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Michael Moore Should burn in hell


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A Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush on the Eve of War

by Michael Moore (published March 17, 2003)


"The majority of Americans -- the ones who never elected you -- are not fooled by your weapons of mass distraction. We know what the real issues are that affect our daily lives -- and none of them begin with I or end in Q. Here's what threatens us: two and a half million jobs lost since you took office, the stock market having become a cruel joke, no one knowing if their retirement funds are going to be there, gas now costs almost two dollars -- the list goes on and on. Bombing Iraq will not make any of this go away. Only you need to go away for things to improve."

It didn't take a Nostradamus to proclaim that Bush's policies were doomed to failure. It did take a patriot, and Mr. Moore has served admirably in that capacity.

PS: ricco, thanks for starting this as a new topic, rather than hijacking the Madonna thread! :)

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It didn't take a Nostradamus to proclaim that Bush's policies were doomed to failure. It did take a patriot, and Mr. Moore has served admirably in that capacity.

I don't think I'd go so far as to say "patriot." I don't see a lot of original thinking or leadership coming from him. Mostly what I see are other people's thoughts shouted loud. But then I probably don't pay as much attention to him as the average American.

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A Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush on the Eve of War

by Michael Moore (published March 17, 2003)


"The majority of Americans -- the ones who never elected you -- are not fooled by your weapons of mass distraction. We know what the real issues are that affect our daily lives -- and none of them begin with I or end in Q. Here's what threatens us: two and a half million jobs lost since you took office, the stock market having become a cruel joke, no one knowing if their retirement funds are going to be there, gas now costs almost two dollars -- the list goes on and on. Bombing Iraq will not make any of this go away. Only you need to go away for things to improve."

It didn't take a Nostradamus to proclaim that Bush's policies were doomed to failure. It did take a patriot, and Mr. Moore has served admirably in that capacity.

PS: ricco, thanks for starting this as a new topic, rather than hijacking the Madonna thread! :)

You're calling MM a patriot? What's the weather like in hell today? Getting colder I bet.

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I don't think I'd go so far as to say "patriot." I don't see a lot of original thinking or leadership coming from him. Mostly what I see are other people's thoughts shouted loud. But then I probably don't pay as much attention to him as the average American.

In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

-Mark Twain, 1905

The thoughts expressed in Mr. Moore's letter don't seem very radical today. At the time he wrote it, many people accused him of being traitorous. The person who yells "Fire!" in a crowded theater isn't beloved, either - until people see the flames for themselves.

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Moore is not a patriot anymore than Al Sharpton is a man of the people.

Michael Moore is a BLATANT liar. In every single one of his movies there are numerous blatant fabrications, quotations taken out of context, as well as having things presented in such a way to mean one thing, when they meant something completely different.

Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit and Sicko are the worst of the bunch. Roger and Me is probably the least egregious.

The man is a liar who tells stories to make money. He is NOT a patriot. Speaking out is one thing. Being a flat out liar is another.

You can love your country without loving its leaders.

You absolutely can. I don't particularly care for George Bush. But I also know he isn't the worst President we've ever had and I also find him to be genuine (even if he is wrong). Which is more than can be said for most politicians.

That doesn't make Michael Moore anything more than a liar. To have someone who is such a blatant liar try to call the President a liar is just laughable to me.

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Speaking out is one thing. Being a flat out liar is another.

Saying he's a liar six times doesn't make the point six times as credible.

I agree that some people will say anything (including citing dubious statistics to make a point), as can be seen in this post

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Saying he's a liar six times doesn't make the point six times as credible.

I agree that some people will say anything (including citing dubious statistics to make a point), as can be seen in this post

Just like saying YOU haven't seen something happen doesn't mean the other accounts aren't true.

Michael Moore is, in fact, a liar. All you have to do is read any of the NUMEROUS writings which go in to great detail as to the depth of his lies and half truths.

So soon we forget the COMPLETELY SET UP gun from a bank scene in bowling where he asserts that someone was able to just walk in and get a gun. There is also the part where he mentions Charlton Heston's speech at the NRA rally following the Columbine attacks and he overlays an audio clip from a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT rally. Go figure. That is five minutes of ONE movie with two BLATANT lies.

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In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

-Mark Twain, 1905

The thoughts expressed in Mr. Moore's letter don't seem very radical today. At the time he wrote it, many people accused him of being traitorous. The person who yells "Fire!" in a crowded theater isn't beloved, either - until people see the flames for themselves.

If you're using that logic, you might as well include George W. Bush.

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Just like saying YOU haven't seen something happen doesn't mean the other accounts aren't true.

If this cryptic remark is in reference to the quoted link, it's account, singular.


So soon we forget the COMPLETELY SET UP gun from a bank scene in bowling where he asserts that someone was able to just walk in and get a gun.

When you see me going in to the bank and walking out with my new gun in "Bowling for Columbine" – that is exactly as it happened. Nothing was done out of the ordinary other than to phone ahead and ask permission to let me bring a camera in to film me opening up my account. I walked into that bank in northern Michigan for the first time ever on that day in June 2001, and, with cameras rolling, gave the bank teller $1,000 – and opened up a 20-year CD account. After you see me filling out the required federal forms ("How do you spell Caucasian?") – which I am filling out here for the first time – the bank manager faxed it to the bank's main office for them to do the background check. The bank is a licensed federal arms dealer and thus can have guns on the premises and do the instant background checks (the ATF's Federal Firearms database—which includes all federally approved gun dealers—lists North Country Bank with Federal Firearms License #4-38-153-01-5C-39922).

Within 10 minutes, the "OK" came through from the firearms background check agency and, 5 minutes later, just as you see it in the film, they handed me a Weatherby Mark V Magnum rifle (If you'd like to see the outtakes, click here).


That doesn't seem "completely set up" to me.

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I think that Moore is trash, but I like his movies because it pisses off a lot of other trashes.

I would take trash like moore who only whines out loud compare to the trash who actually made the country such a mess today. And I am not just talking about the trash in the whitehouse, I am also talking about the trash that help put them there. These idiots are equally responsible for making a mess of our country.

EDIT, so thank you moore.

Edited by webdude
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If you're using that logic, you might as well include George W. Bush.

I'll include him when those weapons of mass destruction turn up.

Until then, someone who yells "Fire!" in a crowded theater when there is none is, at best, a jerk, and at worst a criminal.

Let me rephrase that: it makes him a criminal, period.

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I'll include him when those weapons of mass destruction turn up.

Until then, someone who yells "Fire!" in a crowded theater when there is none is, at best, a jerk, and at worst a criminal.

Let me rephrase that: it makes him a criminal, period.

Nope. Sorry, Mark Twain didn't put in any conditions to his statements.

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Nope. Sorry, Mark Twain didn't put in any conditions to his statements.

But he did.

"When his cause succeeds.."

Saying that Bush's cause has succeeded is, IMHO, premature.

It was unclear to me whether you were questioning my logic or Twain's. Glad to hear it wasn't mine. ;)

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But he did.

"When his cause succeeds.."

Saying that Bush's cause has succeeded is, IMHO, premature.

It was unclear to me whether you were questioning my logic or Twain's. Glad to hear it wasn't mine. ;)

Well, then you must make the same statement with MM. What did he succeed at? If he succeeded, then what did he succeed at?

Disclosure: I don't like bush, but I don't like moore either.

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Well, then you must make the same statement with MM. What did he succeed at? If he succeeded, then what did he succeed at?

Disclosure: I don't like bush, but I don't like moore either.

I didn't say he succeeded at anything. The cause he supported has succeeded, which is to say that it has gained wider public acceptance - which I think was Twain's point.

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I think Michael Moore probably lies a little more than most documentary film makers, but just a little. All films lie. His films aren't so notable for their inaccuracies, but for their success in the marketplace. Getting more than a handful of people to pay to see a documentary is very, very difficult.

I liked "Roger & Me", but haven't been as fond of the rest. I still don't understand why he made "Bowling for Columbine".

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I think MM is a waste of flesh to be honest with you. Except for two of his films (Bowling for Columbine and Roger and me) the rest of them were very slanted and way off base.

There. I said it. :)

What isn't slanted these days. <_<

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