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Ruining The Galleria Skyline?


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Let it go already. The point is, after a lot of people said HP would NEVER be built, they were proven to be wrong. And I would NOT say the doubters were half right at all. 3 surface lots were replaced downtown and only 2 buildings in HP didn't go up - something that will hardly be missed at all.

Actually, HP demonstrates very well that its concept is not financially viable given market conditions in and of themselves. It exists only in the form that we recognize (and that some celebrate) because of government subsidy. So if you were someone that predicted that it wouldn't be built, you'd be correct if not for the whim of a handful of individuals in City government...and not on its own merits.

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Quotes like the ones above, make quotes like the one below true.

O then please correct me. Like you, I'm no expert on this subject. But unlike you I will at least admit it. Maybe somebody WILL miss the buildings at HP that didn't get built and maybe there WERE more than 2 buildings that didn't get built.

I wrote what I did because I can tell by some of the earlier renderings that in addition to the retail part (which doesn't look scaled down at all) there were going to be 3 mid rises, one on each block. 2 are not being built, but 1 is along with the rest of the project on the renderings. So it appears to me that the project was scaled down by 2 buildings. I don't know anything more than that, so sue me.

But whatever, I wouldn't be judging the Deyaar building's prospects or anything else going up in Houston on HP removing 2 relatively insignificant residential mid rises in an unproven market. I don't care how many subsidies were granted.

I didn't want this to turn into a thread about HP, or who knows less of what the hell they are talking about. But who cares. This entire thread has a negative connotation right from the get-go so who cares if it gets high-jacked. Imagine, anyone NOT wanting an 89 story tower (however realistic or unrealistic its prospects might really be) to built anywhere in Houston - and have the nerve to speak against it BEFORE a rendering is even released.

And BTW Gary, I didn't really intend on sounding overly hostile about people not knowing what the hell they are talking about. I don't exactly think it is a crime for people to write their opinions, or gossip, or post info they think might be credible. I like reading stuff at Haif - no matter what the source, overly positive opinions, dismally negative opinions, and fact or fantasy. They are all a form of escapism for me. But I would never bet the house on ANYTHING I read on this forum. I don't usually believe everything I read unless there are few credible sources to back it up. No one should be offended by that. One can only hope that the good stuff is true and the bad stuff is false. Common sense ought to be enough to indicate whether a project has legs or sounds like it is based in fact or fiction. Personally, it does not sound inconceivable that someone will build an 89 floor building in Houston at some point.

However, if there is one thing I HAVE learned about reading posts on internet forums, it is that USUALLY those who know anything - don't say anything. And those that know nothing - do. Of course, there are always exceptions. And I certainly hope Encons is one of those exceptions. His info, at least, sounds plausible to me. I can at least credit him with keeping his 'insider info' short and sweet (unlike like this long winded post of course). And the fact he doesn't have thousands of postings here means he might be spending more time listening to real info than making it up. Anyway, I certainly hope he knows what the hell he is talking about because I believe an 89 floor tower would be awesome for this city. It would be like being awarded a trophy for this generation's oil boom, just like the Texas Commerce tower was for the 1970's-80's oil boom.

Edited by Mister X
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