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Black in America


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More kids does not do a single mother any good for finaces. My cousin has five kids and four out of wet lock and she and my aunt love them kids to death but WIC did not make things easy with more kids. My aunt on a teacher salary supported five grand kids, two daughters, and my grandmother who had alzheimer, and she went through a divorce. My cousin is not getting child support from the fathers and is seperated from her husband but are working it out doing what they have to for their children. My aunt did not get much support from her husband to take care of his two daughters. But they managed to get through it. They are not going to need WIC anymore after this year, and thinking about moving down to Texas. The east coast is not cheap. She and my cousin truned their credit around and was able to get a new car and a relatively cheap house in Va because a forecloser. And the other daughter is able to go to a private school for college. I am proud for what they were able to do and all though WIC helped in did not get them out of the woods.

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True there was slavery. No matter what some people say, no matter how they tried to water it down, slavery will go down as the worst crime ever comitted against any race in America. 400 years won't lessen the crime, 4000 years won't either. My own problem is not with slavery itself. My problem is with how people will not embrace progress by trying to perpetuate slavery 100 years after it was ruled illegal. But even that simmered a lot in the 60's when equal rights movement was at its zenith. I will be cautious to say that we still have racism today but people still discriminate a lot. A lot. Racism doesn't affect everyone, but everyone gets discriminated, in varying degrees.

But my point is that even with all these odds, Blacks, especially adult males, have more opportunities than they are using. They can get good education and become someone better than their fathers, train their children to become someone better than themselves. But many are doing something close to the opposite. They get in trouble easily, have felonies at a young age, and are not responsible to their kids or parents. Who do you blame for that? A colleague said that other races do exact things that put Blacks in jail but they just get a slap on the wrist. Maybe true. But Blacks who don't do those things don't go to jail, they don't even get slapped on the wrist.

If Blacks parents work hard at developing themselves and their families, sooner than you think they will have a great society that gets more respect than they get now.

And by the way I am as Black as it can get.

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yea, actually that's just what I meant. Skin color discrimination is a big deal because it exists in all groups. The darkest person is often the one getting the most negative reaction. Except not always. I'm not just white, but pale, and am always told that I need 'more color.' :mellow: I don't understand.

So much for my halfassed theory. I'm having philosophical overload. Need drinks.

True. I've also been called 'too white'.

Our society is always talking about white/black, when in fact, it is really about beautiful/ugly.

Beautiful people have a much easier life than ugly people in our culture today - especially true for females. Would somebody please tell Soledad O'Brien that she isn't black? Not many 'O'Brien's in Kenya or Nigeria. What she is ...is a beautiful woman. Halle Berry's mother looked like Olivia Newton-John in her youth. Halle is not black, but she is beautiful. Vanessa Williams has a hot body and genetically beautiful blue eyes. These beauties had a much easier life than their fat & ugly black counterparts. They need to do another show called 'Ugly in America', which would include people of all races.

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True. I've also been called 'too white'.

Our society is always talking about white/black, when in fact, it is really about beautiful/ugly.

Beautiful people have a much easier life than ugly people in our culture today - especially true for females. Would somebody please tell Soledad O'Brien that she isn't black? Not many 'O'Brien's in Kenya or Nigeria. What she is ...is a beautiful woman. Halle Berry's mother looked like Olivia Newton-John in her youth. Halle is not black, but she is beautiful. Vanessa Williams has a hot body and genetically beautiful blue eyes. These beauties had a much easier life than their fat & ugly black counterparts. They need to do another show called 'Ugly in America', which would include people of all races.

Halle (one black parent as I recall) and Vanessa Williams aren't black (two black parents as I recall)?

What you talkin' 'bout Willis?

So I guess all the controversy over Barack Obama being black and running for president is just all an illusion.

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Halle (one black parent as I recall) and Vanessa Williams aren't black (two black parents as I recall)?

What you talkin' 'bout Willis?

So I guess all the controversy over Barack Obama being black and running for president is just all an illusion.

Google the words: Barack and Biracial

See how many news stories come up. He's just as white(50%) as he is black(50%).

And he was raised by his white mother and white grandparents.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Racism does not affect everyone. What are you saying?

Have you ever been PRE-judged because of the color of your skin? Been eyed suspiciously while shopping because of the color of your skin? Had people cross the street? Avert their eyes because of the color of your skin?

When I went to Dubai, I was followed in every store in the Wafi City mall (06)... Even in all the knock off ones. In Spain, I was called 'Gringo' by a waiter at a fairly nice restaurant in La Cala De Mijas while walking to the restroom. And I'm a honky! B)

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