.

Also, you can now have an avatar up to 110x110.

I finally understand that the little picture under my name means corresponds to my "user rank". Since my rank depends entirely on the number of posts I make, expect a flood of membag posts ASAP.

Good luck with that. The user groups are much harder to achieve now. You're only about 20 away from the next level (Mid Rise), but the one after that is an additional 100. And some of them are 200, 500, even 2,000 apart.

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I did, however, bring back the HAIF pointy arrows since the default arrows have the forum software company's logo on them...

Thank god you brought those back. My eye automatically seeks those out. I would have been staring at a screen screaming "where are the new posts?"

I think I speak for a good number of us when I say "Thanks" to all the hard work that you do in bringing us this (form of crack) that we call "The HAIF."

Thanks, Ed.

I still think you should rename user name.

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Unless there are other objections, I initially called you "God", maybe "HAIF GOD?"

Does that make Jeebus my son?

I like the haif everything at the bottom.

Yeah, the button bar near the top was getting too crowded and complicated. I'm hoping that more people will see all the things HAIF has to offer and take some time to explore them.

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New user ranks and icons are now in place.

Oh, I get it... I didn't understand the correlation between the picture and user rank before. I'm so bummed that I'm a strip mall. I'd rather be a feeder road than a strip mall. What can I hope to become? Is there a list somewhere?

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Hey editor, how are sales of HAIF goods on cafe press going?

I got a multi-pack of the bumper stickers and have managed to give a few away. The HAIF has replaced a 5 year old public radio sticker on my fine ride. I hope to see more around town.

Ah, so you're the one! I was wondering who bought the stickers.

Remember that thread where all the big mouths talked about how proud they would be to put HAIF stickers on their trucks? One even said he'd pay seven bucks for one. Well, they're on sale for something like $3 each, and aside from you exactly ZERO people have put their money where their mouths are.

I'm not bitter. I find it amusing.

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Oh, I get it... I didn't understand the correlation between the picture and user rank before. I'm so bummed that I'm a strip mall. I'd rather be a feeder road than a strip mall. What can I hope to become? Is there a list somewhere?


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Ah, so you're the one! I was wondering who bought the stickers.

Remember that thread where all the big mouths talked about how proud they would be to put HAIF stickers on their trucks? One even said he'd pay seven bucks for one. Well, they're on sale for something like $3 each, and aside from you exactly ZERO people have put their money where their mouths are.

I'm not bitter. I find it amusing.


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Oh, I get it... I didn't understand the correlation between the picture and user rank before. I'm so bummed that I'm a strip mall. I'd rather be a feeder road than a strip mall. What can I hope to become? Is there a list somewhere?

HAIFAQS is your friend.

It's not the complete list. Only up to where people currently are. I've got to leave some surprise for you people.

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Good luck with that. The user groups are much harder to achieve now. You're only about 20 away from the next level (Mid Rise), but the one after that is an additional 100. And some of them are 200, 500, even 2,000 apart.

<--- Mid Rise.

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Badge_Lighthouse.png Do we even have one of these in Houston ?

We get to look forward to a freeway interchange when we hit the millenium mark ?

I miss the old Houston bldg icons already.

yes, it's called, "Williams Tower". like it or not, it IS a lighthouse, particularly for people that get lost easily or are new to the city.

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yes, it's called, "Williams Tower". like it or not, it IS a lighthouse, particularly for people that get lost easily or are new to the city.

Yeah, I'll give you that.

But the East Coast lighthouse pictured certainly isn't common here, if here at all, except used as a novelty monument like at 7 Coves.

Anyways.. just lamenting some of the generic icons that replaced the more easily recognizable icons.

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Badge_Lighthouse.png Do we even have one of these in Houston ?

I was thinking of the Bolivar Light, but didn't have a picture of it.

We get to look forward to a freeway interchange when we hit the millenium mark ?

Nothing says "Houston" more.

Yeah, I'll give you that.

But the East Coast lighthouse pictured certainly isn't common here

It's the Biloxi, Mississippi lighthouse. Not exactly the East Coast.

Anyways.. just lamenting some of the generic icons that replaced the more easily recognizable icons.

I used Houston pictures where I could. Sorry my hard work isn't good enough for you. I'll try to do better next time.

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Well, Jeebus IS a bit of a bastage already. :)

I like to think of myself as "prodigal" ;)

I used Houston pictures where I could. Sorry my hard work isn't good enough for you. I'll try to do better next time.

You really ought to consider charging us all a small annual membership fee to at least pay your hosting fees. It's the least we could do to help keep this thing a float.

Edited by Jeebus
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