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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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...and "blue" for Dems, because they are never happy and are always cryin about somethin'. :rolleyes:

Least they don't change their vote 'cuz mean 'ol Nancy Pelosi hurt their feelings. And one more thing about your kool-aid thing (no I don't think it's racist). The flavor should be blue and the guy on the pitcher looks like somebody (can't place it now) but it doesn't look like Obama. Maybe a new thread? Who is that man on TJ's koolaid pitcher?

Edited by west20th
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Least they don't change their vote 'cuz mean 'ol Nancy Pelosi hurt their feelings. And one more thing about your kool-aid thing (no I don't think it's racist). The flavor should be blue and the guy on the pitcher looks like somebody (can't place it now) but it doesn't look like Obama. Maybe a new thread? Who is that man on TJ's koolaid pitcher?

LOL! I wasn't aware that "blue" was a flavor ;) , and it sounds like you need a new graphix card. That is definately Obama on the glass pitcher.

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Just to be fair, do you think it would have the same effect for McCain, or would McCain just be "making a photo-op" in your opinion ?

No, same goes for McCain. I'm just personally interested in whether or not Obama could actually win Texas, which is always seen as impossible. He hasn't written any state off, which I like. So that was my thinking. But sure, McCain could come and show the love and probably win some additional support, too.

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No, same goes for McCain. I'm just personally interested in whether or not Obama could actually win Texas, which is always seen as impossible. He hasn't written any state off, which I like. So that was my thinking. But sure, McCain could come and show the love and probably win some additional support, too.

Thank you for your honesty.

Edited by TJones
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I took it as she was deliberately refusing to say which media she read by name to avoid the media jumping up as it being some type of endorsement. She answered that she read all the normal magazines and papers, she just would to commit to any one certain one by name. I really don't see the relevance either way, but that's how I took.

Given that the voting public is already questioning her knowledge of current events outside of Alaska, I would suggest that her attempt at "outsmarting the questioner" backfired on her badly. Her "experienced enough for president" numbers are plummeting. She has only given 3 interviews. Cuteness in answering questions only works when there is a wealth of interviews and experience to judge it against. Palin has little of either. I am sure it solidified her bonafides amongst the 27% hard right though. However, it is the other 73% that she should be aiming for.

No, same goes for McCain. I'm just personally interested in whether or not Obama could actually win Texas, which is always seen as impossible. He hasn't written any state off, which I like. So that was my thinking. But sure, McCain could come and show the love and probably win some additional support, too.

Obama has pulled out of North Dakota, Idaho, Georgia and believe it or not, Alaska.

But I judge who he's surrounded himself with now as advisers, that bothers me so much. The very people that orchestrated the very thing we are bailing out right now, are advising this man.

Hmm...Phil Gramm works for McCain, not Obama.

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...and "blue" for Dems, because they are never happy and are always cryin about somethin'. :rolleyes:

OMG are you serious? All conservatives do is complain and cry... they cry about how the media is so "liberal"... they cry about how Hollywood is so "liberal"... they cry about how everyone from the Northeast or the West Coast are elitists and not "real Americans"... they cry about "liberal" judges ruling that American citizens should all have equal rights... they cry about how anything sexual is "immoral" and about how "gays" want to eat their children. They complain about how Europeans have all become "weak little socialists" b/c they don't back them up when they want to invade countries for reasons that might not hold up... they complain that "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" have "evil liberal agendas"...

I mean, don't get me wrong, I can understand why Conservatives are so bitter and upset... so many of them are old, boring, sexually deprived, etc... They tend to live in boring places like Kansas, Oklahoma and Friendswood while at the same time watching people live in more "fun / happening" places like the California Coast, New York City, Montrose :wub:. They have to sit through the horror of watching gays gain equal rights. AAAAHHHHGGGG!!! :ph34r:

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...and "blue" for Dems, because they are never happy and are always cryin about somethin'. :rolleyes:

You'll be crying soon enough. On election night. But given that evil can sometimes triumph over good (e.g. 2000)... not sure if the good guys can actually win this thing. In which case, I am sure you will be happy.

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Sure there is. Intelligent answers to simple questions could convince me.

Well I don't want to get too deep into this but the point I'm trying to make is that I personally don't think that everyone should have to prove themselves from the ground up. We disagree in that I think some questions are too simple/stupid to be taken seriously (which i think is a "reasonable" position) while you seem to think that all questions, even astoundingly simple ones, require what you think is an "intelligent" (ie detailed) answer.

So basically I think that asking Sarah Palin exactly what she eats for breakfast every single day would have been more substantive, and you seem to think that if she guffawed loudly in response to such a question she would be at fault for failing to convince you of her intelligence. For example, I'm fine with "whatever the bleep is cooking, I eat it, Katie, and I eat something different every day" but if that is somehow less intelligent than "sausage with eggs and bacon with flapjacks and moose every single day and I never deviate from this routine" then I guess I am as dumb as you seem to think she is.

Edited by N Judah
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Have you guys checked out the Obama Channel? Ch. 73 on Dish Network and I think also for Direc TV

First I am hearing about this. I wonder if they have it on AT&T. I doubt it huh?

OMG are you serious? All conservatives do is complain and cry... they cry about how the media is so "liberal"... they cry about how Hollywood is so "liberal"... they cry about how everyone from the Northeast or the West Coast are elitists and not "real Americans"... they cry about "liberal" judges ruling that American citizens should all have equal rights... they cry about how anything sexual is "immoral" and about how "gays" want to eat their children. They complain about how Europeans have all become "weak little socialists" b/c they don't back them up when they want to invade countries for reasons that might not hold up... they complain that "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" have "evil liberal agendas"...

I mean, don't get me wrong, I can understand why Conservatives are so bitter and upset... so many of them are old, boring, sexually deprived, etc... They tend to live in boring places like Kansas, Oklahoma and Friendswood while at the same time watching people live in more "fun / happening" places like the California Coast, New York City, Montrose :wub: . They have to sit through the horror of watching gays gain equal rights. AAAAHHHHGGGG!!! :ph34r:

You got that right! I was at lunch today with co-workers (all old Southern white ladies ... that musta been a site). Anyhow, one of them said that something came on the news about Ted Kennedy and she was like "I don't want to see that. I could care less, and he needs to be gone anyhow."

Now, I am no fan of a lot of Republicans, but I don't think I'd be that callous.

Oh yeah, the one that said it had a cross around her neck.

Go figure.

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You got that right! I was at lunch today with co-workers (all old Southern white ladies ... that musta been a site). Anyhow, one of them said that something came on the news about Ted Kennedy and she was like "I don't want to see that. I could care less, and he needs to be gone anyhow."

Now, I am no fan of a lot of Republicans, but I don't think I'd be that callous.

Oh yeah, the one that said it had a cross around her neck.

Go figure.

No big surprise there!

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I don't really watch the debates so I could be wrong, but don't these debate moderators just really ask the questions... I mean even if she is "for" Obama is there much she could do to make the debate more difficult for Palin? :unsure:

According to the right, any question that stumps Palin is just gotcha journalism.

I wish I knew that term back in my school days. Whenever I didn't know an answer, I could have just charged the professor/teacher with gotcha grading.

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Well I don't want to get too deep into this but the point I'm trying to make is that I personally don't think that everyone should have to prove themselves from the ground up.

We agree on that. Only people who are running for elected office should have to prove themselves from the ground up.

We disagree in that I think some questions are too simple/stupid to be taken seriously (which i think is a "reasonable" position) while you seem to think that all questions, even astoundingly simple ones, require what you think is an "intelligent" (ie detailed) answer.

If Palin had a record of erudition, I'd agree that some questions would be beneath her. She doesn't, though, and asking her what newspapers she reads is a softball question she should be able to handle with ease. She didn't say it was too stupid to answer; she just hemmed and hawed as though she couldn't figure out how to answer it.

So basically I think that asking Sarah Palin exactly what she eats for breakfast every single day would have been more substantive, and you seem to think that if she guffawed loudly in response to such a question she would be at fault for failing to convince you of her intelligence. For example, I'm fine with "whatever the bleep is cooking, I eat it, Katie, and I eat something different every day" but if that is somehow less intelligent than "sausage with eggs and bacon with flapjacks and moose every single day and I never deviate from this routine" then I guess I am as dumb as you seem to think she is.

For someone who isn't defending her, you sound very defensive.

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I'm looking forward to tonight's debate, my only question is how neutral will the moderator be. From what I have read, she seems to not be particularly fond of Palin and has written a book glorifying obama.

I guess the Republicans know Palin will do badly in the debate, so they're already cooking up blame against the moderator. Just goes to show you how much confidence they have in their VP pick!

Also, the book in question won't even be released until AFTER the election. So how do they even know it's biased? What I heard is that the chapter on Obama hasn't even been written yet.

I hate living in Texas and feeling like my vote (which will be for the "democrat") doesn't count b/c you know Texas will go "republican". I mean, I know my vote still counts, and I will DEFINITELY be voting, but sometimes I wish I was back in Pennsylvania where I grew up (HUGE battleground state)... then I would REALLY feel like my vote was important! ^_^

Just my opinion, but I think the whole electoral college thing is STUPID... I don't think it's right on any level that a candidate can get the majority of the votes and still lose the election (a.k.a. Bush / Gore 2000). It just amazes me that more people voted for Gore in 2000... meaning more people who voted wanted Gore to be President, and Bush still won... it's just wrong. It may have made sense in the 1800s but I just don't think it's relevant these days... I think they should do away w/ it... just my opinion. -_-

Yes, it would be nice to know my vote might actually matter once in awhile! That's funny, I'm originally from PA as well.

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True, Bush has put us far far far into the red... remember when Clinton left us w/ a budget surplus? That was nice.

Surplus! That's like saying you got a credit limit raised on your Visa card, and you now have a surplus. Both sides have been playing this shell game with tax money since the beginning. We just used to have somewhat of fiscal responsibility. But since '82 and Reagan set his eyes on breaking the USSR financially, he took us down with them, and it's been open game since. And this war in Iraq has harpooned the national debt to points that can never be recovered from.

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where did she profess to be like Jesus? next you're going to say that someone who sends out Christmas cards also professes to be like Jesus?

Her cross professed it. If you wear a religious symbol I would think it means you hold that person or deity in high regards and would be something you strive towards.

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I guess the Republicans know Palin will do badly in the debate, so they're already cooking up blame against the moderator. Just goes to show you how much confidence they have in their VP pick!

Also, the book in question won't even be released until AFTER the election. So how do they even know it's biased? What I heard is that the chapter on Obama hasn't even been written yet.

Yes, it would be nice to know my vote might actually matter once in awhile! That's funny, I'm originally from PA as well.

Looking like PA may go to Obama... PA usually ends up going Democrat (thank you Philadelphia and Pittsburgh), at least it has the last several elections. ^_^

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