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Free bongs Warning - gross crime


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What's the point of using a human skull, is it supposed to be cool, or does it work well as a bong?

I'm trying to figure that one out, myself. Too many holes. Unless they're actually rigging it with tubing.

Ugh. Justy nasty. And talk about seriously twisted karma. Messing with the dead: bad idea.

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I'm trying to figure that one out, myself. Too many holes. Unless they're actually rigging it with tubing.

Ugh. Justy nasty. And talk about seriously twisted karma. Messing with the dead: bad idea.

Perhaps these two will get to relive an old Sam Kinison skit when they are being prepared for the Big Dirt Nap ?

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Perhaps these two will get to relive an old Sam Kinison skit when they are being prepared for the Big Dirt Nap ?

heh. dirt nap. I always liked the riff he did on the African famine, wondering why people just 'didn't live where the food was'. He was so over the top, but he was often very subtle so that most people either laughed, or hated him, but never really got it.

True story: a close friend of mine's former boyfriend was the eldest son of the family mortuary business in Kingman AZ, which is about an hour away from Needles, where Kinison was killed in the wreck. Teri (my friend) says that she and BF were hanging out, when pops called and asked if "you kids want to get down here" because they had the car going out to fetch Kinison's body and pops knew the kids were into that sort of humor and knew Kinison's story. They did not go see dead Sam.

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And talk about seriously twisted karma. Messing with the dead: bad idea.


They should force them to go dig up a relative of their own do the same and see how cool that makes them feel. :angry:

The epitome of "don't have a life".

They really need to bring back that "Scared Sraight" program. These little bastardos are going too far I tell ya.

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Personally, I wouldn't mind one bit if some kids turned my skull into a bong after I die, because I will be dead then.

Good info to know.....and I have a record of it right here. We'll just say you "willed" your head to me.

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Good info to know.....and I have a record of it right here. We'll just say you "willed" your head to me.

If you really want my head, I can make it official. I won't be using it after I die, so someone ought to get to enjoy it.

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If you really want my head, I can make it official. I won't be using it after I die, so someone ought to get to enjoy it.

I'm going to need some basic parameters to evaluate the present value of a memebag skull bong. How old are you, do you smoke, do you have any medical conditions, and does your family have a history of any kind of serious illness? And are you willing to provide a warranty on goods if they were to become damaged?

Provided that, I'll open the bidding at $20.01 (future value).

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If you really want my head, I can make it official. I won't be using it after I die, so someone ought to get to enjoy it.

I think the memehead's highest and best use would be to put little googly light-up eyes in the sockets, and wire it up so that it sits on a stake in the front yard, with a sound file connected to a motion sensor, so it can tell those damn kids to get off the lawn.

Maybe a little solar panel in, so it can double as attractive sidewalk light at night.

whaddya say, meme? Not bad for a legacy. ;)

Edited by crunchtastic
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I wonder if these young men were reacting to an upbringing defined by gated communities, shopping malls, and consumerism.

A disinterred skull might be real gross, but at least it's something real.

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I wonder if these young men were reacting to an upbringing defined by gated communities, shopping malls, and consumerism.

A disinterred skull might be real gross, but at least it's something real.

Ummm...that's kind of a stretch, don't you think?

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Ummm...that's kind of a stretch, don't you think?

Not at all.

Some find the superficial and sterile off-putting. Too bad these young people chose to rebel in such an inappropriate way.

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Not at all.

Some find the superficial and sterile off-putting. Too bad these young people chose to rebel in such an inappropriate way.

If this behavior were the least bit typical of any particular group of people, I might be willing to draw conclusions. But this is so totally random and freaky that I don't think it can be typified or assigned meaning; certainly not by people reading newspaper articles about it.

This isn't an auction. TJones spoke up first, so he gets my skull. Done deal, pal.


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If this behavior were the least bit typical of any particular group of people, I might be willing to draw conclusions. But this is so totally random and freaky that I don't think it can be typified or assigned meaning; certainly not by people reading newspaper articles about it.

It sounds very typical of the suburban stoners I hung out with in high school.

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It sounds very typical of the suburban stoners I hung out with in high school.

Yep, and it sounds typical of the thought processes of the stoners I hung out with in McAllen, too. Not many gated communities there (Sherryland not withstanding). But those guys didn't have the balls or work ethic to actually go out and get a skull.

Maybe that ought to be bigtex's conclusion. Suburbs are bad because the kids there have balls and a work ethic...just like Hitler.

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OK, OK, I'll raise my bid (future value) to $50.01. But not a penny more.

$50............for a memeskull ??? :blink: ..........now I think Niche was hangin' out with those punks , takin' a few hits himself. <_<

I have un nickelette and some lint from my pocket. Oh.......nevermind, I already won ? SWEET ! You will make an excellent doorstop my friend.

Not to fret, on occasion I will hold you in my palm, and recite some SHAKESPEARE !!!

Edited by TJones
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Maybe that ought to be bigtex's conclusion. Suburbs are bad because the kids there have balls and a work ethic...just like Hitler.

Did you take a course in Illogic?

First, I never mentioned nor alluded to a 'work ethic'. However, since you bring it up, there would be no illegal alien yard service industry if a work ethic was widespread among suburban kids.

Second, your role model is widely rumored to have had only one testicle. "Balls" gives him undue credit.

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Not to fret, on occasion I will hold you in my palm, and recite some SHAKESPERE !!!

thank the baby jeebus for you tube, because I'm going to have to see that.

But since we might be waiting a while for meme to vacate his skull....TJ make sure ownership transfers to your kid, just in case.

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