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Downtown Homeless Situation


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Some of the stories seem a bit extreme. I live downtown and encounter bums all the time. Yes they ask for money, but they've always left me alone after I said no once. If one continues to harass you, sure, that's a problem. I'm just saying its not a very common occurrence. I don't even bother telling any of the lies (I don't have any change, I only have enough for bus fare). I just say No.

But ultimately they're just people, and while it may be an unpleasant experience for you to see them sitting there at the corner shop at Main Street Square in the morning asking for money with all their worldly possessions beside them, try to imagine how much worse it must feel for them. You'll hop on the train and be a mile away in a few minutes, but they'll be sleeping on the front stoop of the downtown churches tonight, or at the YMCA if they can scrounge together enough money.

And support the organizations that are providing support to them, like S.E.A.R.C.H.

Really guys its not that big a deal.

The way it was told to me by a person working DT much longer than me is that there is an ordinance that forbids them to pursue or harass you. This offense can result in a ticket or arrest. Thats why they just ask once. The bums seem to know and understand this.

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The way it was told to me by a person working DT much longer than me is that there is an ordinance that forbids them to pursue or harass you. This offense can result in a ticket or arrest. Thats why they just ask once. The bums seem to know and understand this.

Yeah I don't know all the details, but I do remember some action on panhandling when Bill White came in to office. Also, there were signs put up by the city and a radio campaign telling people not to give money to the homeless, and to give to aid organizations instead, something I fully support. The probability that you're supporting a substance abuse problem by giving money to homeless is just way too high. I've given food, though.

Anyway, I just don't see it as that big of a problem, and frankly we absolutely do not have any jail capacity to spare for minor annoyances. Status quo seems good to me.

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I do not live or work downtown, but I do go down there often, on weekends and evenings. I am baffled by the alarm over the bums. While I have seen quite a few bums, the numbers are not particularly surprising compared to other major cities, and I have never been the least bit harassed or bothered by any of them.

Honestly, in any listing of downtown problems the "bum problem" ranks well below the problem of bird s*#t covering Main Street Square, the plaza in front of The Wortham Center, and other areas of downtown.

The difference between bird crap and the bums is the potential to be harassed. Why go anywhere where there is a higher potential to be harassed, run in to trouble, or anything unpleasant.

And before any of you go to the other extreme of: "Well, there's danger everywhere, why not just stay home then?" - you all know what I mean by the raised threat of harassment.

I'm sticking to the idea of bus-tickets to Atlanta.

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The way it was told to me by a person working DT much longer than me is that there is an ordinance that forbids them to pursue or harass you. This offense can result in a ticket or arrest. Thats why they just ask once. The bums seem to know and understand this.

it also forbids them to sit down on the sidewalks certain hrs of the day but it is just not enforced.

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it also forbids them to sit down on the sidewalks certain hrs of the day but it is just not enforced.

It's also against the law to spit on DT sidewalks, but you don't see that being enforced either. I think this law comes from way back when most men and some women chewed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hm, bums usually leave you alone if you don't make eye contact, that's what I do, they usually lurk in the bus stops especially at rush hour but if you don't make eye contact or simply tell them no, they will leave you alone. Granted, as a girl walking downtown where it's not especially lighted is scary, even walking around during the day can be scary near St Joseph hospital and Main St square and the reason as someone said earlier is because DT has more bum traffic than business people at certain times of the day. I've never been harassed and I've been going DT for almost a year, but I have been scared. And the fear comes from seeing the bums that are clearly intoxicated or drugged, especially on the weekends. DT needs more stores a mall or something to make it feel like a real downtown, we are the 4th largest city in the US but what stores or lively things do we have dt? Macys and the new mall with the forever 21 store?

The city does need to do something about the public urination, I suggest public bathrooms. The only ones I am aware of are in the McDonalds near main st square, the ones in the tunnels, and in St Joseph hospital. And they should do something about that cheap store in main st square that's owned by the Indian couple, that's the place where all the bums get their alcohol from, I swear there's nothing more disturbing than seeing someone with a beer in a brown bag at like 11AM.

Edited by ericnowcool
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My wife got sexually harassed by a bum a few days ago, for the first time.


That's a criminal. And it's the exception. Laws are hardly made if unpleasant incidents are not overwhelming. While I will be troubled if that happened to my wife, in the end you'll see that it just reminds us of the fact that we'll never have a perfect society.

oh, bums, downtown bums. i need to get my eyes checked, thought the title was "downtown burns". ;)

...and you, sir, need to set you text size to largest.

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Earlier in this thread I mentioned that there's an organization here that sells coupons that you give to the homeless instead of cash and then they can use them to buy food, clothing, showers, etc... pretty much anything basic except for alcohol and tobacco.

Digging through a pile of old paperwork today I found some more information about it. The web site is http://www.chicagoshares.org, and its front page sums up what a lot of people here on HAIF feel:

We want to help, but we are:

Uneasy when approached by someone in need

Nervous about pulling out a wallet or opening a purse

Concerned that our money might be used for drugs or alcohol

The paper I found had some details, like the fact that $400,000 worth of $1 vouchers were redeemed by the homeless in 2008. That's WAY more than I ever thought it would be. And that the vouchers are accepted at supermarkets, Dunkin' Donuts, Subway, and even shoe repair shops.

If anyone knows of a similar program in Houston, post it here.

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  • 1 month later...
If you want to give to someone you think is really in need, I won't chastise you. However, if you are one of those who give to the intersection regulars, I will be greatly disappointed. That is where my frustration lies. They are the laziest of the lazy. Especially the ones who are so lazy, they work the same corner, with the same sign, every day.

When I was 17 and first saw downtown, sometimes I would give some change eventhough I didn't have much to give. I was waiting on the bus to the low paying job I had. A regular bumb asked me for change and I gave it. He came out of the store minutes later with a 40 oz. BEER!!

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When I was 17 and first saw downtown, sometimes I would give some change eventhough I didn't have much to give. I was waiting on the bus to the low paying job I had. A regular bumb asked me for change and I gave it. He came out of the store minutes later with a 40 oz. BEER!!

That bum won! See, it's not so bad for them.

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When I was 17 and first saw downtown, sometimes I would give some change eventhough I didn't have much to give. I was waiting on the bus to the low paying job I had. A regular bumb asked me for change and I gave it. He came out of the store minutes later with a 40 oz. BEER!!

The tourists near where I live are about the only ones who give the bums any money. Then they get a big old beer from the nearest Walgreen's and drink it in the bathroom at Border's.

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When I was 17 and first saw downtown, sometimes I would give some change eventhough I didn't have much to give. I was waiting on the bus to the low paying job I had. A regular bumb asked me for change and I gave it. He came out of the store minutes later with a 40 oz. BEER!!

Substance abuse problems are the largest cause of homelessness imo. Considering that 80something percent of homeless have a serious substance abuse problem, you are virtually assured that you are enabling substance abuse if you give cash. Never ever give cash.

The program editor posted seems cool. If you don't do something like that, donate to organizations that help the homeless, like SEARCH. SEARCH currently has a promotion where if you trade in an old suit or sport coat you get $150 coupon to use toward purchase of new suit at Norton Ditto on West Alabama. The suits taken in will be used for homeless trying to go back to work.

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  • 5 years later...

I try to make it an effort to check out downtown a couple times a week, either by driving or taking the rail line and walking around. I am a huge supporter of the growth of downtown and like to get a pulse on what is happening and to check out the construction sites.


Of course, I know there has always been a homeless problem downtown but on my two recent visits downtown I've seen more than normal...way more than normal. My last visit, I stopped into a downtown restaurant and a homeless person aggressively followed me to my car trying to get my attention. I know they are usually harmless but It seems like I am noticing more and more homeless in various parts of downtown.


Another time this month,  I took the train in and noticed that a group of homeless had gathered around the train station and were exchanging drugs. When the train arrived, they did not get on. Has there been a problem with homeless hanging out at the train stations with no intentions of actually using the transportation?


Also, what is the city doing about this situation and what do people on this forum feel will happen with an increased residential component in most of downtown? I understand that there are a number of shelters downtown and I am OK with their presence, if they are seeking those services, but drug deals and aggressively going after downtown visitors is going to make some uneasy and sour their opinion of downtown.


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Lived here fora year.

Traveled here 3 weeks per month for 4 years before that.

Traveled here 10 times per year for 8 years before that.

Lived in the Houston MSA for 10 years before that.

Have only seen a decline in the street population during that time.

I recognize that it exists but it is less troublesome, in my opinion, than 25 years ago.

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I have to agree with Utterly Urban.


With a few brief exceptions here and there, I've worked downtown pretty much continuously since the late '70s.  Back then, you just did not park east of Caroline after dark, unless you were going to Liberty Hall.  It wasn't panhandling that was the concern, it was getting mugged.


Having more and more people out and about has helped make things much safer, as has a larger and more visible police presence.  No, I'm not going to leave anything visible in my parked car downtown (a rule I also follow pretty much everywhere, including in my own dang driveway), and I'm not going to park in a dark, secluded place at night (nor would I do so at the suburban mall/shopping center of your choice), but all in all, downtown's tons better than it used to be.

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Let's also not forget that downtown, I am told, has the lowest rates of crime in the entire city. With 100,000 workers (and depending on the day ten thousand more sports fans or performing arts fans plus a few thousand more in hotels or folks at discovery green) and their cars, wallets, and purses here 5+ days per week, that is actually a very telling stat (if true).

Don't let the street urchins concern you. Come downtown. It's safe and it's fun (crazies and panhandlers aside).

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There are plenty of homeless panhandlers with varying degrees of aggressiveness, but I have not really detected a trend one way or the other.


A lot of blighted junk has been cleared off in the 13 years I’ve been going to DT regularly, but there are pockets where it definitely feels sketchier than others. The blocks on the East side of Main from $1.99 store to Green Street always seem to have groups of especially haggard looking men congregating in places that smell worse than somewhere you would normally want to hang out with your buddies. I assume there is some drug activity going on in that area, as the concentration is markedly lower when the horse cops or a marked cruiser are stationed nearby.  I’m making assumptions there though, actual enforcement options may be limited and/or whatever is going on may be less illegal than I am thinking, but the atmosphere does not put a “let’s convert the Sakowitz building to a Nordstrom” idea in to a passing investor’s head.


That said, a lot of public and private investment has gone in to that area recently, so maybe the activity seems more out of place than it used to. It would be nice if people could enjoy the area (and how it might improve further in the near future) without being badgered for money and smelling urine.


To the larger issue of homeless management, Houston seems to do it about as well as any CBD I’ve been around. These folks are going to be attracted to a city center, and they can be displaced from particular areas, but they will usually just settle somewhere else nearby.

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Keep in mind that the Harris County Jail is, by Sherif Garcia's telling, the largest mental health care provider in the state.  Mental illness and/or substance abuse and homelessness run hand in hand, and because of resource constrains on Harris County MHMRA, etc, most of those people are going to end up in jail, rather than a hospital.  When they get out, they usually find themselves at the corner of Commerce and San Jacinto.   As long as this is the case, there will always be a significant homeless population downtown.  



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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe we need a project to house all these homeless? *looking at you heaven on earth* (only somewhat joking.. Obviously projects are a blight [hang advertising banners over it] but the homeless sleeping on the street with all their belongings seems worse from a pedestrians standpoint)

I noticed a lot of them up and down Main today.

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  • 10 months later...

Homeless or not, they do attract a lot of attention here. 

I don't live downtown but commute there by bus to catch light rail.  Originally I waited at Main Street Square; there were often folks congregating on the sidewalk but rarely at the platform. Then the bus switched to the Bell Street stop; the number of people lying on the sidewalk was sad & distressing but they didn't bother anybody in the morning. After The Big Bus Switch, I walk through some lovely skyscrapers to the Houston Central station; one or two fellows are often sitting on the benches by Jones Hall. Just sitting; is the location limited to The Very Best Street People?

After work I'll often check out a bar or restaurant; I'd spend more time downtown if there were more retail than The CVS in Nieman's. Still, I have few problems. Perhaps eyes front & a brisk walk make me seem an unlikely target. (I'm not in the Forever 21 demographic.)  I've seen plenty of street people in other cities--mostly unnoticed because they were outnumbered.

That's my experience. Perhaps this thread would be a good place for others to post their experiences, complaints, suggestions, etc. 

So the next time I notice the thread on the Bar Scene bumped--it will have new information on bars & restaurants downtown.  And action in the Main Street Improvement thread will indicate work on the aforesaid Retail Problem....



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Does anyone know the actual terms for staying at the salvation army?  I've had a few people approach me asking for money saying that only the first night is free and they need $5/night after that

That sounds believable. Many of the shelters have a small fee. Still, I think donating the money directly to charities is safer than giving it to someone on the street who is battling a substance abuse problem.

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