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Geriatric Houston

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Tell me I'm not alone.

It's difficult to decide where an elderly parent will be best cared for.

so true. i am going through this right now. they are only able to do the bare minimum to run their household and take care of themselves. they forget everything and are very immobile. they need someone to check in on them everyday and make sure they are taking their meds, taking care of their hygiene, not burning up pots and pans, not worrying about something unnecessary, etc.

my parents are dead set against a nursing home (and i probably am too).

they might consider an assisted living community

but right now i think they would be okay with just an in-home service.

unfortunately they live off social security and have no savings. oops.

does anyone know the cost and quality of in-home caregivers like these:





anyone have any other suggestions?

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