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Loudest Thunder


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What is the loudest thunder you ever heard? For me, the loudest thunders I have heard were late at night, while I am asleep.

I remember this one middle of the night storm in September of 1996. There was a storm northwest of Houston, which was forecasted to be weakened. Of course, it turned out it strengthened as it moved over Houston. I heard a really loud clap of thunder, the loudest I have heard in my life. It kept thundering every second for the next 30 minutes. Than the next thing, dead silence. The strange part was there was little rain falling. That same storm caused flooding in Pasadena.

Edited by Ptarmigan
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I love it when the thunder is loud enough to set off car alarms... for about 10 seconds, then I am annoyed that no one is turning off their car alarms. I have been known to sleep through hail, lightning, and really loud thunder. If one wakes me up it'll be because the roof just got blown off.

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One of the loudest (and definately the weirdest) struck only about 50 feet from where I was standing. Not only did it make my ears ring, it was green!

The weirdest lightning strike I've been through was one particular storm where my building got hit about 20 times. There's a serious lightning arrestor system on the building that I don't pretend to understand. But instead of the huge boom I was expecting... it was a sizzle.

I'd be sitting in my apartment -- even facing away from the windows and there would be this incredible light. My entire field of vision turned white. And it was followed by a sizzling noise kind of half-way between bacon and one of those "rain sticks" you used to find at the Discovery Channel Store.

It's only happened in one storm so far. I'm looking forward to the next time, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember when I was standing in the garage watching our street flood, and then there was just a blinding flash of green light, and a deafening boom. The next thing I knew I was laying on my back on the garage floor. It struck the tree in our front yard. It was so powerful it fried the electronics in my parent's cars.

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The creepiest kind is when it starts out like a slow sounding CrAcKiNg eerie sound then goes BOOM! Then the car alarms go off, etc. Seem like could measure on the richter scale. :o

The worse must be when a twister or hurricane is quite near.

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  • 7 months later...
The creepiest kind is when it starts out like a slow sounding CrAcKiNg eerie sound then goes BOOM! Then the car alarms go off, etc. Seem like could measure on the richter scale. :o

The worse must be when a twister or hurricane is quite near.

I have heard those. Those are downright creepy because it comes so suddenly. I remember a few storms like that and the car alarm goes off.

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I remember once when I was a kid, a storm was moving in. At the exact moment the weatherman was on, and there it was the loudest, biggest burst of thunder I ever heard in my live. Never been a louder once since. It shook you. It was enough to make the weatherman go Damn! And that was good confirmation that the weather report was indeed live. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I first moved to the Houston area, in Cypresswood (then, "forest") in Spring back in the early 90's, lightning struck the one pine tree we had on our front lawn. All of our bedroom windows faced it, and I remember thinking when the blinding light was there, I thought it was the end.

The next day, an a neat little radius, bark covered our lawn. The lightning spiraled down the tree, and the sap dripped for days. I was very interested in that because I never thought lightning would strike a tree.

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What happened to the horse?

There was an episode of the "Beverly Hillbillies" were Granny wanted to race Mrs. Driesdale's horse. Jethro brought home a horse destined for the rendering plant named "Ole' Glue Pot". After Granny fed the horse some of her "rheumatoid XXX medicine" they promptly changed it's name to "Lightning". The episode ended with "Lighting" winning the race by a long shot. Classic comedy at it's best.

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