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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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I know this is a bit OT, but an interesting thing I heard on the Glenn Beck program and I've been trying to verify it.

On March 30th, 1999, the New York Times article was making a comment on the recently passed bill that forced fannie mae to allow those with marginal credit to be able to own homes. According to the article, The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) pushed and pressured a variety of industries and polticians to make it possible for EVERYONE to own a home.

The article also stated that, in good economic times, that the potential financial risk wouldn't be a problem. But they did mention that if a downtown occurred, which they said was unlikely, it could potentially cause a problem for that (and other) financial institution.

Now, something else that was mentioned in a totally unrelated article/newscast a few months back mentioned that Obama was either working with OR for ACORN. Of this I can't be sure, so if I can get my hands on the OP-ED, I'll post it.

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OMG did she really say that? Wow... that's all I have to say... wow! :blink:

Hmm....I need some more evidence than the word of some random music teacher (Philip Munger). This is an interesting coincidence coming off that Matt Damon video

Edited by OkieEric
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LOL! She claims she has "seen pictures of human footprints inside the dino tracks." LOL! That could be possible I guess, if the T-rex was chasing down a human for dinner ?!? I told all of you she was a BAD BAD choice.

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In her interview with Katie Couric to be shown tonight, Palin goes on about how Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and then Couric asked her if she could name ANY other Supreme Court case. She could not. Seriously? Not one?

Yeah, I know Keith Olberman is way left but it is actually an interesting discussion:

Edited by jayshoota
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In her interview with Katie Couric to be shown tonight, Palin goes on about how Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and then Couric asked her if she could name ANY other Supreme Court case. She could not. Seriously? Not one?

Yeah, I know Keith Olberman is way left but it is actually an interesting discussion:

Good lord even I can do that. :lol: "Pssst... Govt. Palin... Brown Vs. Board of Education.... Lawrence Vs. Texas!". :rolleyes:

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This debacle will only help them. The Repubs have the high ground since they tried to fix the housing thing years ago. The Democrats like Barney Frank (literally in bed with Fannie Mae top brass) kowtowed to their hedge fund overlords (I love how Dem blogs will openly non-sarcastically refer to Wall St. titans as "Princes of Wall Street"...ugh) even going on the record to say that nothing was wrong.

The Democrats are no better than the Repubs. However the Repubs have set their own bar so low with GWB that almost anything they do comes up awesome. On the other hand it was the Dems election to lose and it's easy to look back and see how they helped put us in this mess.

Both sides are complicit in this economic debacle that might define the election. Looking at a post-bailout vote analysis it's easy to see that they're all terrified of the possibility:


Edit: Their only hope is to try to buy votes with extra pork.

Interesting take. You are the only person I have ever heard say that the tanking economy will help McCain.

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^ Or newspaper, magazine for that matter


Now I know that even if she thinks the earth was created 6,000 years ago that doesn't necessarily make her illiterate...

I think she either has major jitters, really bad hearing, or just likes ignoring questions...

Well what's the answer you wanted her to give? That she reads the op ed pages of the NY Times? FOX News? The web side of the Independent.co.uk? Any of these three answers would only serve to pigeonhole her.

Instead she gave the same answer I'd give: I have no preference. I read whatever, anything, sometimes nothing at all. Who cares?

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Well what's the answer you wanted her to give? That she reads the op ed pages of the NY Times? FOX News? The web side of the Independent.co.uk? Any of these three answers would only serve to pigeonhole her.

Instead she gave the same answer I'd give: I have no preference. I read whatever, anything, sometimes nothing at all. Who cares?

Her answer pigeonholes her as someone who can't name a news source. And hopefully lots of people care how informed she is.

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Well what's the answer you wanted her to give? That she reads the op ed pages of the NY Times? FOX News? The web side of the Independent.co.uk? Any of these three answers would only serve to pigeonhole her.

Instead she gave the same answer I'd give: I have no preference. I read whatever, anything, sometimes nothing at all. Who cares?

Given the image she has given that she knows little of anything occurring in the world outside of Alaska's borders, yes, I would have liked to see her at least know the names of a few mainland newspapers. Now, she sounds like she seldom reads anything at all, which would be in line with her answers to Couric's questions. As for giving the same answer you'd give, call me crazy, but I want my leaders to be better informed than you or I on world matters. I have no interest in a president or VP as ignorant as I in the White House. We are not electing a roommate here. We are electing (theoretically) the leaders of the world's only superpower. Wouldn't a little intellect or ability be nice?

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Well what's the answer you wanted her to give? That she reads the op ed pages of the NY Times? FOX News? The web side of the Independent.co.uk? Any of these three answers would only serve to pigeonhole her.

Instead she gave the same answer I'd give: I have no preference. I read whatever, anything, sometimes nothing at all. Who cares?

Well, she could actually name the newspaper she reads. You know, an honest answer. If she doesn't read the "Anchorage Daily News" as governor of Alaska, she should be fired. So that's one. And one would assume that as governor (not to mention as an interested citizen of the USA) she might occasionally read a more nationally-focused paper, like the New York Times or Wall Street Journal. Maybe NYT carries latte-sipping, arugula-munching connotations, but in the current climate I can't imagine anyone would be hurt by claiming to keep up with issues by reading the Wall Street Journal.

My point is that there certainly were good possible answers. Better than none at all. She's the governor, she should be in the habit of reading 1-5 newspapers daily. Or having her staff read them and provide clippings or synopses. It's part of the job to know what is going on in the city, state, country and world.

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Look, she knows the names of mainland news media. Everyone does. There's no doubt about that. So you guys think there's some vast correlation between naming a few random newspapers and being "uninformed" ? I disagree, and happen to think she really understood the stupidity of such a question, especially in the internet age. If an interviewer ever asked me something like that I'd just look at him/her like she was an idiot and talk over her.

Edited by N Judah
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Look, she knows the names of mainland news media. Everyone does. There's no doubt about that. So you guys think there's some vast correlation between naming a few random newspapers and being "uninformed" ? I disagree, and happen to think she really understood the stupidity of such a question, especially in the internet age. If an interviewer ever asked me something like that I'd just look at him/her like she was an idiot and talk over her.

Actually, she revelealed how LITTLE she knows during the internet age, because, as a result of her inability or refusal to answer the newspaper question (and the Supreme Court question), we are now debating whether she has any interests outside of Alaskan oil and abortion at all. And, you, her supporter, must spend your time trying to defend her without any factual evidence whatsoever, merely assumptions.

An internet savvy person would know how quickly these video faux pas speed across the net. Hell, SHE should know, as they keep happening to HER. Doesn't sound like a "quick study" to me.

Edited by RedScare
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Seriously, not one Supreme Court case?

I bet she could name 5 flavors of slurpees!

And, with regards to not naming a newspaper she reads, if she was so offended by the question, she should SAY SO. Don't say you read all of them and have respect for the media! That is just silly.

She should have at least said she reads the HAIF.

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Seriously, not one Supreme Court case?

I bet she could name 5 flavors of slurpees!

And, with regards to not naming a newspaper she reads, if she was so offended by the question, she should SAY SO. Don't say you read all of them and have respect for the media! That is just silly.

She should have at least said she reads the HAIF.

No, Kink, she knew ONE Supreme Court case. Bet you can't guess which one.

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Well, I guess you in particular might be "debating" that but most reasonable people understand that you simply cannot be governor and you cannot be running for VP without taking in what the media produces and knowing things about people in other places.

I'm not her defender. I just think that there is a regrettably large pseudo-leftist Republocrat contingent hellbent on distracting everyone from the real issues. "Har, har, she's dumb! We win!" Yeeeah, 'cause that worked SO WELL the last two elections. Believe me, if only it were that easy.

Edited by N Judah
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I want to watch the debate tomorrow, but just the sound of her shrill, grating Fargo accent gives me a headache.

HA! That's all I can think about when I hear her. Reminds me of all my damn trips to Wyoming too. I can't take four years of speeches ringing "You bet!!" in place of every "Yes" answer.

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Well, I guess you in particular might be "debating" that but most reasonable people understand that you simply cannot be governor and you cannot be running for VP without taking in what the media produces and knowing things about people in other places.

I'm not her defender. I just think that there is a regrettably large pseudo-leftist Republocrat contingent hellbent on distracting everyone from the real issues. "Har, har, she's dumb! We win!" Yeeeah, 'cause that worked SO WELL the last two elections. Believe me, if only it were that easy.

Exactly, that's why we're w-o-r-r-i-e-d!!

She gives deaf and dumb answers to ALL, ALL the questions and have to rely on other people and McCain to explain why. I'm appalled.

McCain was strong before chosing her. Now he's weaker than Wimpy, if there's a name like that.

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