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Kashmere Gardens Elementary School At 4901 Lockwood Dr.


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Can someone divulge any information of Kashmere Gardens Elementary in far N East Houston?

I mean year built and so on. It was recently on the list for closure but managed to survive at least for now. It was shocking for me anyway that there was a actual website.


Even more surprising that in this very photo is a tiny part of my classroom. My 1st experience as a student in what was a new venture called The Head Start Program. I think Barbara Jordan was very instrumental in creating this test model in that time?


When we had recess we used to hide behind those same bushes in this picture. Its a miracle they survived that long! It was 1966. :o Even the same large oak trees out front are still there! I hit my head on the stump one day when imitating the 3 stooges to impress my school mates. Had big bump for days. :wacko:

As an added note, I clearly recall the teachers then were mostly minority and the children were white/black and Mexican-American. I was in secretly love with my teacher Ms Rodriguez. :wub:

Bussing was becoming a serious issue in schools. We were fortunate mom always dropped us off and picked us up then. Have clear memories of the kids to this day. Still have report cards too (need to scan). If anyone has date built would greatly appreciate.

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  • 6 months later...
Can someone divulge any information of Kashmere Gardens Elementary in far N East Houston?

I mean year built and so on. It was recently on the list for closure but managed to survive at least for now. It was shocking for me anyway that there was a actual website.


Even more surprising that in this very photo is a tiny part of my classroom. My 1st experience as a student in what was a new venture called The Head Start Program. I think Barbara Jordan was very instrumental in creating this test model in that time?


When we had recess we used to hide behind those same bushes in this picture. Its a miracle they survived that long! It was 1966. :o Even the same large oak trees out front are still there! I hit my head on the stump one day when imitating the 3 stooges to impress my school mates. Had big bump for days. :wacko:

As an added note, I clearly recall the teachers then were mostly minority and the children were white/black and Mexican-American. I was in secretly love with my teacher Ms Rodriguez. :wub:

Bussing was becoming a serious issue in schools. We were fortunate mom always dropped us off and picked us up then. Have clear memories of the kids to this day. Still have report cards too (need to scan). If anyone has date built would greatly appreciate.

Kashmere was built in 1949...looks very similar to my elementary, built in the 1950's. (Vertigo, I'm sure you've probably looked this up, by now, but it's a very good list, like to share with others.)



Edited by NenaE
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Kashmere was built in 1949...looks very similar to my elementary, built in the 1950's. (Vertigo, I'm sure you've probably looked this up, by now, but it's a very good list, like to share with others.)



Amazing! Thanks Nena!

Funny how much one can remember at tender age of 6. The morning mom got a ticket for running the stop light in front of the school is what really stands out for me. :P In those days it wasn't required to even have seat belts in cars. See how times have changed. She didnt want to stop suddenly or we kids would have all fell forward. It was 1966, the tree in front of the school is still there, only its now huge! that's where I hit my head trying to be the class clown. The big knot on my head taught me a lesson. I think. :blush:

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Kashmere Gardens was designed by Lloyd and Morgan architects - I am not sure of the date of the article quoted, but I assume it is 1948-ish if the school was built in 1949:

The Houston School Board awarded the contract to Marshall Construction Company at $577,800. The school will contain 25 classrooms, cafeteria, and a kitchen.
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wow, over $500,000. for an elementary school back then, sounds like a lot of money...we used to ride/ sit on the back arm rest in the car ( and got scolded for it), or lay in the back window. My dad owned a few convertibles, as well, thru the years. That was a lot of fun, of course, no belts. :o

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wow, over $500,000. for an elementary school back then, sounds like a lot of money...we used to ride/ sit on the back arm rest in the car ( and got scolded for it), or lay in the back window. My dad owned a few convertibles, as well, thru the years. That was a lot of fun, of course, no belts. :o

Another BIG scary thing I will never forget while at Kashmere is getting left behind by the school bus!

I was too young to understand where to wait or whatever and it took off as I ran towards it! I panicked and do not recall there being any adult to calm me down nor console. Eventually someone helped and mom came and picked me up. I am pretty sure I was in tears and thought the world had come to an end that evening.

Thank God we moved shortly after since the area was headed down hill and has remained there since as far as we know. Thats why I refer to it as The Land That Time Forgot. I and I do mean "if" I ever pass by there, it is still 1966...no joke. :ph34r::D

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  • The title was changed to Kashmere Gardens Elementary School History
  • The title was changed to Kashmere Gardens Elementary School At 4901 Lockwood Dr.

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