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Apartment Explosion In Katy


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Interesting I wish I could remember whom told me this but the lady (I think she was a realtor) about 2 or 3 years ago said that there would be an apartment explosion in all areas of Katy. They were expecting it and she said so many would be built it would alter things in this area dramatically and not for the better.

Seems the process has started.

With all the entry level and other types of jobs that will come with all the hospitals, etc the people that are willing to take those jobs will need some place to live nearby. That is the element that will probably rub many people the wrong way in this area.

To be honest I don't want to see them mainly because every city area I have ever lived in where mass apartments came things went down within a matter of years. So I don't hold any illusions that the same might not happen in Katy but guess only time will tell if the HOA, etc make these complexs keep there standards up.

Hell with the housing market like it is right now and possibly in the future there may be a lot of people in houses that will need to move to apartments with them being mortgaged beyond recovery.


All true (best comment of the month award you get).

In fact when the news of a new Walmart goes out, everyone freaks out and not in a good way either.

Want to sue developer for not notifying them in advance, etc. Not sure if there are many city bus lines out in Katy, but once that starts...whoah Nellie...run for the hills!

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All true (best comment of the month award you get).

In fact when the news of a new Walmart goes out, everyone freaks out and not in a good way either.

Want to sue developer for not notifying them in advance, etc. Not sure if there are many city bus lines out in Katy, but once that starts...whoah Nellie...run for the hills!

The only bus service in Katy is Park and Ride.

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The only bus service in Katy is Park and Ride. For now, if you want to live in Katy, you pretty much have to have a car.

It's funny how they don't start mass-building apartments until the community is filled with homebuyers. If they did it the other way around, well, I don't think Cinco Ranch, Seven Meadows, Grand Lakes and the others would have gotten off the ground.

I have a relative that still lives off Cook Road & Beechnut :wacko: and she says that anytime the word got out that apts were going to be built nearby they all protested and won....that was 10 years ago.

Fast forward to now, the area has gone to pot, apts and low rent habitation abounds, the rest you see on the news like every other night. This is another kind of storm brewing. Oy vey.

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Not sure if there are many city bus lines out in Katy, but once that starts...whoah Nellie...run for the hills!

Wouldn't it be interesting to try a little experiment, and to see just how deep this Fear of the Metra runs?

Perhaps even use some connections with UH from the Soc dept. Put out a help-wanted for non-white students to just ride Park N Ride to Katy, generally mill about strip centers, and document their experiences. Do this for about a week, loading as many young black and brown faces on to the Kingsland Park n Ride as can fit. Do as much discreet video as possible, and document reactions.

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Not sure if there are many city bus lines out in Katy, but once that starts...whoah Nellie...run for the hills!

I'm curious. What happens then? I've never seen any studies on what happens, so hopefully you can enlighten me.

Also, whatever happens when the city bus lines come to town, does it also happen to my neighborhood if the bus lines are already there?

Thanks in advance for your knowledgeable reply. :)

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Wouldn't it be interesting to try a little experiment, and to see just how deep this Fear of the Metra runs?

Perhaps even use some connections with UH from the Soc dept. Put out a help-wanted for non-white students to just ride Park N Ride to Katy, generally mill about strip centers, and document their experiences. Do this for about a week, loading as many young black and brown faces on to the Kingsland Park n Ride as can fit. Do as much discreet video as possible, and document reactions.

and heaven forbid any paisan's/Italiano's join in. No want no Sopranos as my neighbors. :blush: It's la cosa nostra. Santo cielo!Davvero!

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Low rent prices are great for providing low-income people a place to live, but -- unfortunately -- they also attract people who'd rather spend what little income they get (legitimately or otherwise) on drugs, weapons, alcohol, etc. And those aren't the kind of people I want as neighbors.

C'mon, that's American culture you're talking about!

What suburban All-American dad doesn't spend all his money on his deer lease (guns and booze), his boat (which can be a deadly weapon when he's out of Lake Conroe full of booze), and big-screen TV's (the worst drug known to mankind)?!?!

I'd be more worried about those creepy neighbors that don't spend money on drugs, guns and booze. Just what are they up to in their spare time?!?! It scares the bejeezus out of me just to think about it!!! :o

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Call me an ass, doesn't make a difference to me.....I don't want the apartments near my home. I bought in an area of Katy where it was clear apartments would not be built, at least within a mile of our home. So if that makes me an elitist, so be it. If you want the apartments near you, great for you. Hell, build your home next door on the ajacent prpoerty. Afterall, it may make you feel better. Buy a Prius too.

Seriously, what's so wrong with deciding one doesn't care to live near apartments? It's all about choices in life, isn't it? So is everyone here voting McCain like me?

Edited by tcr98taws6
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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this thread is somewhat old...but I am new to the site...so here it goes...Yes to the last poster...I will be voting for McCain...as for the rest of you folks that have this NIMBY attitude..the folks that live in those apartments take the jobs our kids will not...last time I checked none of my neighbors were sanitary engineers...little Johnny and Susie do need to work...but the problem is we have all raised a bunch of spoiled brats that don't think they need to learn how to earn a dollar...they just go ask daddy...lol...yes...it seems everyone does the same mindless things...purchase the boat.the guns..the gas guzzling cars, etc...wow, what a concept...I work hard I spend my money on the things I like...which comes back to our homes...we are fortunate to live in a country were we can own property..and get to chose where we want to live...but like the old saying goes...we can pick our nose...we can't pick our neighbors...my little enclave I live in has gone down hill recently..the neighbors on my street are all great...they take care of their yards...keep the cars off the streets and such..when we move, i would love to take them with me...they're that good to live around..onto the next point about those dredded apartment leaches...the folks living in the apartments do pay school taxes....just in a different way...the apartment owners pay property taxes just like you and I do...so a portion of their rent does go to school taxes...so anyway...now that I have given my opinion...let the bashing begin...lol! BTW...I have lived in Katy/Katy area my entire life...I cut rice and bailed hay for many of my youthful years and played in Cinco Ranch before it bacame your home you so proudly admire...get over yourselves people...you are not as important as you think you are....so as you drive down your little ant paths and admire how much you have...think about the vast majority of people out there that can't afford the luxury we all can...sometimes people take themselves too seriuosly...you want to do something come with me to the thanksgiving day feast...and see what you are missing in your lives....RANT OFF......

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Okay. Just did. http://www.nsopr.gov/

There are 12 sex offenders within my ZIP code (77079). Every single one of them live in low-rent apartments or townhomes, with the exception of one who has listed what seems to be the address of a motel on Highway 6. In fact, a majority of them live at the ultra-shady Skylane Apartments ($99 first week's rent!) at Beltway 8 and I-10.


Of all the places that had to be hsut down for the I-10 expansion, why oh why wasn't Skylane one of them? I mean, come on Bill White, get on the ball!

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Of all the places that had to be hsut down for the I-10 expansion, why oh why wasn't Skylane one of them? I mean, come on Bill White, get on the ball!

You know who I feel bad for? All the little kids I see playing out there every day and waiting for the bus every morning during the school year. That can't be a positive environment for them to grow up in, especially with all of those (known) child predators living there. At least they're going to good public schools there...

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onto the next point about those dredded apartment leaches...the folks living in the apartments do pay school taxes....just in a different way...the apartment owners pay property taxes just like you and I do...so a portion of their rent does go to school taxes...

Not only do the apartment leaches pay taxes through their rent, percentagewise they pay FAR MORE than the homeowners. You see, all of us homeowners lounging around in our McMansions get a homestead exemption that lowers the effective tax rate as much as 33%...sometimes more. Apartment owners cannot homestead the apartment buildings, so they pay full freight on the property taxes...taxes that, of course, get passed on to the tenants in the form of rent.

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I know this thread is somewhat old...but I am new to the site...so here it goes...Yes to the last poster...I will be voting for McCain...as for the rest of you folks that have this NIMBY attitude..the folks that live in those apartments take the jobs our kids will not...last time I checked none of my neighbors were sanitary engineers...little Johnny and Susie do need to work...but the problem is we have all raised a bunch of spoiled brats that don't think they need to learn how to earn a dollar...they just go ask daddy...lol...yes...it seems everyone does the same mindless things...purchase the boat.the guns..the gas guzzling cars, etc...wow, what a concept...I work hard I spend my money on the things I like...which comes back to our homes...we are fortunate to live in a country were we can own property..and get to chose where we want to live...but like the old saying goes...we can pick our nose...we can't pick our neighbors...my little enclave I live in has gone down hill recently..the neighbors on my street are all great...they take care of their yards...keep the cars off the streets and such..when we move, i would love to take them with me...they're that good to live around..onto the next point about those dredded apartment leaches...the folks living in the apartments do pay school taxes....just in a different way...the apartment owners pay property taxes just like you and I do...so a portion of their rent does go to school taxes...so anyway...now that I have given my opinion...let the bashing begin...lol! BTW...I have lived in Katy/Katy area my entire life...I cut rice and bailed hay for many of my youthful years and played in Cinco Ranch before it bacame your home you so proudly admire...get over yourselves people...you are not as important as you think you are....so as you drive down your little ant paths and admire how much you have...think about the vast majority of people out there that can't afford the luxury we all can...sometimes people take themselves too seriuosly...you want to do something come with me to the thanksgiving day feast...and see what you are missing in your lives....RANT OFF......

Oh my a do gooder troll.

Rant On: Try to stay on subject instead of bouncing all over the place. I'm not voting for McCain or Obama or for anyone as it is a complete waste of time. They will do what they want to do along with there chronies regardless of what you think your voice carries (Can you say (Bush/Clinton/Bush). Anyhow that is not the subject here. Am I one of NIMBY folks you are talking about ? Yes I am. I have lived in Apartments for many years and held those same jobs you are talking about until I was able to move on up so to speak. I moved out here because I moved up from apartments and did not want to be around that setting any longer. When I moved here and was told of all the lies about how there would only be houses and schools with no strip malls or apartments, etc, etc. this is what I was looking for. The City has caught up and so have the things that come with that type of growth. Nothing I can do about it at this time but wait and see. As I stated in my earlier post we can only hope that the owners and HOA keep things nice and on top of the renters.

I do not feel empowered or above anyone else because of my choices of where to live or my reasoning I would rather not have apartment complexes near me. So please don't go stuffing all of us into that catagory you seem to have put all the people out here into just because they want something different. So you cut rice, whoop de doo, I harvested Cane when I was younger to make money when others didn't want to do it and that includes the low lifes who would rather leech the government or some other way of getting money instead of taking something to make an honest living.

As for your playing in Cinco Ranch when you were a kid, well that was when you were a kid and now that we are grown up and I got money I bought a piece of your playground which is now my home and my preference would be to not have apartments around my area.


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As for your playing in Cinco Ranch when you were a kid, well that was when you were a kid and now that we are grown up and I got money I bought a piece of your playground which is now my home and my preference would be to not have apartments around my area.



So, change happens. The ranch he played on as a kid no longer exists, because change happens. The homes and schools only playground which is your home may soon no longer exist, because....umm...change happens?

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When I moved here and was told of all the lies about how there would only be houses and schools with no strip malls or apartments, etc, etc. this is what I was looking for.

You moved into the middle class exurbs of the 4th largest city in the USA and actually believed that there wouldn't be strip malls and apartment complexes? That it would be all new, highly ranked schools and people who edge every Saturday? Where the kitchen help at the Taco Cabana just sleep in the back of the store, or bus in from somewhere else?

Here's a news flash. Getting up enough in the world to buy a $300,000 spread in the burbs is not enough to separate yourself from the unwashed. Not anymore. Work a little harder and move up to the 7 figure range, then try again. And try not to be so gullible next time.

Wow. Now I understand how builders and developers own the state of Texas. People actually believe the marketing.

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Why this assumption that apartment dwellers are scary people? I'm guessing that the majority of people who are going to move into an apartment in Katy are doing so to get their children into Katy ISD. When did trying to give your children a better education and a better way of life become bad?

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You moved into the middle class exurbs of the 4th largest city in the USA and actually believed that there wouldn't be strip malls and apartment complexes? That it would be all new, highly ranked schools and people who edge every Saturday? Where the kitchen help at the Taco Cabana just sleep in the back of the store, or bus in from somewhere else?

Here's a news flash. Getting up enough in the world to buy a $300,000 spread in the burbs is not enough to separate yourself from the unwashed. Not anymore. Work a little harder and move up to the 7 figure range, then try again. And try not to be so gullible next time.

Wow. Now I understand how builders and developers own the state of Texas. People actually believe the marketing.

How do you know when I moved here ?

When I moved here it wasn't the burbs in the 4th largest city in the USA. When I moved out here there was nothing here and Cinco Ranch consisted of one small section along with Katy being a blip on the screen. Most of my coworkers considered I just as well live in San Antonia. Everything else was merely fields and more fields. Didn't come for the schools and yes all the people out here do edge Saturday or Sunday. As for the help at Taco Cabana they might live in my same neighborhood for all I know. Here is a news flash for you I don't own a $300,000 home and not even close so I guess by your standards I am still part of the unwashed.

Here is another news flash for ya there are other people living out here that don't own $300,000 homes but come from apartments and hard work to get here but we still haven't made it from that unwashed stage to the washed. Guess what they don't want the apartments either, but they just have to make the best like everyone else.

Gullible !! you bet I was as a first time home buyer.

The developers and homebuilders own the state because the city and the state allow them to. There are no rules or anything in place to make them accountable. They basically can do or say whatever they like.

Typical for someone to just say they would prefer to not have apartments built and all of a sudden become snobs !!! But its usually those people that have the last laugh because they somehow have experince firsthand in some fashion of what is to come when huge quantities of apartments show up.

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Oh my a do gooder troll.

Rant On: Try to stay on subject instead of bouncing all over the place. I'm not voting for McCain or Obama or for anyone as it is a complete waste of time. They will do what they want to do along with there chronies regardless of what you think your voice carries (Can you say (Bush/Clinton/Bush). Anyhow that is not the subject here. Am I one of NIMBY folks you are talking about ? Yes I am. I have lived in Apartments for many years and held those same jobs you are talking about until I was able to move on up so to speak. I moved out here because I moved up from apartments and did not want to be around that setting any longer. When I moved here and was told of all the lies about how there would only be houses and schools with no strip malls or apartments, etc, etc. this is what I was looking for. The City has caught up and so have the things that come with that type of growth. Nothing I can do about it at this time but wait and see. As I stated in my earlier post we can only hope that the owners and HOA keep things nice and on top of the renters.

I do not feel empowered or above anyone else because of my choices of where to live or my reasoning I would rather not have apartment complexes near me. So please don't go stuffing all of us into that catagory you seem to have put all the people out here into just because they want something different. So you cut rice, whoop de doo, I harvested Cane when I was younger to make money when others didn't want to do it and that includes the low lifes who would rather leech the government or some other way of getting money instead of taking something to make an honest living.

As for your playing in Cinco Ranch when you were a kid, well that was when you were a kid and now that we are grown up and I got money I bought a piece of your playground which is now my home and my preference would be to not have apartments around my area.


Not sure why we have all the hate. We are all going to end up in one or two places when it is all said and done, so we might as well get along now.

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  • The title was changed to Apartment Explosion In Katy

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