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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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What has an army of online donors have to with a rally in a public park? By the way there's no way Jefferson Memorial Park could be gated!

Part of what's working against McCain is that Tina Fey isn't supporting him. She would have done better at campaign rallies that Sarah Palin.

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MSNBC: 100,000 people at the Obama Rally in St. Louis



1meg pic: http://i33.tinypic.com/2ntyas7.jpg


Wow! :blink:

Maybe there was no concert. Maybe they came out to watch Nobama walk on water like all you sheeple seem to believe he does. I wonder if he walked across the Mississippi? I would have come out for that.

*cough* *bitter and angry* cough* -_-

Colin Powell endorses Obama for president


Edited by HtownWxBoy
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Maybe there was no concert. Maybe they came out to watch Nobama walk on water like all you sheeple seem to believe he does. I wonder if he walked across the Mississippi? I would have come out for that.

What's with the name calling? Was an Obama supporter mean to you?

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It's called being angry and bitter... they are just being an "Obama-hater".

Yeah, but that sort of silly name calling is often a sign that there's some wound being protected. I bet he was dumped by a chic named "Hope" or something.

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Maybe there was no concert. Maybe they came out to watch Nobama walk on water like all you sheeple seem to believe he does. I wonder if he walked across the Mississippi? I would have come out for that.

I'm with you, LF.

100,000 brainless morons or 2 billion brainless morons -- it makes no difference. Still a pack of brainless morons.

People are in a for a rude awakening if they put the Marxist in there. I'm going to laugh my ass off at you Obama minions when he starts stripping your earnings for every commie program he wants and when he starts censoring YOUR speech and thoughts the way he's for doing that to conservatives.

Your time will come too. Don't think it won't. (IF he gets in there. That's still an IF.)

And don't tell me Powell isn't supporting the Marxist because of skin color. It's as obvious as the nose on his face.

As for the Chronicle, they don't call it "Houston's Pravda" for nothing. Charles Krauthammer being he exception. I haven't bought that worthless liberal propaganda rag in years! I highly doubt that will change.

This election is STILL way too close. Obama hasn't put McCain away yet.

Pathetic on his part...but this should have been "no contest" for McCain at this point too. When the choice is a Marxist or a moderate RINO Republican I think the RINO should be far and away in the lead.

But...we have a brainless half of the country -- and it's not the conservatives.

Edited by Disastro
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But...we have a brainless half of the country -- and it's not the conservatives.

You're right, those conservatives who think the earth is a couple thousand years old and that a senior citizen built an arc and collected 2 of every animal on earth are really really smart. :lol::lol::lol:

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You're right, those conservatives who think the earth is a couple thousand years old and that a senior citizen built an arc and collected 2 of every animal on earth are really really smart. :lol::lol::lol:

It's funny how all these atheists always cry out to God on their death beds.

That's all I have to say about religion.

Die and come back and tell me what God had to say to you...then we'll talk.

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This election is STILL way too close. Obama hasn't put McCain away yet.

Obama: 364

McCain: 171

Ties: 3



Oh, and you can really tell who is losing when their supporters have to call supporters of a different candidate "brainless morons". All they're left with, and it's funny as hell.

Edited by Trae
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You seem to be doing all the name calling, not me. But keep it up. I love it.

Bitter? Angry? Yes. Angry because once again, come election day, instead of voting FOR someone, I am forced to vote against the worst of two evils. Or maybe because I hold Obama and McCain in equal disdain I will vote Libertarian. Or maybe I will write in Ron Pauls name. Doesn

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You seem to be doing all the name calling, not me. But keep it up. I love it.

Bitter? Angry? Yes. Angry because once again, come election day, instead of voting FOR someone, I am forced to vote against the worst of two evils. Or maybe because I hold Obama and McCain in equal disdain I will vote Libertarian. Or maybe I will write in Ron Pauls name. Doesn

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Really? Prove it.

Why do people always go to that? Do they really not think people aren't voting on issues? Obama's charisma brought new voters to him, but I highly doubt they're just voting for Obama to "be cool".

They are just bitter and angry that America has become inspired by a Democrat and not a Republican.

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I'm with you, LF.

100,000 brainless morons or 2 billion brainless morons -- it makes no difference. Still a pack of brainless morons.


And don't tell me Powell isn't supporting the Marxist because of skin color. It's as obvious as the nose on his face.

You know, it was good to see Colin Powell laying the smack down on the racism within his own Republican Party. Obama is not a Muslim, and never has been. But, would it really matter if he was a Muslim? Powell's example about that 7 year old Muslim American boy was great.. Why shouldn't the boy be able to dream about becoming the President of the United States someday? And in his closing comments on the sacrifice made by many Muslim American soldiers serving in Iraq showed just how serious he was about the issue and supporting Obama.

It's not just because Obama "is black". That's just ridiculous.

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You know, it was good to see Colin Powell laying the smack down on the racism within his own Republican Party. Obama is not a Muslim, and never has been. But, would it really matter if he was a Muslim? Powell's example about that 7 year old Muslim American boy was great.. Why shouldn't the boy be able to dream about becoming the President of the United States someday? And in his closing comments on the sacrifice made by many Muslim American soldiers serving in Iraq showed just how serious he was about the issue and supporting Obama.

It's not just because Obama "is black". That's just ridiculous.

Remember, Trae, the 'Powell just endorsed Obama because he's Black' comments are coming from many of the same Republicans who touted their tokens, Powell and Condi Rice, as proof of their racial inclusiveness. Now, that Powell isn't toeing the party line, he will be attacked mercilessly by those same people. Many of those that will attack Powell's endorsement are the same ones who threw Powell under the bus when he testified at the UN.

As for the sheeple comments, I will proudly wear the label. If the ability to look at the last 8 years and call it an unmitigated disaster...from preemptive declarations of war, to implosions of the financial industry, to record numbers of uninsured, to declines in real wages and a doubling of the national debt...and coming to the conclusion that more of the same would make it even worse, if that makes me a sheep, then I have no problem with the label, or with sheep.

I don't blame Republicans for name-calling. What else have they got? The fundamental policies that caused this fiasco are all destined to continue in a McCain presidency. Sure, McCain differs from Bush on some things, but not on the policies that caused our biggest problems. He promises to continue unbridled spending in Iraq, he shows a fundamental ignorance of economic theory, and he promises to continue deficit spending at Bush levels. Do you expect LunaticFringe and Disastro to point that out? Of course not! Since they cannot name a single policy that will help get us out of this mess, they can only name-call and cast aspersions...pretty much the same thing the McCain campaign is doing.

You know, when deregulation and 'free markets' are your calling card, and those policies caused the collapse of the markets, what else can you do but call names? So, don't worry about it, Trae. The name calling is the proof that you are making the right decision. If McCain and his supporters had a viable plan they'd tell you what it is. Instead, we get the name calling...and I'm proud to be a sheep.

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It's insulting to say that all Obama voters are mindless sheeple or morons. I am certainly neither!

Here's a list of reasons WHY I am supporting Obama/Biden

1) Responsible and Phased withdrawal from Iraq

2) Fair Pay Act- Equal pay for equal work

3) American Opportunity Tax Credit- $4,000 for college in exchange for 100 hours of community service

4) National Health Insurance Exchange- offer a range of private insurance options (don't tax them like McCain's plan) as well as a chance to buy into a public plan based on the benefits offered to members of Congress

5) Support Stem Cell Research

6) Protect a woman's right to choose

7) Prevention First Act- expand access to contraception, health info, and preventative services to reduced unintended pregnancies

8) Employment Non-Discrimination Act- prohibit workplace discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identity

9) Protect Social Security

10) Early Head Start and Head Start- Expand the programs and help states make them univeral

11) Raise Minimum Wage- $9.50 by 2011

12) COPS Program- help add 50,000 police officers nationwide

13) Americorps- Expand the program to 250,000 by adding Classroom Corps, Clean Energy Corps, Health Corps, Veterans Corps, and Homeland Security Corps

14) Affordable Precription Medication- Allow the federal government to negotiate for prices for Medicare similar to how the government gets cheaper pricing on meds for the Veteran's Affairs group.

15) Make Assault Weapons Ban permanent

16) strengthen the Privacy and Civil Liberties Board

17) allocate Homeland Security Funds according to risk

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I am not brainless, and I think it is brainless to think Obama is the next coming of Jesus. I hate that stupid idea that he is the coming of Christ. Just because he can get 100,000 people to come to watch him at a rally does not make him Jesus. It just makes people smart for wanting real change from the last eight years insteed of 90% of the same from the so called maverick. If McCain could get 100,000 people to come to his rally would McCain supporters call him the new coming of Jesus? Somethings telling me you all wont. And Powell backing Obama because he is black is plan ignorance. He had enough of Bush after four years and does not want the country to go through another four. Can you blame him for that? Some peoples reasoning can be a little ludacris sometimes. :wacko:

Edited by Deut28Thirteen
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Thanks Red. :D

I am not brainless, and I think it is brainless to think Obama is the next coming of Jesus. I hate that stupid idea that he is the coming of Christ. Just because he can get 100,000 people to come to watch him at a rally does not make him Jesus. It just makes people smart for wanting real change from the last eight years insteed of 90% of the same from the so called maverick. If McCain could get 100,000 people to come to his rally would McCain supporters call him the new coming of Jesus? Somethings telling me you all wont. And Powell backing Obama because he is black is plan ignorance. He had enough of Bush after four years and does not want the country to go through another four. Can you blame him for that? Some peoples reasoning can be a little ludacris sometimes. :wacko:

*thinks about it*



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Name one.

I'll name two right off: C.S. Lewis and William J. Murray (Son of Madalyn Murray O'Hair).

Since this is not a religion thread, I am not going any farther with this topic. I was not the one who brought up religion anyway...and I'm not discussing it further. This just becomes a "Yes it is" and "No it isn't" argument that neither can prove or disprove.

I think it's really time to retire the term "sheeple." And the blasphemous comparisons to Jesus only conservatives seem to be making (irony!).

When did Louis Farrakhan become a conservative?

I missed that memo.

They are just bitter and angry that America has become inspired by a Democrat and not a Republican.

He inspires me to vomit.

He's a Marxist.

Obama: 364

McCain: 171

Ties: 3



Oh, and you can really tell who is losing when their supporters have to call supporters of a different candidate "brainless morons". All they're left with, and it's funny as hell.

You don't call the fainting and fawning brainless? Well, I do. As a matter of fact, this is the most brainless I've ever seen the so-called "journalism industry". The news media is pretty much lock, stop and barrell in league with the Obama campaign. So much for fairness in reporting. Man, this really smacks of Nazi Germany...from the in-pocket media to the demonizing minions...to the Obama "youth corp"...to the online attacks on anti-Obama people...


As to your map, there's still a lot of states in play. In a lot of those blue states he doesn't have an insurmountable lead. Especially if the polls are in error within those states.

Get ready to have your riot, Obamatons...I think you're going to be unpleasantly surprised after those polls close election night.

Oh...and thanks for the crying baby picture. I'll be sure to use it on election night after your stunning and historic loss (which will be GREAT because it will set back liberalism/Marxism for the next 100 years). But, you will probably be out burning cars and smashing windows for your "messiah" in the aftermath of his "stunning" loss.

Hell, even HE recognizes he could lose...hence all the speeches about not getting overconfident by both the Marxist and Biden.


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You don't call the fainting and fawning brainless? Well, I do. As a matter of fact, this is the most brainless I've ever seen the so-called "journalism industry". The news media is pretty much lock, stop and barrell in league with the Obama campaign. So much for fairness in reporting. Man, this really smacks of Nazi Germany...from the in-pocket media to the demonizing minions...to the Obama "youth corp"...to the online attacks on anti-Obama people...

Cry more. The only channel that is all up on Obama is MSNBC. I find CNN to be fairly balanced and of course Fox News. They are the most balanced news source out there.....or not, but you get my point (I hope). And the Obama "youth corp"? Where did you get this from?


Good for you man. Good for you.

As to your map, there's still a lot of states in play. In a lot of those blue states he doesn't have an insurmountable lead. Especially if the polls are in error within those states.

You can say the exact same thing with some of those red states. It isn't just one sided like you want to believe. Watch out for Georgia, Montana, Indiana, and WV for the red side. Still, the map, getting closer and closer to the election is turning blue. It's like this country is getting the cure from the red disease.

Get ready to have your riot, Obamatons...I think you're going to be unpleasantly surprised after those polls close election night.

Yeah, i think the landslide will be even bigger.

Oh...and thanks for the crying baby picture. I'll be sure to use it on election night after your stunning and historic loss (which will be GREAT because it will set back liberalism/Marxism for the next 100 years). But, you will probably be out burning cars and smashing windows for your "messiah" in the aftermath of his "stunning" loss.

See, why do Repubs keep referring to Obama as "the messiah"? No one else does that but you guys. You think we'll be rioting in the streets if Obama loses? With the way you're acting, I can't wait to see what'll happen when McCain loses.

Hell, even HE recognizes he could lose...hence all the speeches about not getting overconfident.

Wow. The fact that you're serious makes this even better.

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