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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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Yes, everyone knows. A CNN commentator brought that up and then they collectively agreed that is part of the reason she gave a slap in the face to the media in her speech, b/c they admitted that they didn't say the same thing about the speeches by the democrats. And don't act like the dems aren't using the same rhetoric and have the same positions as before. It's not change. It's change from Bush, but not change from dem views. They're saying the same stuff they did four years ago too.

And the Repubs are not change from Bush.

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Yes, everyone knows. A CNN commentator brought that up and then they collectively agreed that is part of the reason she gave a slap in the face to the media in her speech, b/c they admitted that they didn't say the same thing about the speeches by the democrats. And don't act like the dems aren't using the same rhetoric and have the same positions as before. It's not change. It's change from Bush, but not change from dem views. They're saying the same stuff they did four years ago too.

That's all I need to know Obama/Biden '08.

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If she wanted her family out of the public eye, especially given that she has an underage pregnant daughter, she shouldn't have gotten into this.

Again, SPOT ON.

Also, last time I checked, Obama is on PUBLIC RECORD saying families are off limits and that he was disgusted that this private matter was even in the news. Regardless of what many on here think, Obama can't control the media nor can he control public opinion.

And, for Jeebus, what I would like rather than a mean girl would be one that actually talks about the issues.

Words and phrases found in last night's speech include the following;

Pollsters, Pundits, Hockey Mom, PTA, her kid's names, small town, focus groups, Washington elite, a servant's heart, eBay, styrofoam Greek columns, gal, victory in Iraq is finally in sight ?????, Hanoi, grace of God, and community organizer.

Words and phrases NOT found in last nigth's speech include the following;

Health care, federal deficit, mortgage crisis, affordable education, public education, Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, economy, equal pay, minimum wage, Supreme Court, Hurricane Katrina, Iran, and so much more.

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I'm just surprised people will so easily follow someone just because it's different, it's change. As if just because it's different that it's better.

It's not as if people are following Obama blindly. He spelled out what that change is pretty well in his speech last week. That is why people think it is better.


Sarah Palin: Seriously?


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I'm just surprised people will so easily follow someone just because it's different, it's change. As if just because it's different that it's better.

It's better than the garbage we have now...which is what you want more of.

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It's better than the garbage we have now...which is what you want more of.

Here we go again ...

... my candidate is better than your candidate.

I am really sick of politics and will be happy, Obama or McCain elected, when this is all over (And you have to admit, it will not mean a hill of beans for the average person because we'll all be getting screwed by Washington anyhow).

At least this topic can die a happy death.

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I'm just surprised people will so easily follow someone just because it's different, it's change. As if just because it's different that it's better.

I don't think you're being honest with yourself. Obama ran on getting us out of Iraq, focusing our military efforts on Afghanistan, improving health care, improving our relations with the rest of the world, middle class tax cuts and a bunch of other changes that appeal to people who are sick of Bush. They don't want different for the sake of different, they want different because they think it will make this a better country to live in. If you're honest with yourself you'll be able to see that, even if you don't agree with them.

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It's not as if people are following Obama blindly. He spelled out what that change is pretty well in his speech last week. That is why people think it is better.


Sarah Palin: Seriously?


So why don't Obama supporters just say the real reason why they're voting for him...his policies?? It's not really about change. It's about getting what they haven't had in eight years. I'm fine with that. But to think that just b/c it's different that it's better is not very smart. I'm not saying that's what all Obama supporters are doing, but that's his theme.

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Here we go again ...

... my candidate is better than your candidate.

I am really sick of politics and will be happy, Obama or McCain elected, when this is all over (And you have to admit, it will not mean a hill of beans for the average person because we'll all be getting screwed by Washington anyhow).

At least this topic can die a happy death.

that's nice. it's the truth though, especially if McCain votes with Bush 90% of the time. seriously.

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I am really sick of politics and will be happy, Obama or McCain elected, when this is all over (And you have to admit, it will not mean a hill of beans for the average person because we'll all be getting screwed by Washington anyhow).

Not if one of them does something to fix our health care system. That would spare us from this shocking artifact:

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I don't think you're being honest with yourself. Obama ran on getting us out of Iraq, focusing our military efforts on Afghanistan, improving health care, improving our relations with the rest of the world, middle class tax cuts and a bunch of other changes that appeal to people who are sick of Bush. They don't want different for the sake of different, they want different because they think it will make this a better country to live in. If you're honest with yourself you'll be able to see that, even if you don't agree with them.

Ok, I'll agree with that. I guess Obama supporters just got sucked into continuously repeating his slogan of change instead of bringing up what the change actually is.

I'm not repeating "country first" or whatever the republicans slogan is.

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I really think a lot of people just don't like Obama and they say they don't like his policies.

I heard a co-worker today spouting off that he probably would be better off under Obama, but just couldn't see himself (a life-long Republican) voting for Obama.

Now that is just plain stupid!

Obama: 298

McCain: 227

Ties: 13



Palin laughs at them.

What does pink, and white represent?

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I don't think you're being honest with yourself. Obama ran on getting us out of Iraq, focusing our military efforts on Afghanistan, improving health care, improving our relations with the rest of the world, middle class tax cuts and a bunch of other changes that appeal to people who are sick of Bush. They don't want different for the sake of different, they want different because they think it will make this a better country to live in. If you're honest with yourself you'll be able to see that, even if you don't agree with them.

So just where has he spelled out how he is going to pull all of this off. He did say he had a plan to get 151 billion dollar surplus from somewhere, I guess the money tree behind the White House. He stated today that none of the Republicans in the past couple of days have said what they were going to do, nor how they were going to do it. Well he's made a lot of promises, but has showed nothing of any idea of how he is going to do it. And again today he talked to O'Reilly about the possibility of US military invasions in Iran. Yet they (Obama and Hillary) were just bashing Bush and McCain for talking about the same thing. It's all a bunch of crap from both sides, if you think ANYONE is going to walk into Washington and make some kind of huge change, to are dreaming, WAKE UP! Before all those crooks let someone break up their parties, they will either have them killed or impeach them.

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So why don't Obama supporters just say the real reason why they're voting for him...his policies?? It's not really about change.

It is if his policies are different from the current policies. Are you using some new definition of the word "change"?

So just where has he spelled out how he is going to pull all of this off.

His web site is a good place to look.

It's all a bunch of crap from both sides, if you think ANYONE is going to walk into Washington and make some kind of huge change, to are dreaming, WAKE UP! Before all those crooks let someone break up their parties, they will either have them killed or impeach them.

You sound like you need a big, warm mug of hope.

Seriously, people make government. People can make it better. Or worse.

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She strikes me as one of those women who confuses being a tough delicate flower with having authentic power or leadership.

I also think she realizes she's playing to a bunch of old white men who want to give her a spanking for being a mouthy girl, but I wonder if she realizes the extent to which she's getting played. The men in charge of her political future don't think for a second she's capable of real leadership, nor do they care. She's a means to an end. And what a cynical move at that. Is it possible that the McCain handlers have beaten Karl Rove at his own game?

Actually, crunch, I believe she DOES know that she is being played. But, by allowing that, she is getting what she wants too. I do not acuse her of being stupid, at least not in the world of small town male dominated politics. There is just a world of difference between showing a bit of leg and giving a mischievous wink in a state with fewer women than inside Loop 610, and taking on the likes of Chavez, Putin and Ahmadinejad. There are a lot of things to like about small town life, chief amongst them the slower pace. And, plenty of the US's finest leaders have been produced by our small towns. But, none of the walked straight out of the small town onto the international stage. They worked their way into it.

Palin is not only the youngest person in the race, she has the slimmest resume, as well as the least experience dealing with weighty issues. I don't care how many jokes she makes about it, mayor of a town of 6,000 is a part-time job. Even she said "it is not rocket science". And, prior to her 20 months as governor of Fort Worth...umm...Alaska, she was unemployed for 3 years.

While Palin claims to have "taken on GOP corruption" in Alaska, it might also be a cover for the fact that she does not get along with others. In her short career in politics, she has threatened to fire the town librarian, fired her police chief, quit the oil and gas commision after serving only 1 year, threatened the Public Safety chief if he did not fire her ex-brother-in-law, then fired him. Since it is imperative that a person of limited experience surround herself with experienced advisors, Palin's behavior should be a concern, as it suggests that she does not take advice from others, and uses threats of termination to those who disagree.

None of this is much of a problem, so long as John McCain does not die in office. With the issues facing the country, and McCain's age and health concerns, these should be big concerns.

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In fairness to Palin, that speech was written by George W. Bush's former speechwriter, so the lying might be more accurately be described as a continuation of Bush's lies and exagerations. Palin merely read the speech from a teleprompter. And, she read it well, by all accounts, as one would expect a journalist like herself to do, even if she expresses disdain for those same journalists today.

Is this a common theme for her? She lambastes corrupt Republicans while running as a Republican for governor. She chastises journalists, though she was educated and employed as a journalist. She criticizes lobbyists, earmarks and pork, though she employed a lobbyist with ties to Jack Abramof to secure earmarks and pork for Wasilla, she supported the bridge to nowhere, and once the earmark was approved (as a block grant) spent the money on other projects, and quit the oil and gas commission due to their lack of ethics, while firing others who would not crater to her ethically challenged demands.

At least she is consistent.

Edited by RedScare
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Ok, I'll agree with that. I guess Obama supporters just got sucked into continuously repeating his slogan of change instead of bringing up what the change actually is.

I'm not repeating "country first" or whatever the republicans slogan is.

Lockmat, I don't agree with you on too many things, but I really respect that you think things over and don't have a knee-jerk response to (most!) issues.

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Again, where was the substance?

The only specifics she got into were about drilling. Nothing about health care. Nothing about education. Nothing about Osama bin Laden. Nothing about the mortgage crisis. Nothing about the federal deficit. Nothing about education. Nothing about equal pay for equal work or the minimum wage. Nothing about Iran. Nothing about Afghanistan. Nothing about funding Iraq. Nothing about Supreme Court nominations. Basically, NOTHING.

We've had 8 years of nothing and no plans to change. McCain better bring something more to the table other than jokes, mistruths, and character assassinations.

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Again, where was the substance?

The only specifics she got into were about drilling. Nothing about health care. Nothing about education. Nothing about Osama bin Laden. Nothing about the mortgage crisis. Nothing about the federal deficit. Nothing about education. Nothing about equal pay for equal work or the minimum wage. Nothing about Iran. Nothing about Afghanistan. Nothing about funding Iraq. Nothing about Supreme Court nominations. Basically, NOTHING.

We've had 8 years of nothing and no plans to change. McCain better bring something more to the table other than jokes, mistruths, and character assassinations.

I totally agree with you! But in fairness, isn't this John McCain's argument to make? I mean, he's the one with his name in the presidential slot and should be the one espousing his policy issues. She (and Biden) are really like value added fluffer.

But I agree ... the constant attacks on Obama are weak and annoying, especially when they are not backed up with their proposed solutions.

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Lockmat, I don't agree with you on too many things, but I really respect that you think things over and don't have a knee-jerk response to (most!) issues.

I've gotta swallow hard sometimes, but I want to be fair. It's annoying when people just won't concede on certain things, just b/c it might go against their party.

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I've gotta swallow hard sometimes, but I want to be fair. It's annoying when people just won't concede on certain things, just b/c it might go against their party.

People cling to their parties like ... they cling to ... their guns and bibles.

(I couldn't resist).

And I am not just talking right-wing or Republicans. Everyone does it. It's like football.

We all want 'our' team to win and be-damned if someone is gonna run ramshack over our quarterback.


This whole race to the white house is hilarious, and the joke is being played on us.

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