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Houston Resists Recycling

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Dude, you are either lazy when it comes to washing dishes, or live in a trailer park.

What happened to the good old days when a man could live in a trailer park AND be lazy?!? :P

You know, I've known some trailer park residents who really are earth-friendly. They don't send any garbage to the landfill...it stays in their front yard!

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Btw, it isn't anti-recycling braggadocio...its honest indifference and self-serving minimalism.

We are brothers in sloth, TheNiche, but there's a dollop of braggadocio in my posts. If there wasn't, I would hide my shame.

Anyone here like "Serial Mom"? Kathleen Turner kills a neighbor for refusing to recycle.

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What's wrong with eating from the pan? I eat from the pan, drink from the jug. The only thing dirty when I am done is the fork...the same fork I use to stir the food on the stove. So, no, I do not even waste my time getting paper plates, and plastic cups and forks. That is an inefficient use of my time. I honestly don't know why memebag goes to such lengths to be wasteful.

I use the paper plates for my daughters jam sandwiches. She won't eat them like a horse out of the bread bag. Too much of her mother in her, I suspect.

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I use the paper plates for my daughters jam sandwiches. She won't eat them like a horse out of the bread bag. Too much of her mother in her, I suspect.

Nice. He starts to feel pangs of guilt for treating the earth like a redheaded step-child, and what does he do?

Blame it on the offspring. <_<

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What happened to the good old days when a man could live in a trailer park AND be lazy?!? :P

You know, I've known some trailer park residents who really are earth-friendly. They don't send any garbage to the landfill...it stays in their front yard!

I'll say it for all of us: Hilarious

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What's wrong with eating from the pan? I eat from the pan, drink from the jug. The only thing dirty when I am done is the fork...the same fork I use to stir the food on the stove. So, no, I do not even waste my time getting paper plates, and plastic cups and forks. That is an inefficient use of my time. I honestly don't know why memebag goes to such lengths to be wasteful.

Oh, that reminds me, I use the same styrofoam cup from work throughout the day, then use it to bring back just enough booze that I'm done and buzzed by the time I get off the freeway, then continue using the cup for dinner and into the next morning.

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I think one of you, Niche, memebag, or Red, have to be my old roommate. That would be interesting. He also used all disposable cups, washed clothes only once a month, and therefore would have to buy various clothing items all the time. So when it was finally laundry time, it took him 2 days to do it.

I think the recycle people got mad at me for putting glass in the bin 2 times in a row, after the second time my bin was cracked. They take paper in that thing though? I'll just start putting all my trash in the green thing and let them deal with it. What are dirty diapers classified as? We are winning that race.

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Oh, that reminds me, I use the same styrofoam cup from work throughout the day, then use it to bring back just enough booze that I'm done and buzzed by the time I get off the freeway, then continue using the cup for dinner and into the next morning.

The proper response to this is not to question your laziness but to praise your pragmatism. Thinking that we ought to use china and silverware because it's "proper" and shows some sort of dignity creates unnecessary pride and work.

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Oh, that reminds me, I use the same styrofoam cup from work throughout the day, then use it to bring back just enough booze that I'm done and buzzed by the time I get off the freeway, then continue using the cup for dinner and into the next morning.

That's pretty dirty. Almost like playing beer pong.....almost. Do you ever wash this cup?

Edited by Trae
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That's pretty dirty. Almost like playing beer pong.....almost. Do you ever wash this cup?

I rinse it out when I switch drinks and in the morning. Then I add to the stack of used cups and get a new one at work.

And that's not dirty at all. Not even close to playing beer pong, which I would never do.

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Oh, that reminds me, I use the same styrofoam cup from work throughout the day, then use it to bring back just enough booze that I'm done and buzzed by the time I get off the freeway, then continue using the cup for dinner and into the next morning.

Are you saying you drink and drive?

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I am such a tough guy. Nobody can tell me what to do. I throw my used motor oil directly into the bayou and dump old tires on the side of the road. When I don't wanna clog my sink, I throw cooking oil directly into the sewer drains. I also don't worry about recycling cuz I just throw my cans of Bud Light out the window of my F-350 while I idle with the engine running at Memorial Park.

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Egads! Remind me never to sit down with a few of you for a meal. I can't tell you how many funny/gross/gag-me visuals I've gotten from some of your comments.

Who said they didn't like to wash dishes, but wash their styrofoam cups? That's RETARDED.

Edited by rsb320
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I am such a tough guy. Nobody can tell me what to do. I throw my used motor oil directly into the bayou and dump old tires on the side of the road. When I don't wanna clog my sink, I throw cooking oil directly into the sewer drains. I also don't worry about recycling cuz I just throw my cans of Bud Light out the window of my F-350 while I idle with the engine running at Memorial Park.

Wow, role model you are. :rolleyes: Just because you don't participate, you don't have instigate. Have some consideration of you actions. Especially with the littering. <_<

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Surely he's joking (not funny).

We need to have the city install one of those talking gutters at his house. You know, like on the TV commercial, where the gutter yells at you when you put something in it that's not supposed to be.

At another angle, it's illegal and you can be cited for it.

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Wow, role model you are. :rolleyes: Just because you don't participate, you don't have instigate. Have some consideration of you actions. Especially with the littering. <_<

He's just trying to make fun of me (in particular) because he wrongly thinks that I'm putting on some kind of tough guy act.

I'm just being honest is all...although I must say that I'd never bother to be open about it if I didn't take such pleasure in pissing off the squares.

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We don't recycle for a couple of reasons. The city is too picky about what they will take. We get large pizza boxes that should be recycled but they won't take those because they have glue on them. They won't take glass. The only take certain plastics. I don't have time to review the list of no-nos every time I need to discard something. I wish the mail carrier would just automatically recycle the sales flyers and other crap he stuffs in my mailbox everyday--that would save a few trees.

The other reason is that I don't want to attract the bums to my house. When I see the neighbor's recycling bin out I also see all their filthy trash strewn all over the street from the bums digging through their recyclables to steal it. So, we do our part of recycle and someone comes along, steals it from the city and runs off to make a buck off our stuff. No thanks.

When the City of Houston gets a true recycling program where I can chunk all the stuff that should be recyclable into a bin, and then offers patrols to ward off the trash thieves, then I'll start.

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I don't pretend to know what the underlying cause is, but I suspect that it has more to do with where political boundaries are drawn than anything else. I sincerely doubt that it has anything to do with trucks driving further (if its true that they do). And I also would sincerely doubt that landfill space in Houston is more expensive than for places like California or the Northeast.

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Bay area readers want to help get recycle bins for more Houstonians! This is great! Still don't understand why Houston can't get this done on its own. Now if only we could get more local recycling plants so this stuff didn't have to get shipped to other states for processing.



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