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Retail Center At 1102 Yale St.


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I ate there for lunch last Friday and it was not a great experience. No signage or decorations on the inside. It had all the ambiance of a bus station. Their food is over-priced. They brought the sandwich with no condiments. When I asked for them, they brought a French's mustard container and mayonnaise in packets. That is fine for a six dollar sandwich shop - but not a twelve dollar sandwich shop.

I will try one more time in a couple of months. If they don't serve better food in a better atmosphere or lower the prices, they will no make it. The breakfast prices sound ridiculous.

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I went there last week with a group of 6 other friends. We brought beers and all had a pretty good time. The food was tasty but not really the best value.

I had chicken fried steak with eggs and cheese grits. Wow, writing it out it sounds even less healthy.. but it really was mmmm good, especially the cheese grits. The girl at the counter didn't have a handle on the menu as she was unable to answer all of my questions (I didn't know what a few things were on the menu, but I can't recall what they were now).

Our food came out promptly, but I'm not a fan of the order-at-counter service with waiters bring your food to you. At this price point and environment, I'd like sitdown service. Plus, I don't really know how to tip when I have to stand in line to order and grab my own cutlery. Anyone know if the wages of the food runners assume tipping?

Overall, I was quite happy and will return. I can't wait for the right side of the menu to open. Also, anyone know if they're going to get a beer/liquor permit?

As someone who used to work at an order-at-the-counter type place, I can say that tipping is not common or expected. Well, there is some middle ground like how Yia Yia Mary's does their lunch, you order at the counter and then basically a waiter comes and confirms the order, does drinks, etc. Either way, don't feel you have to do a full tip. If you see exceptional service or have a soft spot for people who bus tables (I do), you can leave a little something behind.

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If its straight counter service I never tip. If someone comes around doing drinks I'll usually leave a dollar or two, not 20%. Table service where the server was at least satisfactory deserves 20% in my opinion, and exemplary service can get more. I have no problem with zeroing out the tip if I got bad service from the server. If its terrible food but good service I usually make a judgment call and try not to take it out on the server.

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If its straight counter service I never tip. If someone comes around doing drinks I'll usually leave a dollar or two, not 20%. Table service where the server was at least satisfactory deserves 20% in my opinion, and exemplary service can get more. I have no problem with zeroing out the tip if I got bad service from the server. If its terrible food but good service I usually make a judgment call and try not to take it out on the server.

I wish more people thought that way.

Recently I went out with a group of friends, one (a notorious complainer) whined about her meal, made the comment of no tip.

The server did an outstanding job dealing with a couple of my (overly demanding) friends and I left behind a generous tip and was chided for doing so.

When the whiner asked why I left such a tip, I gave my reasons of not blaming the server for the bad food.

Considering her daughter waits tables while attending college, it didn't sit too well with me.

Sorry, it's a sore point for me.

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I agree that it has its place as she_eats also stated, but its place is not on this particular sandwich imo.

I was not complaining so much about French's mustard as the way it was served. It was in a home squeeze bottle and mayo was in packets. Both should have been in glass bottles or condiment cups and offered or served without my asking. Under no circiumstances will condiments in a packet be acceptable in a place charging the prices they do.

All that said - I would have preferred better mustard also.

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I wish more people thought that way.

Recently I went out with a group of friends, one (a notorious complainer) whined about her meal, made the comment of no tip.

Theserver did an outstanding job dealing with a couple of my (overlydemanding) friends and I left behind a generous tip and was chided fordoing so.

When the whiner asked why I left such a tip, I gave my reasons of not blaming the server for the bad food.

Considering her daughter waits tables while attending college, it didn't sit too well with me.

Sorry, it's a sore point for me.

The whiner should have demanded a refund and then given the money that would have been spent on the meal to the server. Same financial result but at least then you're sticking it to the right jerk, the owner.

Edited by kylejack
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Checked out Lola last Saturday morning with my mother. There was a decent sized crowd; all booths were taken but a few tables were left. There was also counter and outdoor seating still open. Took about 20 minutes to get an order of eggs, bacon, two orders of pancakes and potatoes. During the wait we saw several orders being returned to the kitchen for one reason or another. There was also a couple with two small children who must have waited too long. The father came into the restaurant, with his dog, to say he was leaving. Could tell he was upset but couldn't hear what he was saying. Manager followed him out but I guess the guy didn't want to wait any longer. About five minutes after the family left I saw their order being thrown out. Manager did make his way around the restaurant apologizing for the wait. I wasn't too concerned about waiting. The place is new and I expect a wait for weekend breakfast. Now to the food/service. Everything was good, but nothing special. Potatoes came to the table barely luke warm and we had to ask for butter and syrup for our pancakes. Dry pancakes, what's up with that?

I will give the place another try for dinner, but for breakfast I'll stick with the Yale Street Grill.

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i think these are all really good comments. while it's great to delicate flower about it here, everyone who has comments needs to call/email the restaurant or post on www.b4-u-eat.com so the owners will see it. when i had to bring my bacon back to the counter last weekend, the owner (blanking on his name) was working the line. he said to me "if you're ever not 1000% [sic] satisfied at any of our restaurants, you need to let us know." i should have told him to read HAIF. ^_^

again, the that's what she said-ishwebsite is www.eatlola.com

i toss a buck in the tip jar but do not tip generously for counter service. it's insulting to someone who hustled plates for 10+ years to tip someone who stands there, and as pp mentioned, doesn't even know their menu.

when i asked last weekend what kind of "hash" they had, i.e. corned beef or something else, rather than saying he didn't know, he told me it was just "hash brown" which surprised me since they also have b-fast taters. so, i ordered it. it had bacon in it. some of my judgy vegetarian friends would have gone postal if that had been their plate. these are the kinds of things people should know.

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I love mustard. Spicy brown and horseradish are it for me right now, but when it comes to sausage poboys or hot dogs it has to be cheap yellow. But yeah, on topic, I agree that an expensive sandwich deserves better than packet condiments.

and to add- this is part of why i believe Bedford did not do well. the service was far too casual for the price point. i know gadsby wanted a casual environment with good food but service still has to be up to par. look at cafe rabelais as an example. excellent food and you can definitely go there in casual dress (even with kids **gasp**) but the service matches the menu prices.

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when i asked last weekend what kind of "hash" they had, i.e. corned beef or something else, rather than saying he didn't know, he told me it was just "hash brown" which surprised me since they also have b-fast taters. so, i ordered it. it had bacon in it. some of my judgy vegetarian friends would have gone postal if that had been their plate. these are the kinds of things people should know.

Note to self, Waffle House better at hash browns than Lola's

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anywhere has better hash browns b/c these weren't hasbrowns. it was hash. silly counter boy didn't know the difference :blink:

but it was tasty. pork products make anything better :lol:

I visited this past Saturday for brunch. It was right after the Race for the Cure so the place was packed. I asked the girl working the counter the same question about the hash, she at least knew the difference.

The breakfast was good with the grits being done correctly (though they could have used a little bit more cheese).

Things they need to change:

1. Go to a true diner style setup. Have waiters/waitresses, not the walk-up ordering.

2. Put the silverware in the vertical tub if they are going to make it a free for all (accidentally touching other's silverware is no fun)

3. Have people walking around with coffee (goes back to the diner thing).

The Heights needs a cafe that isn't 11th Street. This works for now.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a similar experience. My girlfriend and I went for a basic breakfast on a Saturday morning. The place was packed. We waited 45 minutes as everyone around us, including some that came in after us, were served. Our entrees finally came out and the eggs, grits, all of it, was cold. They were very nice and apologetic but their stress level was stressing me out. I asked for my money back and was told that the card would be credited. It never was - 3 weeks later. Not even worth pursuing

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yeah, I went there yesterday for an early dinner 5pm. The place wasn't that crowded.. but my french toast (yeah, for dinner.. :P), while it seemed like it was cooked recently, it was cool in the middle.. maybe they needed to cook it more? The bacon was definitely cooked earlier in the afternoon and was ice cold. The sad part is that the french toast has huge potential, if it was warm all the way through. The bread was exceptional and the custard was good enough.

Lolas is so close to home that I'm not going to give up yet. I'll try again in a few weeks. Plus, I think Pinks and Dragon bowl are great.

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I went for breakfast yesterday morning. Grits, cold in the middle, sausage just plain cold. Had to get up and ask for jelly and butter for toast that was already barely lukewarm. and no knives to be found. Buttered my then cold toast with a fork.

Hopefully, they will pull it together. But they need to do it quick. The learning curve allowance period is almost over.

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I went for breakfast yesterday morning. Grits, cold in the middle, sausage just plain cold. Had to get up and ask for jelly and butter for toast that was already barely lukewarm. and no knives to be found. Buttered my then cold toast with a fork.

Hopefully, they will pull it together. But they need to do it quick. The learning curve allowance period is almost over.

You would think they would pull it together but perhaps they know what is becoming apparent to me. People who paid twice what their house is worth are willing to pay twice what a breakfast is worth just to be considered "trendy", even if that breakast is served cold and slow.

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You would think they would pull it together but perhaps they know what is becoming apparent to me. People who paid twice what their house is worth are willing to pay twice what a breakfast is worth just to be considered "trendy", even if that breakast is served cold and slow.

well, per HCAD, i paid less than my house was worth and i have had issues but i continue to go to Lola.

part is just hopefullness on my part. unwarranted optimism, maybe? i like that i feel very comfortable bringing my kids there. i have had some food that tasted really, really good. BUT there is definitely an issue everytime.

i adore the hot roast beef sandwich. the 1st time i ordered it, it was really juicy and "wet." i have gotten in 2x since then and both time had to ask for more au jus. fine. not everyone wants their sandwich soaking wet. however, everytime i have made a special request it comes out wrong. nothing too picky: no cheese on my roast beef b/c i am temporarily off dairy, bacon on the well done side for my son. in fact, i think that's it. these things have never been accomodated and i have always had to send it back to be fixed. where is the issue? when i order? on the line? didn't the runner check the slip? my husband's CFS was decent but the beans were raw (and we like them crisp). the temperature of various elements on any plate will vary, e.g. hot sandwich with cold fries or vice versa.

i am typing this all out in hopes that the owner/management will see it. it's a great location. love the simple, casual environment.

but in the end, maybe people in the heights are just suckers for bad breakfast b/c we've all been supporting Dry Creek with it's horrible service and average food for years... at least at lola, your wrong order is served with a smile.

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but in the end, maybe people in the heights are just suckers for bad breakfast b/c we've all been supporting Dry Creek with it's horrible service and average food for years... at least at lola, your wrong order is served with a smile.

shame one would take their family to a place like that repeatedly.

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I love the Creek (Dry, Onion)concepts but have never liked the food or the service. And 11th Street Cafe has been bad for a long time. What gives me hope is that the quality at Pink's and Dragon Bowl is good, so I am going to give them another month to work out the kinks and try again. After that, I'm done.

I love the original floors, love the location, and yes, the servers are friendly. I too don't tip when I have to order at the counter but at least they don't seem to have an expectation as say at a Pappas Burger or now LUby's .

I really really want this place to get in gear. Please guys? We're pulling for you.

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but in the end, maybe people in the heights are just suckers for bad breakfast b/c we've all been supporting Dry Creek with it's horrible service and average food for years... at least at lola, your wrong order is served with a smile.

It's odd: The Heights attitude...We don't want to go anywhere...but we want to go somewhere...and sit outside...but not outside on the porch of our historic or neuvostoric house, for which we paid a premium...to have a porch.

We ourselves can put a lot of good energy into eggs, waffles/pancakes, sausage, and fruit. Service might be so-so at home, too. However, with good conversation without the din and good bloody marys without the gin, that service may be part of the experience.

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I love the Creek (Dry, Onion)concepts but have never liked the food or the service. And 11th Street Cafe has been bad for a long time. What gives me hope is that the quality at Pink's and Dragon Bowl is good, so I am going to give them another month to work out the kinks and try again. After that, I'm done.

I love the original floors, love the location, and yes, the servers are friendly. I too don't tip when I have to order at the counter but at least they don't seem to have an expectation as say at a Pappas Burger or now LUby's .

I really really want this place to get in gear. Please guys? We're pulling for you.

you should be tipping at least 8% -even if it is counter service. The waitstaff are taxed 8% (of their food sales) no matter if you leave a tip or not-so they are LOSING $$ when you don't tip. besides it's very bad manners not to tip waitstaff for good service.

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you should be tipping at least 8% -even if it is counter service. The waitstaff are taxed 8% (of their food sales) no matter if you leave a tip or not-so they are LOSING $ when you don't tip. besides it's very bad manners not to tip waitstaff for good service.

That's not exactly true, but I do agree with your point that you shouldn't punish waitstaff for bad food if the waitstaff is doing a good job.

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