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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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No, the map was not in Kerry's favor. Bush lead by big margins plenty of times in the electoral map. At this time in 2004, Bush had 275 and Kerry was in the low 240s I believe.

Give or take a couple of weeks... you need to do more research...


Kerry-Bush - August 18th 2004 - Kerry 317, Bush 202

...exactly 4 years later...

Obama-MCain - August 18th 2008 - Obama 275, McCain 250

...and that's how it was all the way up until Kerry's loss: "He's winning!" ... and according to the latest numbers... Obama is doing worse now, than Kerry was 4 years ago.

This election is no longer about issues, but rather the hope that an old man could die and a fundamentalist nut-job gets into office.

Edited by BryanS
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Give or take a couple of weeks... you need to do more research...


Kerry-Bush - August 18th 2004 - Kerry 317, Bush 202

...exactly 4 years later...

Obama-MCain - August 18th 2008 - Obama 275, McCain 250

I think he did do more research. He went to the source: Electoral Vote. They currently have it at 301 to 224 for Obama, and they had about the same numbers 4 years ago, but with Bush on top.

But that's all just a guess.

Edited by memebag
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OMG, now the media is leaking that there is speculation that Palin may have cheated in their eligibility in the Miss Wasilla beauty pageant in 1984. Can these people be serious.

Newsflash, Oprah refused the networks request to have Palin on her show. This coming from a woman who swears her allegiance to working Mom's in her magazines, and is always promoting the betterment of women in the workplace. She said her show isn't about politics and she will gladly have her after the election. Guess her allegiance to Obama is bigger than hers to working moms and women. Imagine that! Oprah showing her true colors, no pun intended. If Palin is worth her salt, she'll tell Oprah to piss off after the election. The wife just threw all her Oprah magazines in the garbage, she's a little ticked off about it. I'm happy it makes more room for my Hot Rod Magazines in the holder. :lol:

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OMG, now the media is leaking that there is speculation that Palin may have cheated in their eligibility in the Miss Wasilla beauty pageant in 1984. Can these people be serious.

Newsflash, Oprah refused the networks request to have Palin on her show. This coming from a woman who swears her allegiance to working Mom's in her magazines, and is always promoting the betterment of women in the workplace. She said her show isn't about politics and she will gladly have her after the election. Guess her allegiance to Obama is bigger than hers to working moms and women. Imagine that! Oprah showing her true colors, no pun intended. If Palin is worth her salt, she'll tell Oprah to piss off after the election. The wife just threw all her Oprah magazines in the garbage, she's a little ticked off about it. I'm happy it makes more room for my Hot Rod Magazines in the holder. :lol:

Why should Oprah take Palin on her show?

Isn't this a FREE country? Isn't Oprah just an entertainment show? It's not like Oprah is "Meet the Press."

And, maybe Oprah IS PROMOTING THE BETTERMENT OF WOMEN by not having Palin on the show. After all, Palin is against the notion of equal pay for equal work. Palin is also against the right to choose even in instances of rape/incest. Palin is also notoriously against birth control.

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Why should Oprah take Palin on her show?

Isn't this a FREE country? Isn't Oprah just an entertainment show? It's not like Oprah is "Meet the Press."

And, maybe Oprah IS PROMOTING THE BETTERMENT OF WOMEN by not having Palin on the show. After all, Palin is against the notion of equal pay for equal work. Palin is also against the right to choose even in instances of rape/incest. Palin is also notoriously against birth control.

Oprah's influence over women is disgusting, I'd rather not see her involved in politics in any way, for either side.

Just this once, can we say winner gets president and loser gets VP? That way we don't risk being stuck with Palin, and it'll be a fun bi-partisan experiment. They could even do a sitcom about it. I would not watch.

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Oprah's influence over women is disgusting, I'd rather not see her involved in politics in any way, for either side.

Just this once, can we say winner gets president and loser gets VP? That way we don't risk being stuck with Palin, and it'll be a fun bi-partisan experiment. They could even do a sitcom about it. I would not watch.

This is the way it use to be, years ago. It didn't work because of opposing interests. I think it is an idea that deserves a second look.

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Why should Oprah take Palin on her show?

Isn't this a FREE country? Isn't Oprah just an entertainment show? It's not like Oprah is "Meet the Press."

And, maybe Oprah IS PROMOTING THE BETTERMENT OF WOMEN by not having Palin on the show. After all, Palin is against the notion of equal pay for equal work. Palin is also against the right to choose even in instances of rape/incest. Palin is also notoriously against birth control.

Using your one sided line of thinking, then why is it that Oprah says it's okay after the election? If she's that bad for women before, then what will the change be for after?

Do you actually think things out before you say something, or are you just blinded by your total discontent with Republicans?

Quit trying to defend Oprah's stance in Her saying her show isn't political, however her refusal appears to be directly political.

This is the way it use to be, years ago. It didn't work because of opposing interests. I think it is an idea that deserves a second look.

I'm all for a separate vote for both seats, this two for one special has never set well with me.

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Why should Oprah take Palin on her show?

Isn't this a FREE country? Isn't Oprah just an entertainment show? It's not like Oprah is "Meet the Press."

And, maybe Oprah IS PROMOTING THE BETTERMENT OF WOMEN by not having Palin on the show. After all, Palin is against the notion of equal pay for equal work. Palin is also against the right to choose even in instances of rape/incest. Palin is also notoriously against birth control.


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and to think some people actually have the gall to mock "community organizers"


nothing but a bunch of do nothing money wasting poverty pimps with ZERO accountability.......my favorite is about Buffalo......gets the most graft and corruption money and amazingly is WORSE OFF than before......who would have EVER imagined that :rolleyes:

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Here's what's really wrong with America. These people are McCain surrogates who accuse Obama of being too much of a celebrity.

no what is really wrong is when idiots let people named kennedy, rockefeller, kerry, edwards, pelosi, feinstein, and others lecture to them about how evil rich people are

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Using your one sided line of thinking, then why is it that Oprah says it's okay after the election? If she's that bad for women before, then what will the change be for after?

Do you actually think things out before you say something, or are you just blinded by your total discontent with Republicans?

Quit trying to defend Oprah's stance in Her saying her show isn't political, however her refusal appears to be directly political.

I'm all for a separate vote for both seats, this two for one special has never set well with me.

Again, last time I checked, this was still a free country despite the Patriot Act's trampling of the Constitution.

Oprah can do what she wants. Quite frankly, I could care less what she does. I haven't seen Oprah's show in about a decade.

And, of course Oprah is political. She openly supported Obama over Clinton. Is that wrong too or is it only a slight to Palin.

Complaining that Palin isn't being hosted by Oprah before the election is redonkulous. That would be like me complaining that Rush isn't spending enough time talking up Biden! But, then again, that's what Republicans do; complain.

I am still waiting for ONE of you to tell me why you are supporting McCain/Palin. That post has been up for awhile...

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I am still waiting for ONE of you to tell me why you are supporting McCain/Palin. That post has been up for awhile...

To name a few... No late term Abortion, smaller government (yeah I know what Bush has done), drilling, no socialized health care (see tort reform).

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No comments about the shakeup at MSNBC? Damb liberal bias. It's obviously worked on some of yall.

To me it's unfortunate that the term "Liberal" is always associated with Democrats, although many Dems today do lean liberal. I say that because I don't dissagree with several things they've tried to accomplish over the last number of years. For instance, health care. health care is grossly overpriced, I just dissagree with the Dems on how to reform it.

Edit: rediculous spelling.

Edited by Gary
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Interesting graph. While McCain got a bump in the polls Obama got a bump in his electoral college numbers. The only poll that matters. This probably goes to show McCain only solidified his numbers in states he was probably going to take anyway. Palin doesn't seem to have done McCain any good in the swing states. Shame that the only bump in the electoral college polls McCain got was after those silly Paris/Brittany ads. Does anyone know when McCain is going to cut Palin loose for interviews? Is he hiding something?

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I am still waiting for ONE of you to tell me why you are supporting McCain/Palin. That post has been up for awhile...

I was wondering about that, too - well, you got a tick on the abortion, health care, and drilling columns so far...

Here's a commentary about upcoming debates and what's being said/not said:

Just look at the problem John McCain faced. George Bush has a disastrous record, and the country knows it. John McCain -- the current one, not the one who vanished eight years ago -- has no major disagreements with George Bush (and I'm sorry, wanting to fire Donald Rumsfeld a bit sooner doesn't qualify) and wants to continue his incredibly unpopular policies for another four years. The solution? Enter Sarah Palin, a Trojan Moose carrying four more years of disaster.

And the plan has worked beautifully. Just look at what's being discussed just 57 days before the election. Is it the highest unemployment rate in five years? The bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? The suicide bombing yesterday in Iraq that killed six people and wounded 54 -- in the same market where last month a bomb killed 28 people and wounded 72? That the political reconciliation that was supposedly the point of "the surge" is nowhere near happening? That Iraq's Shiite government is now rounding up the American-backed Sunni leaders of the Awakening? That the reason 8,000 soldiers may be leaving Iraq soon is so more can be deployed to Afghanistan where the Taliban is steadily retaking the country?

No. We're talking about whether Sarah Palin was or was not a good mayor, whether she was or was not a good mother, whether her skirts are too short and her zingers too sarcastic.

Contrary to what we're hearing 24/7 in the media, the next few weeks are not a test of Sarah Palin. The next few weeks are a test of Barack Obama.

He needs to dramatically redirect this election back to a discussion over the issues that really matter -- the issues that will impact the future of this country. A presidential campaign is a battle and this is the time for Obama to show some commander-in-chief skills. I'm not talking about calling Palin out for lying about his record and demeaning community organizing. I'm talking about grabbing the political debate by the throat.


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I am still waiting for ONE of you to tell me why you are supporting McCain/Palin. That post has been up for awhile...

I have been saying why I support the McCain/Palin ticket. Read my response to Trae's post (#1405).

There are some issues that I have against Palin, but a presidential (or any political) candidate can't match every one of your views. If they do, you better guarantee that they are lying.

Can you, without hesitation, state that there is something about Obama's policies you DISAGREE with? Name them, I was honest to name my issues with palin in #1405, can you?

I disagree with quite a few things that Obama is for and he was on my radar BEFORE he threw his hat in the ring and you have to remember up until '02, I was a dedicated Democrat!

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Interesting graph. While McCain got a bump in the polls Obama got a bump in his electoral college numbers. The only poll that matters.

If you look state-by-state at electoral-vote.com, you will see that many of the polls were conducted before the RNC and even before Palin was named - there's definitely a lag. It will be interesting to see if McCain's recent jump in the latest national polls can hold, and if it eventually works its way into the electoral-vote.com map

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If you look state-by-state at electoral-vote.com, you will see that many of the polls were conducted before the RNC and even before Palin was named - there's definitely a lag. It will be interesting to see if McCain's recent jump in the latest national polls can hold, and if it eventually works its way into the electoral-vote.com map

The latest gallup poll, that we aren't supposed to look at according to some, was conducted just this past weekend, and Obama and McCain are dead even. I sense that the electoral college poll, will change also to reflect this weekend's tide of "change".

Edited by TJones
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Give or take a couple of weeks... you need to do more research...


Kerry-Bush - August 18th 2004 - Kerry 317, Bush 202

...exactly 4 years later...

Obama-MCain - August 18th 2008 - Obama 275, McCain 250

...and that's how it was all the way up until Kerry's loss: "He's winning!" ... and according to the latest numbers... Obama is doing worse now, than Kerry was 4 years ago.

This election is no longer about issues, but rather the hope that an old man could die and a fundamentalist nut-job gets into office.

That's nice. How about this:



Those without leaners. With leaners:



Obama has been on her show twice, and so has his wife, not a politcal show my ass. I guess Obama was on there to compare recipes with Oprah.

Yeah, too bad Obama has not been on her show since October 2006. Before he announced his run for the presidency. Oprah has said she doesn't want any candidates on her show since Iowa. You would think she would have had Hillary Clinton on there wouldn't you?

Please.. :rolleyes:

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