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Discovery Green Photos

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well heres more photos

I took them in the early morning so they're not as colorful or bold

BUT, the one good thing about the morning environment is

One is able to get a clear reflection off of Kinder Lake

Citizen4rmptown's Pictures Of Dicovery Green Park in July







Edited by citizen4rmptown
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It has both a hill and numerous mature trees. One of the Discovery Green threads even has photos of a massive tree being transplanted.

I take it you have yet to visit the park, as Oak Alley would convince you of the number of mature trees in the park. The area around the lake doesn't have many mature trees, of course, as that area was dug out to install the underground parking garage.

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I just took a few photos out at the Green today and thought I'd share them. It was a great day. Hot, yes, but not unbearable. Had lunch at the Grove and was quite impressed with it. I am always pleasantly surprised by the amount of people who are there! It's a great asset to Houston.

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Susan Cowsill's band will be playing at Discovery Green next week, and

I would go, but I can't stand being out in the heat. :(

An evening in the high 70s to low 80s is too hot? That is really sad. You must miss out on so many outdoor events in this town.

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