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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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    • Barack Obama
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All of the polls nowadays are staying pretty consistent in Obama's favor. The last election, Kerry started losing ground around this time right? Obama is gaining (according to the new Gallup).

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All of the polls nowadays are staying pretty consistent in Obama's favor. The last election, Kerry started losing ground around this time right? Obama is gaining (according to the new Gallup).

Maybe not for long... Look at what is #1 on the NY Times Best Seller List:

The Obama Nation (play on "Abomination")


#1. The same guy who "Swiftboated" John Kerry, is now doing the same to Obama.

In this book, I intend to argue that an Obama presidency would lead us into an

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Maybe not for long... Look at what is #1 on the NY Times Best Seller List:

The Obama Nation (play on "Abomination")


#1. The same guy who "Swiftboated" John Kerry, is now doing the same to Obama.

In this book, I intend to argue that an Obama presidency would lead us into an "Obama Nation." The play on words is fully intended, because Obama's radical leftist politics, driven by the cult of personality he has intentionally manufactured, would be an abomination in that the result of those policies would be to lead the United States in a costly and self-destructive direction, both at home and abroad. After an Obama presidency, we would be a militarily weakened and economically diminished nation. Instead of being more united, our internal conflicts could well become more sharpened and more abrasive from four years of Obama leadership.

...and then there is MediaMatters to the rescue...


Summary: In its preface, Jerome Corsi compares his new book, The Obama Nation, to his 2004 book Unfit for Command. The comparison seems apt: Just as Unfit for Command contains false attacks on Sen. John Kerry's military service, a Media Matters review finds that The Obama Nation similarly contains numerous falsehoods about Sen. Barack Obama.

Doesn't matter how true (or false) the book is... it will do damage. Especially if it is used in attack ads.

Yeah, what a load of garbage that was. He was just ripped apart on Larry King.

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Uh, the Hilton's gave the maximum amount of money to McCain's campaign. Then they pooed all over their daughter in one of their ads.

Comparing one's daughter to the "likeable" Obama, how is that getting "pooed" on ? I thought Obama was your boy, the second coming to hear Trae tell it, or is he really just a flash in the pan, like McCain's camp would make him out to be ? :huh:

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Comparing one's daughter to the "likeable" Obama, how is that getting "pooed" on ? I thought Obama was your boy, the second coming to hear Trae tell it, or is he really just a flash in the pan, like McCain's camp would make him out to be ? :huh:

This post is all over the place my man. What are you trying to say?

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This post is all over the place my man. What are you trying to say?

If Obama is such a great guy, then why is it getting "pooed" on if you are being compared to him ? Wouldn't it be just the opposite ? Trae, if I compare you to Obama's "rockstar" fame, is that pooing on you ?

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If Obama is such a great guy, then why is it getting "pooed" on if you are being compared to him ? Wouldn't it be just the opposite ? Trae, if I compare you to Obama's "rockstar" fame, is that pooing on you ?

You have an interesting, and different way of looking at it.

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You have an interesting, and different way of looking at it.

Thanks, now can you answer the question?

BTW, here is the ad in question. If anyone can see it, please point out the "offending" part.

name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

Edited by TJones
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If Obama is such a great guy, then why is it getting "pooed" on if you are being compared to him ? Wouldn't it be just the opposite ? Trae, if I compare you to Obama's "rockstar" fame, is that pooing on you ?

Actually, I was not offended by the ad. I thought it reflected more on McCain's fear of dealing with the issues more than Obama's problems. In most elections, the popular candidate gets more votes. McCain's ad conceded that he was a "grumpy old man, but vote for me anyway". How bad does your campaign have to suck if that's your strategy?

I wish people would pay more attention to the fact that McCain was advocating war with Russia a couple of days ago, rather than whether being a celebrity is good or bad.

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Yeah, what a load of garbage that was. He was just ripped apart on Larry King.

Oooh, Larry King ripping the right, now THAT is news....where's that barfing emoticon when I need it? And I bet lots of dems get ripped apart by Bill O'Reilly too. Make that 750,038 reasons to not watch any news.

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Oooh, Larry King ripping the right, now THAT is news....where's that barfing emoticon when I need it? And I bet lots of dems get ripped apart by Bill O'Reilly too. Make that 750,038 reasons to not watch any news.


Larry King was balanced. Still, maybe you should watch it first.

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Larry King was balanced. Still, maybe you should watch it first.

Oh I'm not even saying he wasn't completely accurate and right on. I'm just displaying my disdain for tv news. For a proper judgment, yes, I should watch it first. I just get so mad when I see any kind of reporter lean so heavily, in general, to one side.

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Isn't there already an inheritance tax? I'm sorry but that is so freakin dumb. That money has already been taxed, to tax it again is bull.

Sales tax is a tax on already-taxed goods. So is property tax, corporate tax, pretty much every kind of tax. So all taxes are freakin dumb?

Why do people get so emotional about this one issue that won't affect them? It is not less just than any other tax they have to pay.

Edited by westguy
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Sales tax is a tax on already-taxed goods. So is property tax, corporate tax, pretty much every kind of tax. So all taxes are freakin dumb?

Why do people get so emotional about this one issue that won't affect them? It is not less just than any other tax they have to pay.

And you'll get taxed when you spend your inheritance money, so no loss to the government. But looking at it as income, I don't think you should tax income twice just because someone died. Why should the government get any piece of what someone spent their life building, just because they are dead now? If the assets are not monetary, inheritance becomes nothing but a burden since you would have to sell a portion just to keep the rest. Unless I don't understand how it works, which is quite possible because I have not researched it one bit.

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Sales tax is a tax on already-taxed goods. So is property tax, corporate tax, pretty much every kind of tax. So all taxes are freakin dumb?

Why do people get so emotional about this one issue that won't affect them? It is not less just than any other tax they have to pay.

It isn't that all taxes are dumb. It's that multiple forms of taxation for the same kinds of government services are dumb.

At the federal level, all we need is a VAT.

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It isn't that all taxes are dumb. It's that multiple forms of taxation for the same kinds of government services are dumb.

At the federal level, all we need is a VAT.

Feh. Taxes are punishment. We should tax everything we want to discourage. Taxing inheritance is a good example of that. Accumulated family wealth should be discouraged in a meritocracy.

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McCain! Sorry Obama, I won't let you tax my inheritance!!!!

Because we all know that under John McCain, no one will pay inheritance tax.

I just look at the ever so slight, and not even guaranteed, tax "increase" under the Democrats as a necessary fee to keep the Republicans out of my bedroom. I will gladly pay. And that doesn't mean that I necessarily vote Democratic, but it does mean that no way in hell will I vote Republican.

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Well, Montrose, if you are particularly industrious and devious, you can maximize your own inheritance. Of course, there is one minor drawback. It involves ensuring that your parents die in 2010, the one year that the estate tax is reduced to zero. Miss it by even a day, and your exemption is ONLY $1 million (remind me to feel sorry for you), starting in 2011.

By the way, McCain won't save your inheritance, either. With Democratic majorities in both houses, and virtually assured to stay that way for several years, and with the next president assured of staring at breathtakingly large record deficits of $600 Billion or more, there will be no appetite for taking away ANY source of revenue. I recommend learning to live off of your $1 million (plus 45% of the remainder) in unearned income. Be strong. You can do it. Call me if you need any help.

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Well, Montrose, if you are particularly industrious and devious, you can maximize your own inheritance. Of course, there is one minor drawback. It involves ensuring that your parents die in 2010, the one year that the estate tax is reduced to zero. Miss it by even a day, and your exemption is ONLY $1 million (remind me to feel sorry for you), starting in 2011.

By the way, McCain won't save your inheritance, either. With Democratic majorities in both houses, and virtually assured to stay that way for several years, and with the next president assured of staring at breathtakingly large record deficits of $600 Billion or more, there will be no appetite for taking away ANY source of revenue. I recommend learning to live off of your $1 million (plus 45% of the remainder) in unearned income. Be strong. You can do it. Call me if you need any help.

Ah, see, I learn something if I pay attention. I really do know nothing about this, like I said. I am pretty sure I'll be ok living with that $1 million exemption level. I assumed (yeah, I know) there was tax on all inheritance. From that I suppose there is not...no?

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Ah, see, I learn something if I pay attention. I really do know nothing about this, like I said. I am pretty sure I'll be ok living with that $1 million exemption level. I assumed (yeah, I know) there was tax on all inheritance. From that I suppose there is not...no?

No, never has been. This year, the exemption is $2 million. Next year, it rises to $3.5 million. In 2010, ALL of the inheritance is exempt. Then in 2011, it drops back to $1 million.

The reason they did it that way is that if the exemption was done away with altogether, the budget deficit predictions would have been through the roof. So, Bush recommended a temporary exemption, hoping to come back later and make them permanent. He did the same thing with the income tax rates, proving that even Bush knows that his tax rates are unsustainable to run the country in the black.

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Well, Montrose, if you are particularly industrious and devious, you can maximize your own inheritance. Of course, there is one minor drawback. It involves ensuring that your parents die in 2010, the one year that the estate tax is reduced to zero. Miss it by even a day, and your exemption is ONLY $1 million (remind me to feel sorry for you), starting in 2011.

By the way, McCain won't save your inheritance, either. With Democratic majorities in both houses, and virtually assured to stay that way for several years, and with the next president assured of staring at breathtakingly large record deficits of $600 Billion or more, there will be no appetite for taking away ANY source of revenue. I recommend learning to live off of your $1 million (plus 45% of the remainder) in unearned income. Be strong. You can do it. Call me if you need any help.

Well I was semi-kidding... But I'm voting for McCain because He seems like a better leader then Obama. Obama is a good speaker, but I don't think he has the cahones to get things done. Whatever those things may be.

To be honest, both candidates suck. I'm just choosing which I think is better out of the two. And unfortunately, thats how its been since I can remember. And I'm sure it will be that way from now on.

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Well I was semi-kidding... But I'm voting for McCain because He seems like a better leader then Obama. Obama is a good speaker, but I don't think he has the cahones to get things done. Whatever those things may be.

To be honest, both candidates suck. I'm just choosing which I think is better out of the two. And unfortunately, thats how its been since I can remember. And I'm sure it will be that way from now on.

We would be at war with Russian right now if McCain was president.

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We would be at war with Russian right now if McCain was president.

No we would not... We're not going to war with Iran either. We just need to come to an agreement about their Nuclear energy, like they should let U.S. scientists run it, so we don't get scared that they would develop nuclear bombs. If they really wanted some, why not just ask their Russian friends?

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No we would not... We're not going to war with Iran either. We just need to come to an agreement about their Nuclear energy, like they should let U.S. scientists run it, so we don't get scared that they would develop nuclear bombs. If they really wanted some, why not just ask their Russian friends?

Did you not see McCain's response to Russia last week?

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Did you not see McCain's response to Russia last week?
"McCain is taking a tougher stance on Russia because dealing with Russia can be like talking to a wall. You never know what Obama plans to do because he keeps on flip-flopping and only holds three years of Senate experience. Plus Obama's plan is exactly what Russia wants to be approached by, because it takes no action agaisnt Russain military ambitions." - Nicolas Garofono, a response to an Across the Pond article on the Russian/Georgian situation.
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"In the 21st century, nations don't invade other nations."

Really John, memory issues?

With our military stretched to the breaking point is there anything we can to with Russia besides talking tough? Maybe Russia wouldn't be so bold if our position wasn't weakened by our "non-invasion" (according to McCain) of Iraq? Besides Putin has no respect for our leadership. Starting with Bush's "I looked into his eyes" nonsense Putin knew he was dealing with a mental lightweight. He probably sees a leader in the Bush mold when he looks at McCain.

Edited by west20th
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