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Local Yokel Posts Anti-Obama sign


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Hey I'm off topic but what the hey. Everyone else is ignoring the message of this ignorant old man's sign and hijacking the thread to rag on their favorite black activists.

That is what you DO with a bitter oldman and his ignorant signage. You IGNORE him, and he will crawl back into his hole.

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the fact is if this was some old black fool with a sign that said Bush hates black people and Bush blew up the leeves in New Orleans the media would be covering it like it is the words of the messiah

If black people ever want to be truely equal they will need to step up and realize that taking up for the hate filled words of black fools because they are black only makes them look stupid and that hate filled words from white people are no more or less hateful than hate filled words from black people.....up to and including the N word

if black people can not get over this they will forever be second class in their own mind

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according to the caption from the story, the liberals said it, not fox. whoever put the youtube video together is claiming fox said it.

The "liberals"? Who are these mysterious "liberals"? Any relation to "they" or "them".

Edited by west20th
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If black people ever want to be truely equal they will need to step up and realize that taking up for the hate filled words of black fools because they are black only makes them look stupid and that hate filled words from white people are no more or less hateful than hate filled words from black people.....up to and including the N word


You hear that, all you black people? Now all you have to do to be equal to white people is stop hating, and stop "taking up" for haters. Or at least realize how foolish you look when you do those things.

One question, TexasVines: What will white people be equal to if they follow this program?

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You hear that, all you black people? Now all you have to do to be equal to white people is stop hating, and stop "taking up" for haters. Or at least realize how foolish you look when you do those things.

One question, TexasVines: What will white people be equal to if they follow this program?

It's funny, though, that just earlier this evening, I was watching clips of Bob Dylan on PBS, and although I've never really gotten into the folky 60's stuff, one of his songs (I think it was called "Pawn in Their Game") was relating how the blame for racism ought not be placed upon reactionary poor white racists, but upon the culture, shaped by scheming political factions, that frustrates and incites them. He applied the same message to Vietnam war vets, which in his day was a very responsible and moderate position to take--I'm sure it pissed off a lot of the extreme Left--which probably were well-deserving of a verse, themselves.

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It's funny, though, that just earlier this evening, I was watching clips of Bob Dylan on PBS, and although I've never really gotten into the folky 60's stuff, one of his songs (I think it was called "Pawn in Their Game") was relating how the blame for racism ought not be placed upon reactionary poor white racists, but upon the culture, shaped by scheming political factions, that frustrates and incites them. He applied the same message to Vietnam war vets, which in his day was a very responsible and moderate position to take--I'm sure it pissed off a lot of the extreme Left--which probably were well-deserving of a verse, themselves.

Well, as they are saying at Bonoroo or Wanadoo or whatever the concert is that all those young folks are at this weekend, "the hippies were right!"

Bob Dylan wrote some amazing stuff.

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You hear that, all you black people? Now all you have to do to be equal to white people is stop hating, and stop "taking up" for haters. Or at least realize how foolish you look when you do those things.

One question, TexasVines: What will white people be equal to if they follow this program?

white people don't have their "spokespeople" and their "stars" out taking up for cop killers and race baiters

white people don't have their "spokespeople" and "leaders" our race baiting and calling people hitler and worse

white people have their claimed spokespeople out wringing their hands with white guilt

this particular gentleman is just some old guy that got some attention.....he is not a "leader" in the community out race baiting and shaking people down with false racism........that is the vast difference between the two

minorities and their leaders are the ones making hate speeches

when it is white people doing it it is some small fringe group that is marginalized already in society

if black people can dish it out then they can take it right back......but of course they can't they want to restrict certain speech ect. when it comes from white people yet black people are still free to stand before audiences of thousands live and millions on TV and make their hate filled speeches......or when they get caught being a member of a hate filled church with a large congregation all they need to do is give a speech and all is OK again....because you know "white people will never understand anyway"

if Lakewood was to behave similar to obamas church only saying hate filled things against black people they would eventually have to shut down because of press coverage and protest......when obamas church does it he has people making excuses for it and justifying it.....and telling white people they can "never understand"

which is why blacks that follow that path will always be second class.....because it is in their head not others......too bad some are too blind to see this

black people will "never understand" either...........they will never understand what it is like to be blamed for something you have nothing to do with because of the color of your skin.....or to have to watch people that are less qualified, but "equal" be promoted because of the color of their skin........they will never understand what it is like to be attacked and accused of things you have no control of.....and then accused of being "racist" when you stick up for yourself......in the real world where big boys and girls live people brush off the comments of others and move on.......if they are white

Edited by TexasVines
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How can you write this:

minorities and their leaders are the ones making hate speeches

Right before you write this:

black people ... will never understand what it is like to be blamed for something you have nothing to do with because of the color of your skin
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it is easy to write

because the gentleman in north east Houston is just that one person

while the "reverend" wright, jackson, farrahkan, quannell X, jackson jr, sharpton. the detroit city council, marion barry and many others are black LEADERS

remember bill clinton......the "worlds greatest president".......first black president

now 8 years later he is a racist and using race to help hillary......and hillary is some evil, white, entitled, elitist trying to keep the poor half black man down

any white person with a brain would shrug their shoulders and say let black people have THEIR "leaders" and detroit and compton and watts and DC

and the rest of us typical white people will try and move on with our lives

blacks like to brand whites with the fringes of white society while the LEADERS at the forefront of their society use race and hate at every turn......all while blacks fall further and further behind

what is to not understand about the difference between one old white guy that many in this thread have already labled because of where he lives VS black LEADERS

it was funny when Bush was hitler and it was funny when Bush was a chimp

now when obama is a sock monkey or obama is curious george or when some old white guys says obama is a ______ I am suddenly suppose to rise up as a "typical white person" and be outraged

well I am not and I think it is funny.....and if obama gets elected I hope a great deal more stuff like this happens.....because it is funny just like it was funny to black leaders to say all those things about Bush.....it is funny that "typical white people" will say things about obama that will get black people worked up......especially as "their communities" and their family structure crumble around them and their "leaders" allow blacks to become further marginalized in society

not only that when a black person does have success and they don't give in to the "typical" black victim mentality they are suddenly house ______s or "toms"

and when Bill Cosby finally speaks up he is a "racist"

blacks allow their LEADERS to spew their crap........whites have the fringes of the "typical white society" say something and we are all brushed with that brush.....I say who cares.....keep your rap music and your culture of don't snitch and your culture of calling successful black conservatives house boys ECT.

it makes no difference to me because I am white and I know how to shoot and when quannel X and his pack of race baiters show up me and my neighbors will send them back to their ghettos

Edited by TexasVines
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it makes no difference to me because I am white and I know how to shoot and when quannel X and his pack of race baiters show up me and my neighbors will send them back to their ghettos

You are a lovely human being! I'm so glad we've crossed paths.

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You are a lovely human being! I'm so glad we've crossed paths.

well my advice to you is move away from the "typical" white neighborhoods and their guns, Bibles, and religion that they cling to and move to DC or detroit or compton or watts or new orleans (and take some katrina trash with you)

they you will not need to suffer for being around typical white people like me....and you can enjoy life in those places....if you live long enough to :lol:

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it is easy to write

because the gentleman in north east Houston is just that one person

while the "reverend" wright, jackson, farrahkan, quannell X, jackson jr, sharpton. the detroit city council, marion barry and many others are black LEADERS

remember bill clinton......the "worlds greatest president".......first black president

now 8 years later he is a racist and using race to help hillary......and hillary is some evil, white, entitled, elitist trying to keep the poor half black man down

any white person with a brain would shrug their shoulders and say let black people have THEIR "leaders" and detroit and compton and watts and DC

and the rest of us typical white people will try and move on with our lives

blacks like to brand whites with the fringes of white society while the LEADERS at the forefront of their society use race and hate at every turn......all while blacks fall further and further behind

what is to not understand about the difference between one old white guy that many in this thread have already labled because of where he lives VS black LEADERS

it was funny when Bush was hitler and it was funny when Bush was a chimp

now when obama is a sock monkey or obama is curious george or when some old white guys says obama is a ______ I am suddenly suppose to rise up as a "typical white person" and be outraged

well I am not and I think it is funny.....and if obama gets elected I hope a great deal more stuff like this happens.....because it is funny just like it was funny to black leaders to say all those things about Bush.....it is funny that "typical white people" will say things about obama that will get black people worked up......especially as "their communities" and their family structure crumble around them and their "leaders" allow blacks to become further marginalized in society

not only that when a black person does have success and they don't give in to the "typical" black victim mentality they are suddenly house ______s or "toms"

and when Bill Cosby finally speaks up he is a "racist"

blacks allow their LEADERS to spew their crap........whites have the fringes of the "typical white society" say something and we are all brushed with that brush.....I say who cares.....keep your rap music and your culture of don't snitch and your culture of calling successful black conservatives house boys ECT.

it makes no difference to me because I am white and I know how to shoot and when quannel X and his pack of race baiters show up me and my neighbors will send them back to their ghettos

Now, tell us how you really feel about black folks.

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Someone should tell the old man with the sign that he is invited to the lemonparty being held in the local retirement home ;)

In all seriousness, I wouldn't worry much about this old man. There are more serious threats out there...

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I am white and I know how to shoot and when quannel X and his pack of race baiters show up me and my neighbors will send them back to their ghettos

Folks like you can dish it anonymously over the internet. But I'll bet you're scared to say this stuff in public.

Meanwhile, here's a pic of TexasVines out with his friends. Do they know about your views?


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any white person with a brain would shrug their shoulders and say let black people have THEIR "leaders" and detroit and compton and watts and DC

and the rest of us typical white people will try and move on with our lives

I couldn't help but chuckle at texasvines self-ownage in these 2 sentences.

And, yes, vine, I agree you would be one of the typical white people instead of the ones with a brain.

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well my advice to you is move away from the "typical" white neighborhoods and their guns, Bibles, and religion that they cling to and move to DC or detroit or compton or watts or new orleans (and take some katrina trash with you)

they you will not need to suffer for being around typical white people like me....and you can enjoy life in those places....if you live long enough to :lol:

Toggle3? Is that you?

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Wow. I leave for a weekend and this thread jumps off the tracks.....

....and plows through a playground, hospital, and crowded street market.

You forgot two things, we also plowed through a cemetery and a chicken coop. :P

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