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This was originally a question I posed to the moderators, but I'm opening it up to hear what everyone thinks.

HAIF has been invited to test out a new magazine printing service. The idea of creating HAIF:mag intrigues me. A lot.

But I worry about content. Sure, we could get lots of pretty pictures to put in there from Jax and Boris and others. But what other content might go into HAIF:mag?

The only things I can come up with are the results of HAIFer polls.

Does anyone else have any bright ideas?

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I don't think the HAIF, nor most online forums, can really make the transition from web to print.

The things that make communities like this compelling-- the transient nature of members, the sniping, the impassioned pleas for a Pappas in Katy, the fascination with renderings, the wealth of financial and technical detail -- the personality of the group-- is often fleeting and usually (by its very nature) reactive. Not bad things, but very different from the print world. Good magazine content is proactive, managed, editorialized, and written by professionals. I enjoy the HAIF as much as I enjoy, say, Atlantic Monthly, but for very distinct reasons. I'm trying to think of popular forums/blogs that made the print transition--Stuff White People Like is one--and what's great online is flat and amatuerish in print.

Not that HAIFers are flat and amatuerish! But I think you get what I mean.

Edited by crunchtastic
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I don't think the HAIF, nor most online forums, can really make the transition from web to print.

The things that make communities like this compelling-- the transient nature of members, the sniping, the impassioned pleas for a Pappas in Katy, the fascination with renderings, the wealth of financial and technical detail -- the personality of the group-- is often fleeting and usually (by its very nature) reactive. Not bad things, but very different from the print world. Good magazine content is proactive, managed, editorialized, and written by professionals. I enjoy the HAIF as much as I enjoy, say, Atlantic Monthly, but for very distinct reasons. I'm trying to think of popular forums/blogs that made the print transition--Stuff White People Like is one--and what's great online is flat and amatuerish in print.

Not that HAIFers are flat and amatuerish! But I think you get what I mean.

On the one hand, I agree wholeheartedly that any kind of direct translation of HAIF from digital to print will be a flop. But perhaps there is a niche out there for subject matter such as we typically discuss? Local architecture, developments, urban planning, transportation, infrastructure, local culture & events, politics, crane-spotting, urban photography, etc.

The challenge, of course, is that it would have to be original material, not recycled from the forums. Maybe put the magazine out quarterly, like Cite is.

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But perhaps there is a niche out there for subject matter such as we typically discuss? Local architecture, developments, urban planning, transportation, infrastructure, local culture & events, politics, crane-spotting, urban photography, etc.

The challenge, of course, is that it would have to be original material, not recycled from the forums. Maybe put the magazine out quarterly, like Cite is.

Tee'd up like this- an idea worth pursuing. A narrower scope, one that can leverage stuff like photography, stats, polls, other sources. Use all the wonderfully quotable haifers for transition and pop.

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The challenge, of course, is that it would have to be original material, not recycled from the forums. Maybe put the magazine out quarterly, like Cite is.

On that note, part of the appeal for me, especially logging in as much as I do, is to see the lastest news about future projects and participate in topical discussions.

Anythinging quarterly, monthly, and even weekly if you find enough content to supprt that, would be dated news, that most of your audience, "us", would be aware of.

I don't any of us on here would be the target audience for HAIF, since we all are accustomed to the community and organic creation of the news.

Although, as a summary of the "best of the month" news may be nice, especially if maybe Q&A, polls, local event photos, personal architectural photos display, (PoTD), and maybe personal spotlights of the HAIF community is created, (Bathroom renovation post comes to mind).

On the one hand, I agree wholeheartedly that any kind of direct translation of HAIF from digital to print will be a flop.

First few issues could strictly be digital .pdf and emailed out as a virtual newsletter.

Advertisers would still be within the print in either version, but the upfront costs would be much cheaper.

And based on feedback and readership, a transition to paper could be profitable.

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I want a special issue devoted to a steel cage match between the River Oaks Theater and the Transco waterfall. Two structures enter, only one leaves. At the end of the issue we announce once and for all which one must be dynamited.

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I want a special issue devoted to a steel cage match between the River Oaks Theater and the Transco waterfall. Two structures enter, only one leaves. At the end of the issue we announce once and for all which one must be dynamited.

Waterwall FTW baby! :lol:

But yes, some "Onion" type news will be a nice touch of humor for the magazine.

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