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The Heights In The Media

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Good Afternoon All,

hope your day goes well !

Its seems the news is reporting some conflicting information on 10 1/2 Street near Beverly in The Heights?

A coworker of mine informed me that there was some dispute over parking spaces ?

Does anyone know the details ?

Thank You

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what? women can't post on here? no. "she" is me. -_-

LOL! I knew he was gonna stick a foot in it as soon as I saw him post it! If it is ANY consulation, I knew you were female, Yankee Girl !!!

Edited by TJones
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An UZI Red, a friggin' UZI!!! I don't think that if the Davis' are such a "quiet, peaceful" family, that they would know what an UZI looks like ? Something just doesn't ring true to this story. I know the woman was charged, but was she charged with an UZI ???

Edited by TJones
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I don't think she was charged with possessing an Uzi. She was charged with pointing the Uzi at the couple while threatening them. Frankly, she doesn't sound like she is cut out for inner city neighborhood living. While seeing someone parked in front of your house may be unusual when you live in a master planned suburban community, it is not at all unusual when you live across the street from a busy restaurant in the Heights. If that sort of thing so frightens someone that they feel the need to brandish weapons designed for the Israeli Defense Forces, well, maybe there are other neighborhoods better suited to one's expectations.

Note to all: Heights Yankee was the cute mom pushing the stroller, NOT the Uzi weilding townhome owner who was arrested. We don't need HAIFERs picturing Heights Yankee with a tommy gun in each hand. :D

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Note to all: Heights Yankee was the cute mom pushing the stroller, NOT the Uzi weilding townhome owner who was arrested. We don't need HAIFERs picturing Heights Yankee with a tommy gun in each hand. :D

i'm sure if there was a problem you'd change your name to redscared.

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I don't think she was charged with possessing an Uzi. She was charged with pointing the Uzi at the couple while threatening them. Frankly, she doesn't sound like she is cut out for inner city neighborhood living. While seeing someone parked in front of your house may be unusual when you live in a master planned suburban community, it is not at all unusual when you live across the street from a busy restaurant in the Heights. If that sort of thing so frightens someone that they feel the need to brandish weapons designed for the Israeli Defense Forces, well, maybe there are other neighborhoods better suited to one's expectations.

Note to all: Heights Yankee was the cute mom pushing the stroller, NOT the Uzi weilding townhome owner who was arrested. We don't need HAIFERs picturing Heights Yankee with a tommy gun in each hand. :D

She has a 9 mm. Is that the same as an Uzi? If not, the couple just saw a gun and gave it a name...

Red- Thanks for clarifying that! When I sent the clip to some family members, they were all like "We thought you were going to be the one with the gun." This surprised me since I am not that kind of person at all, but I guess the way I worded the email left it open to be a possibility! I mean, I am pretty tough! :lol:

i'm sure if there was a problem you'd change your name to redscared.


I can't stop laughing at this.

i do what i can to keep y'all entertained B)

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what? women can't post on here? no. "she" is me. -_-

This had gone dead for so long, I just figured somone had PM'd Lockmat, "Uh...Dude...". I thought of posting some cute comment about HY's wife, but he's an attorney, and I didn't want a lawsuit. :D

It is pause for consideration. HY, I thought you were a guy for a while, too. The North Adams banner in you avatar has a maleness to it. Banners - very manly - used in war and sports and, possibly, for scratchin ourselves (just sayin!). If you makes you feel any better, that cocktail glass that gwilison used to use- thought he was a girl. Sorry, G. :mellow:

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This had gone dead for so long, I just figured somone had PM'd Lockmat, "Uh...Dude...". I thought of posting some cute comment about HY's wife, but he's an attorney, and I didn't want a lawsuit. :D

It is pause for consideration. HY, I thought you were a guy for a while, too. The North Adams banner in you avatar has a maleness to it. Banners - very manly - used in war and sports and, possibly, for scratchin ourselves (just sayin!). If you makes you feel any better, that cocktail glass that gwilison used to use- thought he was a girl. Sorry, G. :mellow:

I can totally follow that line of reason. That avatar is the best thing I could find to rep my home block. Now I am on a mission to find a more "feminine" avatar. maybe this would work ---> :wub:

Glad it was the avatar but I thought it could have been my general "bad ass" attitude. Of course, now that everyone has to know I am female, I'll just be another b*tch. <_<

HY, 9mm is the ammunition size. Uzis most commonly use 9mm ammo. Uzi would be a particular brand of firearm. Do you know this woman, or did you just hear or read somewhere that she had a 9 mil?

Another channel (i think it was 11) said that she showed police a permit for a 9 mm. I don't know her and, if I did, I would probably cease to call her a friend at this point. I don't take kindly to the kind of language she used. (I don't mean the *f* word. I love that one. how male of me! it's the racial slurs that tick me off)

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HY, 9mm is the ammunition size. Uzis most commonly use 9mm ammo. Uzi would be a particular brand of firearm. Do you know this woman, or did you just hear or read somewhere that she had a 9 mil?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Uzi's are pretty uncommon, too - something sounds fishy. Maybe she pointed a toy?

Not sure I understand the "hate crime" charge - is assault with a deadly weapon not a serious enough charge?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Uzi's are pretty uncommon, too - something sounds fishy. Maybe she pointed a toy?

Not sure I understand the "hate crime" charge - is assault with a deadly weapon not a serious enough charge?

Well then, it wouldn't be Ag Assault if it was a toy, now would it? I wouldn't get too worked up over nomenclature tossed around by the media. Though the term likely came from police reports, it still could have been used euphemistically, as opposed to being the exact weapon manufactured by IWI. However, if HPD and Harris County DA are filing Ag Assault charges, you can bet there was a firearm involved, not a toy.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Uzi's are pretty uncommon, too - something sounds fishy. Maybe she pointed a toy?

Not sure I understand the "hate crime" charge - is assault with a deadly weapon not a serious enough charge?

she used the *N* word, which is why they are pursuing the hate crime charge. assault for the gun, hate for racial epithets. sounds appropriate to me.

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The tale of two Heights. As always.

Speaking of the "N" word, one of Obama's top priorities will be increased hate crime enforcement.

Hang on to your assets Heights residents.

Expand Hate Crimes Statutes

Obama will strengthen federal hate crimes legislation and reinvigorate enforcement at the Department of Justice's Criminal Section.


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Separate legislation for hate crimes is bull. Murder is murder, assault is assault. Just because you do it out of racism doesn't make you more criminal than if you didn't, it just means you are a more ignorant, more idiotic criminal. Unless they also make it illegal to be a bigot racist then it doesn't make any sense to have more penalties.

Edited by 20thStDad
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Separate legislation for hate crimes is bull. Murder is murder, assault is assault. Just because you do it out of racism doesn't make you more criminal than if you didn't, it just means you are a more ignorant, more idiotic criminal. Unless they also make it illegal to be a bigot racist then it doesn't make any sense to have more penalties.

I agree with you overall, but there has to be definite proof of the matter. If you are targeted SPECIFICALLY because of race or sexual preference, I believe a few more years should be tacked on, though. There has been instances of people targeting a specific race, or not targeting a specific race.

One of the most famous of these was when Malcolm X said after doing some crimes in his youth, that he would never commit a crime against a man of color.

Source: Biography of Malcolm X, by Alex Haley.

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I see your point, but how is that different than targeting anyone for murder? If you killed them chances are you aren't that fond of them, whether it be because of race or whatever. I hate tow truck drivers. If my car gets towed again and I go kill one, it's not some magically different crime called a hate crime. It's an idiot who did something illegal. It's not illegal to hate tow truck drivers, or to be an idiot racist, so being one shouldn't make other crimes MORE illegal.

I know this is off topic, I will stop now.

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I see your point, but how is that different than targeting anyone for murder? If you killed them chances are you aren't that fond of them, whether it be because of race or whatever. I hate tow truck drivers. If my car gets towed again and I go kill one, it's not some magically different crime called a hate crime. It's an idiot who did something illegal. It's not illegal to hate tow truck drivers, or to be an idiot racist, so being one shouldn't make other crimes MORE illegal.

I know this is off topic, I will stop now.

I don't think this is straying off topic TOO much.

While killing someone will generally prove you are not overly fond of them, it depends on the type of murder. You can kill someone on a whim, Circumstance, or dependent on a situation. Red can be far more eloquent than I can on this.

If you kill a friend, odds are you killed him over something stupid.

If you kill a stranger, the odds are there are circumstances that put you both in a situation that brought out the final result.

One of those situations could be picking out a victim and if you do this as a hobby or career, the pattern you leave will prove whether or not you are inclined to pick one demographic over another.

One doesn't go into the Montrose and strictly roll homosexuals because they don't particularly care for their fashion sense.

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