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San Marcos' Aquarena Springs


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Funny you should ask this as I happened to drive by there today on my way to Sea World witht he family. I was telling my wife how I wish they still had the Mermaid Show and the swimming pig. I think you can still do the glass bottom boats.

I believe I have posted this in another thread, but here is a nice link.


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We were talking about Aquarena Springs just last weekend at a nature outing here in Bastrop. My GF is doing a dig on 304 at Cedar Creek, an Indian encampment dating back some 5000 years. A woman in that group was at the outing, and she was saying that there is an archeological

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Ironically, I was thinking about Aquarena Springs yesterday. I remember going there in the 1980s, and seeing the mermaid show and swimming pig. However, my favorite attractions were the gondola ride and the candle-making shop. The glass bottom boats were pretty cool too. Texas Highways magazine did a feature article on it in the 1980s. I'll bet it has some great photos in it.

We went back around 1997 or 1998, but it was really disappointing. Most of the attractions had been shut down, and the place was starting to fall into disrepair. I guess Sea World & Schlitterbahn stole some of its thunder.

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I have snuck in a dove in Aguarena Springs before and it is sweet

I feel it is in better hands now.....the mermaids and swimming pig as fun as they were would never hold the attention of todays youth and Aguarena Springs is in much better hands and can do much more for Texas being a part of Texas State and being preserved and researched as the great natural environment it is

Edited by TexasVines
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I have snuck in a dove in Aguarena Springs before and it is sweet

I feel it is in better hands now.....the mermaids and swimming pig as fun as they were would never hold the attention of todays youth and Aguarena Springs is in much better hands and can do much more for Texas being a part of Texas State and being preserved and researched as the great natural environment it is

I agree...but it would have been nice to have kept the rides going too. The glass-bottom boats are cool though.

However, I understand the economics involved with trying to keep a park open with low attendance...

It's a shame.

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I heard they were going to reopen the underwater show. Some company out of Houston will open a branch in San Marcos at the Springs. I think the company is Gold Cup.

What's with that?

Hey THAT would...not...be scary! LOL!!!

I never heard of this place, I thought this was about Wonder World.


I've been there...it made me "wonder" why I went... :lol:

Nah, it was ok...something to do on a nice day.

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  • 8 months later...

I was there two weeks ago during spring break. It had been 30+ years since I was last there.

The glass-bottom boat tours continue. Still a nice attraction.

Everything else that was kitsch will remain closed down. Thank goodness!

The University managing the springs is not going to let the silly amusement park trappings re-open.

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I spent my 4th grade year in San Marcos growing up while my mom was getting her paralegal certificate at SWT- errrr, I mean, "Texas State." I attended Travis Elementary which was literally next door to Aquarena Springs on the other side of the golf course and just over the hill. This was almost 30 years ago, and the park was still going strong then. We would ride the school bus past the SWT football stadium (which seemed big to me), cross next to the golf course, and then to school. The golf course was always crowded and I remember the space needle tower ride thingee rising about the playground every day during recess.

San Marcos was (and I guess still is) quite the party town then. I didn't really appreciate it being so young, but there was lots to do and it was a very happening place even for a 10 year old. I can imagine how great it would have been for college kids. I do remember lots of frats and frat houses, for sure.

It was also very pretty with all of the rivers and the hill country and whatnot. I remember swimming and tubing in the river and eating at the restaurant built over the old dam at the head of the lake - it was called "Peppers on the Falls" back then. I seem to remember the last time I drove through San Marcos the restaurant was closed, just like Aquarena Springs

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I have a lot of great memories of that place from when I attended SWT in 69 and 70. Last time I was there was the mid 80's. It was starting to go down hill even then. From those photos it looks that the old hotel has deteriorated to a point that it needs to come down (if they haven't already done so). It's a shame. A lot of history there.

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  • 1 month later...

I went there yesterday. The gondola station and wires remain, but it no longer runs.

The hotel stands as a nature center.

The glass bottomed boats are nice.

But the amphitheatre is completely closed. The ramp (it looks freakishly narrow) is overgrown and the actual theatre had the glass cracked in 1998 and it filled with water. It would be nice to pump out the water and remodel it, but that won't happen anytime soon.

Photos coming.

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