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Rotating skyscrapers of the future coming soon!

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Rotating skyscraper plans for Moscow, Dubai -- N.Y.?

By Sinead Carew

Tue Jun 24, 5:24 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) - After taking in an expansive view of Manhattan from a friend's apartment, architect David Fisher came up with a way to make the most of a good location -- a rotating building.



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There is an existing topic about rotating buildings.

I often wanted to know how the Hyatt Regency Spindle restuarant rotates? I mean what makes it spin. Just think at one time a person could see very far in the distance from here. Most is blocked by newer skyscrapers now. :angry:

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I looked at this the other day. There is a video showing exactly what it would do. I can just imagine the insurance on this being sky high, that alone will probably kill this idea -- although we are dealing with mega millionaires who would be living in this, so it might happen.

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That ought to be a lot of fun in a hurricane. :rolleyes:

Hurricane parties! Just have plenty of those airline barf bags handy for guests. :mellow:

Even better when you have guests visit that you really dont like, just press the fast button as you step out for a beer run. Make sure furniture is bolted down of course.

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You know, this could have the potential of being like that barfonator that used to be at Astrworld during a hurricane. Should make things quite exciting.

I don't doubt it can be built, but can it structurally last...THAT is the main question.

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On a more serious note, these type of buildings will be made. It is just a matter of time. What seems outlandish or novelty now will become a reality. I am totally supportive, if and when I win the lotto I am having one made. Maybe not on a grand scale like these but rest assured it will be at least 9-10 levels high or at least enough to have a great view of our city. :D

I am eager to see how the elevators (in center?) will be incorporated into the plans. Imagine what exact measuring and planning must go into the overhead light fixtures? If one centimeter off the whole fixture will fail and ?. Ok imagination is going (more Starbux) (missplelled X on Starbux on purpose).

cant you just picture what the parking will be like? Revolving driveways...never have to reverse it....

Bet that is in the work's somewhere to.

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On a more serious note, these type of buildings will be made. It is just a matter of time. What seems outlandish or novelty now will become a reality. I am totally supportive, if and when I win the lotto I am having one made. Maybe not on a grand scale like these but rest assured it will be at least 9-10 levels high or at least enough to have a great view of our city. :D

I am eager to see how the elevators (in center?) will be incorporated into the plans. Imagine what exact measuring and planning must go into the overhead light fixtures? If one centimeter off the whole fixture will fail and ?. Ok imagination is going (more Starbux) (missplelled X on Starbux on purpose).

cant you just picture what the parking will be like? Revolving driveways...never have to reverse it....

Bet that is in the work's somewhere to.

Boy, you'd never need to take another hit of acid again once you move in. :)

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Or sing, I'm so dizzy my head is spinning...like a whirpool it never ends. :lol:

or it could be from going to often the new 24 sports bar down the street.

You mocking my 24 sports bar? if I had feelings, they'd be hurt. Don't stomp on my dream,damnit.:P

I know I can't open a 24hr Chinese joint, so ohwell.

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You mocking my 24 sports bar? if I had feelings, they'd be hurt. Don't stomp on my dream,damnit. :P

I know I can't open a 24hr Chinese joint, so ohwell.

Its a good idea. Build it. I'll drink to it!

Anything can be 24 hrs. Back to topic would these room roll on giant ballbearings or what? Guess I should follow links to the architect guy talking in that vid clip. Wonder if sound of a giant room turning would bother your neighbors? Its a sensible question, not shy.

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Its a good idea. Build it. I'll drink to it!

Anything can be 24 hrs. Back to topic would these room roll on giant ballbearings or what? Guess I should follow links to the architect guy talking in that vid clip. Wonder if sound of a giant room turning would bother your neighbors? Its a sensible question, not shy.


I don't know about ball bearings, maybe some rollers.Something that will be easy to replace and is able to have some redundancy built into it.

Not to mention the stresses that the metal (or whatever material) will be put under, particularly under high wind events.

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Boy, you'd never need to take another hit of acid again once you move in. :)

Lightweight ! ;):P it's just spinning. It's not like the building is morphing and collapsing in on your insignficant mortal body while the melting window glass makes all the pretty colors.

Remember kids: just say no.

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Lightweight ! ;):P it's just spinning. It's not like the building is morphing and collapsing in on your insignficant mortal body while the melting window glass makes all the pretty colors.

Remember kids: just say no.

Yes, but it does bring a whole new dynamic to the discussion of "Dude I think the wall is breathing."

Edited by KatieDidIt
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There are a lot of really good reasons buildings don't have rotating floors. New building materials and the whims of fashion don't change that.

Look at the geodesic dome housing movement from the 60s and 70s. It turns out that 90 degree angles have a lot of significant benefits that folks weren't aware of until they got rid of them.

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Look at the geodesic dome housing movement from the 60s and 70s. It turns out that 90 degree angles have a lot of significant benefits that folks weren't aware of until they got rid of them.

My wife has an aunt that lives in one of those things. It leaks like a seive.

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These buildings are so friggin cool! I saw the Dubai model on TV, wow, imagine holding an open house, lol.

Totally agree!

Now try to imagine the room being any shape. Doesn't have to be square at all. The idea is to have your living room face the ocean one day then face the city skyline later. The levels could be oval, triangular etc. Just think scenes of some of the recent Star Wars skyline scenes (I do and worship the modern and futuristic designs of the city skylines).

If having a cocktail party you could slowly rotate as the party goes on. I can gaurantee you that everyone on earth will want to check this out. The open minded one's that is. It would be very interesting to see how emergency plans would be arranged too. Houston needs to get on the ball with at least one like now. :)

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Totally agree!

Now try to imagine the room being any shape. Doesn't have to be square at all. The idea is to have your living room face the ocean one day then face the city skyline later. The levels could be oval, triangular etc. Just think scenes of some of the recent Star Wars skyline scenes (I do and worship the modern and futuristic designs of the city skylines).

If having a cocktail party you could slowly rotate as the party goes on. I can gaurantee you that everyone on earth will want to check this out. The open minded one's that is. It would be very interesting to see how emergency plans would be arranged too. Houston needs to get on the ball with at least one like now. :)

Now try to imagine all the guests at you party saying "What's that awful smell?" because of the mildew growing on everything because of the leaky joint between the fixed core and the rotating exterior! Then try to imagine the constant griding from every floor as grit accumulates in the bearings and gears! Next, imagine the thrill of maintenance crews trudging through your house on a weekly basis to fix all those moving parts, and the added excitement of paying for parts and labor!! Oh, the joy of coming home from a long day at work and trying to guess where the bathroom has rotated off to!

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On a more serious note, these type of buildings will be made. It is just a matter of time. What seems outlandish or novelty now will become a reality. I am totally supportive, if and when I win the lotto I am having one made. Maybe not on a grand scale like these but rest assured it will be at least 9-10 levels high or at least enough to have a great view of our city. :D

I am eager to see how the elevators (in center?) will be incorporated into the plans. Imagine what exact measuring and planning must go into the overhead light fixtures? If one centimeter off the whole fixture will fail and ?. Ok imagination is going (more Starbux) (missplelled X on Starbux on purpose).

cant you just picture what the parking will be like? Revolving driveways...never have to reverse it....

Bet that is in the work's somewhere to.

The cars will be on a lift to rise up to the level of the space. In other words, you are lifted and your car is lifted too. Car has it's own parking space on the condo level right inside. I saw a picture showing how this would be. Car stays nice and clean and and safe. Does anyone have this picture? Apparently I didn't save mine. Very cool. In Japan, most of the parking spaces go on lifts, one vehicle at a time, either up or below ground. Saves space and I thought this was the coolest thing I had ever seen. Completely automatic.

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Totally agree!

Now try to imagine the room being any shape. Doesn't have to be square at all. The idea is to have your living room face the ocean one day then face the city skyline later. The levels could be oval, triangular etc. Just think scenes of some of the recent Star Wars skyline scenes (I do and worship the modern and futuristic designs of the city skylines).

If having a cocktail party you could slowly rotate as the party goes on. I can gaurantee you that everyone on earth will want to check this out. The open minded one's that is. It would be very interesting to see how emergency plans would be arranged too. Houston needs to get on the ball with at least one like now. :)

, too cool!
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