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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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They managed to seek out two oddballs among thousands of protestors. So what is your point?

Grand larceny? Really? The trespassing I'll grant you, but are you really that against people expressing their first amendment rights?

And for Joe Lieberman, what was his great personal cost? He has backstabbed Obama and everyone in the Democratic party who've supported him over the years.

The "republican national comittee welcoming committee" has about 200 members, more than half have been arrested with felony charges. There was a peaceful protest near by that had a lot more people, the peolpe at the protest should be upset that these criminals stole the spotlight.

The First amendment guarantees the freedom of speech, but does not guarantee any sort of right to force people to listen. You only have to look at the states throughout history that did force people to listen to see the how much at odds these two principals are.

As for Joe Lieberman, the personal cost for him is the end of his political carrier if McCain fails. Who else that spoke at either convention took that risk? I put his example up as someone who really did exercise his freedom of speech as a contrast. He said something in a private forum he was invited to that he felt he needed to say that carries personal risk to himself. If you didn

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One of the most important rolls of the executive branch is holding congress in check with vetos.

As a side election poll, how would you vote for McCain or Obama under the following conditions (if they were assured):

A. Republican controlled House and Senate control >60% - enough to block filibusters

B. Republican controlled House and Senate by slim majorities

C. Divided control of Congress

D. Democratic controlled House and Senate by slim majorities

E. Democratic controlled House and Senate control >60% - enough to block filibusters

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One of the most important rolls of the executive branch is holding congress in check with vetos.

As a side election poll, how would you vote for McCain or Obama under the following conditions (if they were assured):

A. Republican controlled House and Senate control >60% - enough to block filibusters

B. Republican controlled House and Senate by slim majorities

C. Divided control of Congress

D. Democratic controlled House and Senate by slim majorities

E. Democratic controlled House and Senate control >60% - enough to block filibusters

I would not vote for McCain under any of these conditions.

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i haven't read the entire thread, so i apologize if i'm repeating something that's already been said.

i have basic cable. my only 24 hour news network is msnbc. while folding clothes the other day i heard keith olbermann say (he may have been reading an email) the selection of gov palin was only because she is a woman. the inference was that her experience and position on issues were irrelevant.

can you imagine the uproar if someone had said that obama's popularity and selection by the dnc was only because he was black?

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i haven't read the entire thread, so i apologize if i'm repeating something that's already been said.

i have basic cable. my only 24 hour news network is msnbc. while folding clothes the other day i heard keith olbermann say (he may have been reading an email) the selection of gov palin was only because she is a woman. the inference was that her experience and position on issues were irrelevant.

can you imagine the uproar if someone had said that obama's popularity and selection by the dnc was only because he was black?

Sure I can. And it might be justified. Except that the VOTERS in Democratic primaries selected Obama, not the DNC.

You do see the difference, don't you?

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Sure I can. And it might be justified. Except that the VOTERS in Democratic primaries selected Obama, not the DNC.

You do see the difference, don't you?

ok, let me rephrase: if anyone suggested that the VOTERS in the democratic primaries elected obama because his is black, there would be an uproar.

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Yeah, but suggesting it or insinuating it, is one thing. Flat out saying it on National TV is another.

Not one TV Anchor or mainstream so called journalist, other than that idiot Rush Limbaugh, has utter those words in any way towards Obama.

It's been a long summer. I realize how easy it is to forget Geraldine Ferraro's righteous indignation that Obama only got where he is because of his race.

But, hey, I understand what y'all are saying. There are so few women qualified for the presidency that McCain had to go to Alaska to find one that met his high standards and whose policies and ideology matched his. But, I'm done with talking about McCain's VP. The McCain campaign is hiding her away, and that is good. Now, we can get back to concentrating on the 3rd Bush term that was working so well for McCain before this distraction came up.

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It's been suggested all year. Not sure why you are suggesting "IF".

You are correct, in fact it was a Democrat who gave a list of Obama's qualities, one of them being the obvious "he's black", and why Obama would be the Democrat's "wet dream" candidate.

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It's been a long summer. I realize how easy it is to forget Geraldine Ferraro's righteous indignation that Obama only got where he is because of his race.

But, hey, I understand what y'all are saying. There are so few women qualified for the presidency that McCain had to go to Alaska to find one that met his high standards and whose policies and ideology matched his. But, I'm done with talking about McCain's VP. The McCain campaign is hiding her away, and that is good. Now, we can get back to concentrating on the 3rd Bush term that was working so well for McCain before this distraction came up.

I put Ferraro right up there with Rush, when it comes to people taking her seriously. She's as bad out of touch as he, only her drug of choice is single malt scotch instead of Oxycontin and stupidity.

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Now, we can get back to concentrating on the 3rd Bush term that was working so well for McCain before this distraction came up.

LOL NBC can use a few more propaganda spinsters. they'll sit you right next to Andrea Mitchell.

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Here's what I want to know;

What is it about this Republican ticket that makes you want to vote for McCain/Palin?

I don't want to hear things like because "it's not Obama" or "Obama will raise taxes." I want to know what the Republicans have put forth that is so wonderful that you think it'll be dandy to vote for these two.

The only Republican ideas put forth at the convention were to drill for oil and a vague notion of keeping us safe. Did I miss something?

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LOL NBC can use a few more propaganda spinsters. they'll sit you right next to Andrea Mitchell.

It didn't look like a 100% Bush 3rd term until McBush added a fundie nutjob to the ticket. Have you folks seen the video of her 'Jesus Camp' church and her speech that Iraq is a task from God? This christian extremist certainly seals the impression that this is a Bush III ticket.

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It didn't look like a 100% Bush 3rd term until McBush added a fundie nutjob to the ticket. Have you folks seen the video of her 'Jesus Camp' church and her speech that Iraq is a task from God? This christian extremist certainly seals the impression that this is a Bush III ticket.

i have to disagree. bush turned out to be not the conservative many conservatives wished for. he was simply better than the alternative, gore.

growing up in the "jesus camp" world and now, outside looking in, i'm a little bit concerned about palin. not that i wasn't tickled pink listening to her speech. but, i understand, first hand, the mentality and emotion behind "it's god's will". the line between reason and faith is blurred. i like her. i just hope she errs towards reason.

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It didn't look like a 100% Bush 3rd term until McBush added a fundie nutjob to the ticket. Have you folks seen the video of her 'Jesus Camp' church and her speech that Iraq is a task from God? This christian extremist certainly seals the impression that this is a Bush III ticket.
i was having a drink with a friend earlier and this lady there sounds just like you. not sure how many times i heard bush repeated. never seen so many people scatter so quickly. LOL. gallop's latest numbers appear to favor mccain.

McCain’s resurgence in the polls comes as Nielsen Media Research reported that the Republican convention earned more television viewers than the Democratic convention. Republicans earned an average audience of 34.5 million, while Democrats earned an average viewership of 30.2 million.

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i was having a drink with a friend earlier and this lady there sounds just like you. not sure how many times i heard bush repeated. never seen so many people scatter so quickly. LOL. gallop's latest numbers appear to favor mccain.


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remember that trae.

Don't worry, you won't be seeing in more national polls from me. Only electoral maps now, because the election is less than two months away, and Obama's lead has been steady. McCain would have to when almost all of the lean states to become President. Obama would have to win just an Ohio or Virginia to win.

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Don't worry, you won't be seeing in more national polls from me. Only electoral maps now, because the election is less than two months away, and Obama's lead has been steady. McCain would have to when almost all of the lean states to become President. Obama would have to win just an Ohio or Virginia to win.

And that could be hard to do. All the Al Gore had to do was win his home state in 2000. And he would have won, regardless of the mess in FL.

The electoral map was in Kerry's favor, right up to election night. All he needed was Ohio. And he lost.

None of the polls, or electoral map predictions, really mean anything.

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That's cool. Obama still destroys McCain in what really matters...the electoral map. The Gallup Polls are just the icing on the cake. We all know that President's aren't elected on popular votes. It's less than two months until the election. People need to stop focusing on national polls now. You're starting to see who will be the winner this election...

:lol::lol::lol: . Thanks Trae, and here I thought I wasn't gonna hear a good joke today. I can always count on you. Please, if the polls were reversed, you would be trying to make plans to attend the inauguration. This one is FAR from over, electoral map or not.

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Polls? Electoral Maps? What a joke.

Kerry and Gore both were shoe-ins according to all the polls and maps. Didn't work out for them either.

It will all be a done deal, come November, unless we have some more Chadgate crap like before. I sure hope not, don't want any BS media distractions come playoffs time and Superbowl.

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And that could be hard to do. All the Al Gore had to do was win his home state in 2000. And he would have won, regardless of the mess in FL.

The electoral map was in Kerry's favor, right up to election night. All he needed was Ohio. And he lost.

None of the polls, or electoral map predictions, really mean anything.

No, the map was not in Kerry's favor. Bush lead by big margins plenty of times in the electoral map. At this time in 2004, Bush had 275 and Kerry was in the low 240s I believe.

:lol::lol::lol: . Thanks Trae, and here I thought I wasn't gonna hear a good joke today. I can always count on you. Please, if the polls were reversed, you would be trying to make plans to attend the inauguration. This one is FAR from over, electoral map or not.

Glad I can be of assistance to you. Your sigs have given me my laughs for the day. They're so incredibly dumb. ;)

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