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Local Yokel Posts Anti-Obama sign


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That's east Harris County for ya. Who wants to bet Quannel will be out there soon?

I think it would be more than appropriate that the response to this neanderthal's exercise of his 1st Amendment rights would be to listen to Quanel X exercising HIS 1st Amendment rights for an afternoon or three.

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If Quannel picks this cause, it illustrates why he will never be the next Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

You don't picket the yokels who don't care what some mob says. You picket corporations who then make a big fat "donation" to your cause/group/whatever to demonstrate their "diversity" and make you go away.

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Perhaps QX should picket Channel 11 for giving that Redneck any airtime ? I found it hilarious, that just like any other Bully, that when you confront them and call their bluff, they don't want any part of you. That oldman needs to shrivel up and blow away. He was so stupid as to think the reporter was talking about the Police rant on the other side of the sign ?

Three words, STUPID OLD MAN !

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If Quannell picks this cause, it illustrates why he will never be the next Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. .

I don't particularly like that Quannell copied Malcolm's more meaningful and original addition "X" to his name, as if to ride on Malcolm's coat tails, who has done far more meaningful work.

How does he make a living. I hope people are not donating money for him to meander from one PR event to the next. I thought that is what reality TV was invented for.

He has a wikipedia page too.

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I find it interesting that so many are deflecting from the real topic by invoking the name of an activist who is not involved in the incident. Is this a subtle attempt to justify the actions of the sign maker?

More like the goober's actions speak for themselves and really don't need comment. I'd be stunned if a single regular HAIFer felt that the man's sign was intelligent political commentary (although it is about as intellectually valid as some of the stuff out there passing as such).

Edited by CDeb
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If Quannel picks this cause, it illustrates why he will never be the next Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

You don't picket the yokels who don't care what some mob says. You picket corporations who then make a big fat "donation" to your cause/group/whatever to demonstrate their "diversity" and make you go away.

Funny thing is, my first thought was why doesn't Bill White/Guvnah Good Hair/Senators Cornyn and/or Hutchison/Rev. Young/etc... make this THEIR cause?

This isn't a "black" cause. It's a human cause. That sign is a sign of intimidation. Sure, as adults on the interwebs, we can laugh it off as some joke pulled by an ignorant racist tool. But, the kids who see that sign everday in that neighborhood will see it in very different ways.

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More like the goober's actions speak for themselves and really don't need comment. I'd be stunned if a single regular HAIFer felt that the man's sign was intelligent political commentary (although it is about as intellectually valid as some of the stuff out there passing as such).

I don't know, CDeb. Post #11 seems to contradict your statement.

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Funny thing is, my first thought was why doesn't Bill White/Guvnah Good Hair/Senators Cornyn and/or Hutchison/Rev. Young/etc... make this THEIR cause?

This isn't a "black" cause. It's a human cause. That sign is a sign of intimidation. Sure, as adults on the interwebs, we can laugh it off as some joke pulled by an ignorant racist tool. But, the kids who see that sign everday in that neighborhood will see it in very different ways.

Make 1st amendment rights their "cause" ? This is a simple case of pointing a finger and saying "Look kids, there's an idiot racist, PLEASE don't be like that loser.......EVER!" and hopefully they listen to you, and you can all move on.

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Funny thing is, my first thought was why doesn't Bill White/Guvnah Good Hair/Senators Cornyn and/or Hutchison/Rev. Young/etc... make this THEIR cause?

Talking about it as though it is a serious matter legitimizes it as such.

This isn't a "black" cause. It's a human cause. That sign is a sign of intimidation. Sure, as adults on the interwebs, we can laugh it off as some joke pulled by an ignorant racist tool. But, the kids who see that sign everday in that neighborhood will see it in very different ways.

You give the perpetrator of this message too much credit, and children too little. This is an abberant message. It means nothing in the context of childhood development, which is shaped by parents, teachers, and friends...not outdoor advertising.

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I don't particularly like that Quannell copied Malcolm's more meaningful and original addition "X" to his name, as if to ride on Malcolm's coat tails, who has done far more meaningful work.

How does he make a living. I hope people are not donating money for him to meander from one PR event to the next. I thought that is what reality TV was invented for.

He has a wikipedia page too.

Don't know if it's true, but the rumor is that Quannel gets his money from turning in perps. I'm sure you all remember back a few years ago when he got pulled over on 288 and had all those cops chasing him? He was enroute to the police station to turn some guy in. Lots of times, criminals will confess to Quannel and have him take them to be booked, as if that'll get them a lighter sentence or something. :rolleyes:

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I don't particularly like that Quannell copied Malcolm's more meaningful and original addition "X" to his name, as if to ride on Malcolm's coat tails, who has done far more meaningful work.

How does he make a living. I hope people are not donating money for him to meander from one PR event to the next. I thought that is what reality TV was invented for.

He has a wikipedia page too.

There is a whole reason behind the "X" thing. Until the Dishonorable Elijah Mohammed gave you your "Muslim" name, you reliquished your given name(slave name). Cassius Clay became Muhammed Ali. Malcolm X was given a name by Elijah Mohammed . El-Shabazz, but was kicked out of the nation of Islam because Malcolm wouldn't grovel to Elijah. Quannel was also kicked out of the nation of Islam by Racehatin' Louis Farahkhan. Quannel wasn't trying to mimic Malcolm with the "X", it is what almost all nation of Islam men do to their names until their "cult leader" gives them their new name. ALOT of muslim men do this, I don't think Quannel wants to be Malcolm, but I am sure he would like his noteriety.

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It's sad all the way around. Nobody gave 2 squirts about him MOCKING the police and what he thought was a poor job being done by them in the area, but put the n-word on anything and the whole country has a cow. Perhaps if the cops had been doing a little investigation into his litter strewn property, that sign wouldn't be standing at all.

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This guy and his stupidity reminds me of some of my back woods relatives. Sad thing is, you have no chance of teaching him or changing him at all, I have tried until I turn blue in the face. Best to just let them torture themselves.

So, can we just designate some island for intolerant people? I think they would be all for it - "Come live here, there are no blacks, hispanics, jews, or gays!!" I think they would volunteer to go, we wouldn't even have to ship them off. And when they aren't looking we'll use that island to dispose of our hazardous waste. Everyone wins.

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Put FOX News on that island. "Baby mama"?

That's some fair and balanced reporting there. Ranks right up there with the "terrorist fist bump" and the Racheal Ray terrorist scarf. What is it with Fox news only letting the brainless bimbos do news and commentary? Gretta S has half a brain and is relagated to the missing white woman of the day stories.

Hey I'm off topic but what the hey. Everyone else is ignoring the message of this ignorant old man's sign and hijacking the thread to rag on their favorite black activists.

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That's some fair and balanced reporting there. Ranks right up there with the "terrorist fist bump" and the Racheal Ray terrorist scarf. What is it with Fox news only letting the brainless bimbos do news and commentary? Gretta S has half a brain and is relagated to the missing white woman of the day stories.

Hey I'm off topic but what the hey. Everyone else is ignoring the message of this ignorant old man's sign and hijacking the thread to rag on their favorite black activists.

Fox News. They report. I decide. Not fair, not balanced. NEXT.

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I was struck dumb when I saw that yesterday. I cannot BELIEVE that multiple people at Fox thought that was okay, and aired it. Unbelievable.

according to the caption from the story, the liberals said it, not fox. whoever put the youtube video together is claiming fox said it.

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according to the caption from the story, the liberals said it, not fox. whoever put the youtube video together is claiming fox said it.

:huh: That is wrong unless you can find who these liberals are. FOX writes sensationalist headlines, but this is just flat-out race-baiting.

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:huh: That is wrong unless you can find who these liberals are. FOX writes sensationalist headlines, but this is just flat-out race-baiting.

And, the producer admitted to making up the headline, and admitted it was "probably" poor judgment.

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And, the producer admitted to making up the headline, and admitted it was "probably" poor judgment.

i guess like michelle used it here when obama won his senate seat.

MICHELLE OBAMA, WIFE OF BARACK OBAMA: My baby's daddy Barack Obama. Yeah!

BARACK OBAMA, SENATOR-ELECT, ILLINOIS: Thank you, Illinois. Thank you. Thank you, Illinois. I don't know about you but I'm still fired up. I am fired up. Look at this crowd. Thank you, Illinois.

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i guess like michelle used it here when obama won his senate seat.

MICHELLE OBAMA, WIFE OF BARACK OBAMA: My baby's daddy Barack Obama. Yeah!

BARACK OBAMA, SENATOR-ELECT, ILLINOIS: Thank you, Illinois. Thank you. Thank you, Illinois. I don't know about you but I'm still fired up. I am fired up. Look at this crowd. Thank you, Illinois.

Well, if people think Barry isn't "black enough", Michelle proves that she certainly IS ! :huh::rolleyes:

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