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Use or Abuse?


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Annise Parker (City Controller) wrote an article which I think illustrates the frustrations that government officials encounter:link to article (OutSmart)

Well, if everyone were conscientious and reasonable, if everyone resolved to be a good neighbor and civic-minded citizen, things would be easier. Let me describe a real world problem. Think about how I tried to solve it, and what you might have done instead.

Problem The owner of a local restaurant contacts me and complains that he is being harassed by city inspectors. For months, someone has been calling in anonymous complaints. The restaurant has been visited by the health department, the fire marshals, parking management, the solid waste department, etc. Each time the inspectors come (sometimes just days apart), the restaurant is shut down during the inspection, costing time and money. Nothing but a few minor technical violations have ever been found, and most inspections find no violations.

Response I contact the various inspectors, and they confirm the restaurateur's story. They believe the calls come from the same source and feel someone is using the various city inspection divisions to harass the restaurant owner, but they are required to respond to all “legitimate” complaints and cannot ignore the calls.

Solutions No business should be exempt from regulation, but it costs the city time and money to conduct an inspection. The initial complaints were anonymous. I ask that, in the future, only sworn complaints be taken for this location and that a supervisor approve all inspections. City officials agree.

I encourage you to read the rest of the article: interesting stuff.

Some of you may be familiar with this sort of harressment; it caused the demise of the beloved Ale House.

Shouldn't the jerks who abuse city services be held accountable? After all, we prosecute those who abuse the 9-1-1 emergency lines.

PS: any guesses as to whom she's referring?

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Sounds like Annabelle's - formerly the Fox Diner - on Taft. I think the property is now Lucio's.

Here is a related Chron article, and here is a later Chron article mentioning Duwaji and Rhodes Place.


Thanks for the links. Duwaji ranks up there with Krusty the Klown in self-promotion.

AWWW!! He feeds stray dogs!

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