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Olympics 2008

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IMO the age thing shouldn't matter. Why is a 12 year old better? The 16-18 year old should be better from more years of training. We lost because we fell off the beam and for some reason can't decide to take one less step on a floor run in order to not step out of bounds. How simple is that? Anyway, I don't care about age. If a 10 year old is the best whatever in the world, let them compete and win. Are we trying to say that we have a bunch of 12-14 year olds that would have come in and blown this thing away? Doesn't change the fact that we just screwed up. And it was pretty painful to watch. Biased pro-US announcer didn't help, just kept telling us we were going to nail this trick or beat this score. Shut up, dude.

Alrighty then. I finally found a somewhat worthy of belief explanation of why younger gymnasts are at an advantage over older ones.

Why do younger gymnasts have an advantage?

They're lighter. The best gymnasts must be short and muscular with low body fat, which gives them a high strength-to-weight ratio and a greater ability to lift themselves into the air. Girls reach their ideal ratio before puberty; after that point, between ages 14 and 18, they gain weight and have difficulty keeping up their strength. Some coaches also believe that younger gymnasts worry less

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Redscare, thank you posting that article.

Here's something interesting to note:

The USOC awards $25,000 to gold medal winners, $15,000 to silver medalists, and $10,000 to athletes who snag a bronze.

So Phelps has raked in a nice little purse of $125k so far at these games!

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That's not at all what I am saying. You make about as much sense as a Tennessee fan complaining that Texans commentators on KHOU are not fairly commentating on the game. I really doubt other countries are focused on fairly portraying other countries as much as we are, in this overly sensitive p.c. environment. The Olympics are about country pride. Last time I checked, I lived in the United States, and thus want to cheer for my countrymen & women.

You are certainly welcome to cheer for who you want, and other Americans can certainly choose to cheer for athleticism or who they think is best without being accused of pro-other country or anti-american.

The physique is directly related to their age. Bodies that are lighter & less abused (from age & injury) are better. To not understand that is dumb.

Again, the physique explanation is moot, because every athlete has some kind of physique advantage, as in Phelps has a body shaped like a boat hull.

So rather than focus on the fact that they had to cheat to win, you'd rather just focus on us for losing?

They sent out their best, and we sent out our best, they won. I focus on that.

No one is saying to do that, but its impossible to celebrate a silver, when you know that had China played by the rules (meaning that they would have not had those two girls that were under sixteen, but instead the two less talented girls they replaced) we might have won gold.

I don't blame our girls for losing at all. I blame China for being so petty that they would change a 14 year old's passport just to win a game.

That's a big claim. And I guess that is your real point, and you are right. If they hadn't sent out their best, we might have won, because we would rather they sent out only their worst athletics so we might win.

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I did think the story about them taking these little Chinese girls from their homes @ age three and only allowing the parents to visit them once a year at the gymnastics training center was a bit bazaar, and it remains that way until they retire from competition.

Welcome to the wonderful world of communism. Not to worry though, the ones that blow their knees out at age 8 or 9 get sent home immediately.

Besides, we all know how FAIR it is that Paulitko Cruechecviczki, the 5'3" guard with the clubfoot, from Kurbahkistan has to guard Lebron Friggin' James in the opening round of Olympic basketball.

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Man, that's chump change compared to what he'll bag from endorsements!

Oh, no kidding! Between Wheaties & Speedo, that dude should be set for life. I was just surprised that medal winners got a cash prize (at least ours anyways). I think that's a nice little perk for all that hard work.

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Again, the physique explanation is moot, because every athlete has some kind of physique advantage, as in Phelps has a body shaped like a boat hull.
Its moot when you use a flacid example like Phelps. Phelps meets all the requirements set by the IOC. He has no unfair advantage. As soon as the IOC states that swimmers must all be within a certain height, or perhaps have swimmers in weight and height, and maybe even age classes - then your example would hold some validity.
They sent out their best, and we sent out our best, they won. I focus on that.
No, they sent out their best - in spite of any restrictions that would prevent otherwise. We sent out the best that fell in line with the IOC rules. If we used China's standard, then we could have changed the passports of a few 14 year old phenoms (which I would disagree with doing) and perhaps this whole conversation would be moot.
If they hadn't sent out their best, we might have won, because we would rather they sent out only their worst athletics so we might win.
If only their worst atheletes are the only ones who qualify, then they should not expect to win - even if they are hosting. Instead they are doing whatever it takes to prove some invalid point to the world that they have the worlds best atheletes - even if they don't meet the minimum criteria set forth by the IOC.

But what's the point of rules right? Who cares if one team cheats, as long as we can cheer for their athleticism, it's all good. By your standard we'll have a bunch of 8 year olds running around at the London games in 2012 with overbearing government sponsored coaches screaming at them. Now that's something to celebrate.

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Its moot when you use a flacid example like Phelps. Phelps meets all the requirements set by the IOC. He has no unfair advantage. As soon as the IOC states that swimmers must all be within a certain height, or perhaps have swimmers in weight and height, and maybe even age classes - then your example would hold some validity.

No, they sent out their best - in spite of any restrictions that would prevent otherwise. We sent out the best that fell in line with the IOC rules. If we used China's standard, then we could have changed the passports of a few 14 year old phenoms (which I would disagree with doing) and perhaps this whole conversation would be moot.

If only their worst atheletes are the only ones who qualify, then they should not expect to win - even if they are hosting. Instead they are doing whatever it takes to prove some invalid point to the world that they have the worlds best atheletes - even if they don't meet the minimum criteria set forth by the IOC.

But what's the point of rules right? Who cares if one team cheats, as long as we can cheer for their athleticism, it's all good. By your standard we'll have a bunch of 8 year olds running around at the London games in 2012 with overbearing government sponsored coaches screaming at them. Now that's something to celebrate.

Ok, so in general younger girls might have some advantage. So what? Our best still screwed up time and time again. Their performance looked and felt like anything but a championship one. I don't care if China used robots to compete, our team didn't deserve to win because of how WE performed. I'm fine with claiming China cheated but I can't honestly whine about us not winning. That's all I'm saying.

The only reason I even watch the Olympics is to watch our country destroy other countries, I seriously doubt anyone here (Americans at least) actually pull for the other countries, although at times you can appreciate their efforts/accomplishments (sportsmanship).

Speaking of which...basketball up 23 in the 3rd quarter. The dominance is back!!

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It's the Lazer suit wernicke, it's the suit !!! ;)

I know!

Has anyone else been paying attention to the green world record line during these races? They are consistently dominating old world records, how can this be???

I think the suit is cheating for me. Women, okay, but a classic speedo should be the required attire for men

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Has anyone else been paying attention to the green world record line during these races? They are consistently dominating old world records, how can this be???

They say that the pool is also state of the art. It's three feet deeper, it has chop reducing lane buoys, and infinity edge drains to reduce waves.

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They say that the pool is also state of the art. It's three feet deeper, it has chop reducing lane buoys, and infinity edge drains to reduce waves.

Seeing that pool on widescreen truly enhances the action. Makes me want to dive right in its so realistic. (Especially in this heatwave)

Houston needs one just like that or do we have one similar? Anyone know?

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They say that the pool is also state of the art. It's three feet deeper, it has chop reducing lane buoys, and infinity edge drains to reduce waves.

That is cool, I had heard this pool was different somehow but wasn't sure how. Are there not regulations that are pretty strict for events like the Olympics and world championships? If not then why wouldn't everyone just dig a slightly deeper pool and spend the extra few hundred bucks on fancy lane buoys.

I also hear that it's the suits - they didn't wear these 4 years ago? I can't remember. I can't imagine the Olympics 100 years from now, with technology and humans advancing, it might be nothing like today.

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That is cool, I had heard this pool was different somehow but wasn't sure how. Are there not regulations that are pretty strict for events like the Olympics and world championships? If not then why wouldn't everyone just dig a slightly deeper pool and spend the extra few hundred bucks on fancy lane buoys.

I also hear that it's the suits - they didn't wear these 4 years ago? I can't remember. I can't imagine the Olympics 100 years from now, with technology and humans advancing, it might be nothing like today.

I don't know if the same exact suits were used, but they had similar ones last olympics.

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I know!

Has anyone else been paying attention to the green world record line during these races? They are consistently dominating old world records, how can this be???

I think the suit is cheating for me. Women, okay, but a classic speedo should be the required attire for men


...as well as a 1970's mustache...





Wish I could eat 12,000 calories a day and look like that...

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She's not Russian. She's lived 99% of her life in Texas.

I know where she's from. But read it in context. I was being sort of sarcastic too BTW. If we can nitpick about age, then others can nitpick whether our achievements can be attributed to 100% American efforts, including stupid things like where she's born, who her parents are, and who her coaches are.

The point is we can nitpick till the cows come home.

EDIT:Regarding your post below, I know she is American citizen. Again, read it in context. Russian as in born in, as in parents' training, as in parents' coaching programs.

If you think that's some anal nitpicking, then that's the point.

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Was kind of rooting for Shawn over Nastia.

And man, we still talking the age thing? Gosh, so what does that say about us having a Russian winning it for us with a Chinese coach. Things we will do for gold huh?

Hmm...it appears even the Chinese admit the girls are unerage. Well, they did for a little while. :P


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Hmm...it appears even the Chinese admit the girls are unerage. Well, they did for a little while. :P


I never disputed whether they were underage or not. I assume they were underage all this time. As Jeebus implies, I am a sick bastard who wouldn't mind child abuse as long as I get to see the best feats of athleticism.

Edit: You two late sleepers or just up watching the show?

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I never disputed whether they were underage or not. I assume they were underage all this time.

Edit: You two late sleepers or just up watching the show?

I'm at work. I try not to watch the evening Olympics, so that it is all a surprise from 1 to 5 am. Didn't work tonight. I knew about Phelps, the girls and basketball before I even made it into the office. :angry:

EDIT: Oh, and perhaps I should be outraged that China broke the rules, but I have much more important things to worry about...such as whether to put the Amoretto flavored creamer in my coffee or Hazelnut.

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I DO NOT WANT TO WATCH ANY MORE SWIMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wacko::angry2::wacko:

I dont know how he won his 7th gold I thought he got second with the replay? I just dont see it. :blink: And you reporters STFU!!!!!!! How many times can you ask him the same question and get the same answer over and over?! And how do you say I am at a lost for words but somehow make this big speech. Evey person does it and that has always been a pet peeve of mine. I am glad he won all his gold and stuff (I want to catch China ;) ) but I cant wait tell track because the olympics cant be the olympics without track and field.

I knew gymnastic was kinda intresting to watch but I did not think I would be jumping up and down when they got 1st and 2nd place. And upset when I saw some of those American scores compared to the other nations. BUT, China won the team gold and America was just not as good. They had a chane to take a lead and then they were not that far behind on the last event. China was clutch when it came down to the clutch moments and America was not, even if China was younger.

The olympics have been fun to watch so far, but to much michael phelps and swimming for me. Get to see some sports you wont watch and its kinda intresting to see other sports and how big it is in some parts of the world like ping pong.

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I DO NOT WANT TO WATCH ANY MORE SWIMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wacko::angry2::wacko:

I dont know how he won his 7th gold I thought he got second with the replay? I just dont see it. :blink: And you reporters STFU!!!!!!! How many times can you ask him the same question and get the same answer over and over?! And how do you say I am at a lost for words but somehow make this big speech. Evey person does it and that has always been a pet peeve of mine. I am glad he won all his gold and stuff (I want to catch China ;) ) but I cant wait tell track because the olympics cant be the olympics without track and field.

I knew gymnastic was kinda intresting to watch but I did not think I would be jumping up and down when they got 1st and 2nd place. And upset when I saw some of those American scores compared to the other nations. BUT, China won the team gold and America was just not as good. They had a chane to take a lead and then they were not that far behind on the last event. China was clutch when it came down to the clutch moments and America was not, even if China was younger.

The olympics have been fun to watch so far, but to much michael phelps and swimming for me. Get to see some sports you wont watch and its kinda intresting to see other sports and how big it is in some parts of the world like ping pong.

Oh lawd.

You do know they have underwater sensors right? You can't see how he won watching it with the naked eye. It was too close. He won by 0.01 of a second basically. The underwater sensors and technology don't lie.

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