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clearly I missed out on some shenanigans at the Big Top. Sean Penn? Owls? Council Members?? :o

I was about 2 blocks down from Big Top at some Irish Pub across the street from Molly's, went to Warren's for awhile, then stopped and got a couple of slices at some pizza joint on Travis.

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Frank's Pizza for sure. That is some EXCELLENT stuff. At least in my stuper it sure seemed like it. How far is Big Top, I don't remember the name of the bar we were in. I just remember that Molly's and some club named HEAT were across the street. How far is Big Top from that. I asked a cop and he said it was only a couple of blocks. A really nice, and pretty bartender named Meagan works at this Irish Pub.

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Big Top is near Alabama in the same block as the Continental Club (just a few doors down).

30 blocks? haha

LOL! Glad I didn't attempt to go looking for it !!! That's what I get for asking a COP. I asked a cop where Big Top was. If you don't know Cop, just tell me you don't know, you stupid oinker !!!

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LOL! Glad I didn't attempt to go looking for it !!! That's what I get for asking a COP. I asked a cop where Big Top was. If you don't know Cop, just tell me you don't know, you stupid oinker !!!

Well jeez, if I'd known you were stopping off at Molly's/Warren's, I could have been talked into more socializing, since I drove home through that end of downtown. On second thought, I'm not sure I could keep up with you and your marine buddy, TJ!!

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i'm sitting here in my Mexican muumuu (the one i purchased on my honeymoon to prove that marriage really is the end of the fun)...

That is one of the saddest statements I've ever read.

Is there an extra big party at the Shiloh for the white linen festival, or whatever it's called, in August?

That's got community spirit + haif event written all over it.

What's the white linen festival?

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Did TJ bring his classic Cutlass??

TJ was in his OTHER gas guzzler. Ford Expedition. Cutlass is in the shop because of what was thought to be another thrown rod bearing, turned out to be melted plugwires and a couple of cracked sparkplugs. I don't know how it happened either. So, my garage pulled the engine and cracked it all opened for no reason. Good news is that I am throwing in a better torque converter and new HEI distributor and MSD ignition while I have it out.

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That is one of the saddest statements I've ever read.

You sure you're ready to come to the dark side? :lol:

It's pretty much the Heights 1st Saturday thing, but a little bigger, and everyone wears white linen (because it's so hot maybe?). We drove by last year, looked like a good time.


actually, it's not quite the same. it's based on a traditional New Orleans event from the garden district. as i understand it, some business owners who re-loed after Katrina wanted to start it up here. there is live music and different events all over the heights (vs 1st saturday which is just on 19th). it's a great night. it's too bad about the vandalism last year, but that wasn't paryt goers- that was punk kids with pellet guns and eggs taking advantage of people trying to enjoy themselves and be a part of a community.

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actually, it's not quite the same. it's based on a traditional New Orleans event from the garden district. as i understand it, some business owners who re-loed after Katrina wanted to start it up here. there is live music and different events all over the heights (vs 1st saturday which is just on 19th). it's a great night. it's too bad about the vandalism last year, but that wasn't paryt goers- that was punk kids with pellet guns and eggs taking advantage of people trying to enjoy themselves and be a part of a community.

First Saturday's events extend beyond just 19th. Thats why they have the free shuttle bus, to take residents to all the locales that have events going on. 19th is the most popular because of the Arts Market and abundance of quirky shop-ees in one spot, but many events take place place throughout.

White Linen is a great party. This year, coming August 2nd, should be a blast. Last year we started off with 8-10 folks at my place then walked to Onion Creek before catching the shuttle to 19th for an extended evening of wine tasting, live music, and street dancing. Another great tradition within the Heights and yet another reason why I have no desire to live anywhere else in the city.

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Would this be a good time to nominate this thread as the most complete and thorough thread hijacking of all time? :D

I think you spoke too soon, as a secondary hijack is underway and in full strength. This is now the official unofficial all-Heights activities thread.

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Just please don't try those linen trousers or shorts in white with no lining. Eww.

I had a friend once who was looking for a linen Yanni Top (all loose and flowy) and ended getting a super large ladies swimsuit coverup. If you go really large, you make it a man-muu.

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Just please don't try those linen trousers or shorts in white with no lining. Eww.

Why not?

I had a friend once who was looking for a linen Yanni Top (all loose and flowy) and ended getting a super large ladies swimsuit coverup. If you go really large, you make it a man-muu.

Mmmmm, man-muu.

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