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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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    • Barack Obama
    • John McCain
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October surprise:


It's amazing just how much is being uncovered on the candidate we knew so little about just a week ago.



Wouldn't it be cool if we actually got to hear Gov. Palin answer a question during an interview? She's been the GOP VP pick for a week, yet no one has heard her utter a word that is not on a script. We've had 19 months to watch Obama get raked over the coals by the media. John McCain has been asked his opinions for 28 years. Joe Biden for 36. Yet, with 60 days until election day, we don't know anything about Gov. Palin other than that she can read a teleprompter...oh, and give surfer hand signs and campaign rallies.

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Wouldn't it be cool if we actually got to hear Gov. Palin answer a question during an interview? She's been the GOP VP pick for a week, yet no one has heard her utter a word that is not on a script. We've had 19 months to watch Obama get raked over the coals by the media. John McCain has been asked his opinions for 28 years. Joe Biden for 36. Yet, with 60 days until election day, we don't know anything about Gov. Palin other than that she can read a teleprompter...oh, and give surfer hand signs and campaign rallies.

The RNC has put a lot of stock in an untested and unproven candidate. I don't want to be mean, but it wouldn't surprise me to see her fall apart in the next 60 days. She have a lot of lost time to make up for.

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I believe they are aren't they?

Gary could probably answer this question. If a band plays a cover they have to pay royalties, don't they?

When I was in the club business,many a moon ago, the way it worked, was that DJs were played samples of tracks, over the phone no less, if the DJ liked it, he would buy it, from the promoter, producer, what have you. The thing was, the DJ played the record in the club for the artist in hopes that the clubkids would like it and have to go out and buy it also. Just like Radio. There are no royalties to be paid, it is a one time fee with hopes for future monies from promotion by DJs. We have our very own real life DJ Lawrence around here somewhere. He could probably shed some more light on this also.

I am pretty sure all those cover bands that played The Outback Pub all those years paid no royalties to ANYONE they ever covered. Now, if someone like Kid Rock wants to rerecord say a Beatles song, he would have to go through Paul McCartney or Michael Jackson and pay for the rights.

The RNC has put a lot of stock in an untested and unproven candidate. I don't want to be mean, but it wouldn't surprise me to see her fall apart in the next 60 days. She have a lot of lost time to make up for.

I agree with you 100%, frightening, I know, but this will no doubt be the biggest powderkeg EVER !

Edited by TJones
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The RNC has put a lot of stock in an untested and unproven candidate. I don't want to be mean, but it wouldn't surprise me to see her fall apart in the next 60 days. She have a lot of lost time to make up for.

Call me cynical, but I see the far more likely scenario being that Palin is largely shielded from the media. After a few weeks, she bravely submits herself to be grilled by Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly. Maybe they get really dangerous and let liberal Larry King toss a couple of softballs at her. The McCain campaign then claims she has been vetted by the media, and that she has to go prepare for her debate. Palin disappears (from the media) for a week or two. After the debate, there is no time, as the home stretch to the election is here. In 60 days, only 2 or 3 pro-Republican pundits have even had access, and that's quite alright for those who already plan to vote for the GOP ticket.

We quite literally could end up with a VP that exists only in our imaginations, good or bad. Should tragedy befall McCain, we would have absolutely no idea what she would do. The few things we do know, indicate that she didn't have to try that hard to get there. She tried out 6 colleges, none Ivy League, before getting a dgree, and did not engage in extracurriculars. She was in PTA. She ran for and won city council and mayor in a town of 6,000, where her parents were big shots. In winning, she never received more than 909 votes. She won the governorship against an incumbent that the entire state was furious at. That's pretty much it.

I hope we do not have to find out her readiness for president.

Edited by RedScare
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We quite literally could end up with a VP that exists only in our imaginations, good or bad.

Ooooh, fun. If the VP is an imaginary candidate, I can have whatever I want. My imaginary VP can create doritos and scotch out of thin air. I know who I'm voting for now!!

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You gotta love that after all the mocking of Obama's stage set, McCain accidently gave his speech in front of an image of Walter Reid Middle School, instead of Walter Reid Medical Center. Almost makes those styrofoam Greek columns look good, doesn't it, SP?

I don't care who ya' are. That's funny.

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You gotta love that after all the mocking of Obama's stage set, McCain accidently gave his speech in front of an image of Walter Reid Middle School, instead of Walter Reid Medical Center. Almost makes those styrofoam Greek columns look good, doesn't it, SP?

I don't care who ya' are. That's funny.

It's true. A friend sent an email to me about it this morning. Here is McCain standing infront of Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, California!


And here's the Building 18 which houses wounded soldiers at the REAL Walter Reed!



Maybe if McCain hadn't vetoed the spending bills for the VA, pic #2 might look as good as pic #1!


Edited by KinkaidAlum
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It's true. A friend sent an email to me about it this morning. Here is McCain standing infront of Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, California!



Maybe if McCain hadn't vetoed the spending bills for the VA, pic #2 might look as good as pic #1!


Isn't that one of McCain's 7 houses he couldn't count? Maybe he forgot what it looked like.

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From CNN, it turns out that the pipeline Palin took credit for is not built. It is not even final, and may never be built actually. Even if it does get built, it won't be until 2018 at the earliest. Also, that reform that she has taken credit for was actually written by the Democrats two years before she took office as Governor.

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Question: Obama specifically said in his DNC speech that he "would cut taxes for 95% of working Americans", yet McCain in his RNC speech said "Obama plans to raise your taxes." Which statement is more accurate?

Both. McCain was speaking to the 5% of Americans who really ought to vote Republican, many of whom were in that room with him.

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She tried out 6 colleges, none Ivy League, before getting a dgree

She didn't even go to an Ivy League school?!?! Everyone knows you had to go to Harvard or Yale to be president. You might be able to be vice president by going to Penn or Princeton, but it would be hard to knock the presumption that you're a moron.

I don't see what the big deal is - she moved schools a few times, she changed majors a couple of times, she used college as a time for self-discovery.

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For all of you that have "McCain Palin" in your signatures...

Don't you wish it could have been different? BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF.

Is she the best choice for VP? Personally I would have preferred Romney or Hucklebee, but I've heard her in an interview months ago and I was actually impressed by her.

If HWB could survive Quayle, McCain can survive Palin.

Personally, I don't think we can survive Obama.

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Is she the best choice for VP? Personally I would have preferred Romney or Hucklebee, but I've heard her in an interview months ago and I was actually impressed by her.

If HWB could survive Quayle, McCain can survive Palin.

Personally, I don't think we can survive Obama.

Quayle was never elevated to president. Not to mention that Dan Quayle, in spite his infamous spelling, had a law degree, and 18 years of public service prior to being picked as VP. Palin doesn't. The question here is, can she handle the 24 hour pressure cooker that is the presidency, should McCain become unable to serve? Is there anything in her background that shows the intestinal fortitude and toughness to handle the job? Her schooling suggests a mediocre student, who did little more than graduate. Same with her political record. And, now, we don't even know if she could handle a White House press conference!

And from the looks of the posts on this board, no one cares, just as long as she opposes abortion.

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Well, if you can't say anything else about these Republicans, they'll make fecal matter into piss and sell it like it's lemonade. And the amazing aspect is this; some people will think it's the sweetest "lemonade" ever.

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Quayle was never elevated to president. Not to mention that Dan Quayle, in spite his infamous spelling, had a law degree,
there you go again with that law degree. there are quite a few people out there that don't want a lawyer cause it looks as if they are an insider.
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there you go again with that law degree. there are quite a few people out there that don't want a lawyer cause it looks as if they are an insider.

I can certainly understand annoyance with lawyers. However, my question is, what has she done AT ALL that shows an achievement level above a minimal level? Certainly nothing in her education history suggests anything. Her educational history actually suggests an achievement level BELOW most college grads. And, I've already gone into the city council stuff. I won't rehash that. And, I have no idea what she did for that period between college and city council. It is apparently pretty pedestrian stuff.

Winning the election for governor suggests SOME level of achievement. But, does her experience running a state that has so much oil revenue that it cuts a $2,900 check ($1200 oil rebate, $1700 gas tax rebate) to every citizen give one ANY experience in running the US economy? In fact, she only ran Alaska during a period of extremely high oil prices. She never even ran the state during, say, the mid 80s, or the late 90s, when oil was around 10 bucks. Couldn't the argument be made that ANYONE could run the state when they are drowning in cash? And, why are they demanding that the US taxpayers pay for their bridge to nowhere when they are giving $2,900 back to every citizen?

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Public performance (including playback) of copyrighted music is covered under copyright protection. Music is intellectual property, owned by publishers with royalties collected by ASCAP or other organizations and paid to their respective labels/artists. Did the publisher grant license to the RNC for playback? If so, then no harm and you would be justified in name calling.

I know alot of people think it's ok to rip off artists, but the fact is, it is theft like any other petty crime. The analogy you use illustrates your own misunderstanding of the law at best and at it's worst that artist's do not own their own creations.

Jim, wasn't this function a private event ? If you have a party at your house, and you play some Jouney, are you gonna ask everyone there to ante up to pay Steve Perry. The difference here is that it was televised, and an artist heard their song, again, this was a private event, not something you could go buy a pass at ticketmaster for. If I told Steve Perry that you played Journey at your party, should he be entitled to collect. When you hear music playing at a club, should the artist be paid everytime the DJ spins the record for your enjoyment ?

To publicly play a song as part of a business that makes a profit (i.e. you charge admission, or you sale a product at your place of business) then you only have pay ASCAP or BMI, which most businesses pay an annual user license fee to.

If you sample the song (rap), cover it (bonus track on album or at live show), or perform it for profit (EVERY car commercial), then you have to get the exclusive rights of use from the artist/publisher. This is where "selling-out" can really become an issue for some publishers, as they will do what they think is in the best interest of the artist, whether they agree or not.

In this case, as long as the DJ the RNC hired (be it the house DJ of the event center, or whether they brought one in) has an ASCAP membership, then they did nothing wrong. Actually, they did nothing wrong either way. Its not the job of the RNC to check either, the same way its not the job of every patron in a club or diner in a restaurant.

Like I said, I don't care who's playing the music, I just don't want to hear any whining. And in this case, Heart's just crying because the party they don't care for played their music. Prima donnas.

And since you asked, I would say it's about as okay for China to steal anything computer related as it was for Microsoft to reverse engineer Apple's Macintosh O/S and create Windows back in the 1980's.

Edited by Jeebus
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Can you be a flip-flopper as a college student?

Palin attended 6 colleges in 6 years

The few things we do know, indicate that she didn't have to try that hard to get there. She tried out 6 colleges, none Ivy League, before getting a dgree, and did not engage in extracurriculars.
Not to mention that Dan Quayle had a law degree..
Dude, at least Harriet Meiers has a law degree.

C'mon man, give it a rest. Only 25 of the 42 presidents were Lawyers and less than half went to Ivy League schools. Hell, nine had no degrees at all. What kind of litmus test is that? Also, do you realize how you come off to the rest of us "underlings" that don't have law degrees and perfect school records?

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You gotta love that after all the mocking of Obama's stage set, McCain accidently gave his speech in front of an image of Walter Reid Middle School, instead of Walter Reid Medical Center. Almost makes those styrofoam Greek columns look good, doesn't it, SP?

I don't care who ya' are. That's funny.

It makes you wonder how they got that picture. A google (and flickr) search of Water Reed + Middle School or Hospital and that picture shows up no where.

So with nothing on google or flickr being high quality, it means it was probably from a stock photography website, where someone labeled it incorrectly or it was simply labeled "Walter Reed".

Lazy and unprofessional indeed.

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Is she the best choice for VP? Personally I would have preferred Romney or Hucklebee, but I've heard her in an interview months ago and I was actually impressed by her.

If HWB could survive Quayle, McCain can survive Palin.

Personally, I don't think we can survive Obama.

That's what I thought. And it's not just her... but also, him. All that work to put together a good ticket, on the top and bottom... and this is what you guys ended up with... and HWB didn't survive Quayle. Not in 1992...

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For all of you that have "McCain Palin" in your signatures...

Don't you wish it could have been different? BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF.

Bryan, turn that finger around and ask yourself. Why didn't my party get this ticket instead ???


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Bryan, turn that finger around and ask yourself. Why didn't my party get this ticket instead ???

The question is about the Republican ticket...

Anyway... If Hillary was on the ticket - donations on your side would have sky rocketed into the millions. Kinda like what happened on the Democratic side, when Palin was announced. We all know that Hillary IS a polarizing figure. You love her, or hate her. Obama didn't take the bait. Obama actually made a good choice.

I love Joe Biden. His little critique of what he did not hear at the Republican convention. He's right on target.

I can't wait for the VP debate.

And Obama was a good choice too, for the top of the ticket. The Democrats got it right. The Republicans... not so much this year. And you guys know it, in your gut.

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Wow TJones, I'm impressed at your signature and avatar. Impressed.

Thanks, I thought about using the same one as yours, but I didn't want to get into his personal hygiene. How embarrassing for Obama to have to brush off his dandruff in front of all those koolaid drinkers.

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