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Merchants Park: Retail Center At 1303-1421 W. 11th St.


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And my husband still doesn't understand why this is the first site I check in the morning each day! Keeps me laughing lots.

and for my two cents on grocery stores:

I can drive to the Rice at Westheimer and Wesleyan, do my shopping and drive home in the time it takes me to go to the 11th street Kroger and stand in line (mostly). I get treated nicely by friendly people and buy cool national brand stuff that Kroger long ago removed from their shelves. Yes, it is a bit more expensive, but I did my own comparison shopping and it is not as bad as you would think. Surprisingly some things are more expensive at Kroger.

Kroger long ago sized up our neighborhood and has us slotted in some specific way that certainly does not seem to fit me. BTW, I used to go to the West Gray store and just could not take the horrible check-out/bagging experience any longer.

Any one want to talk about the post office?!

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I'm going to have to visit this revamped 11th St Krogers to see the angry people. If they are even half as angry as the West Gray shoppers are creepy, that's saying something.

But seriously, hope you guys will get the jaundiced, smelly old keyboard player dude. He's such a treasure for us Gray store shoppers. I actually heard some equally smelly and jaudiced shopper lady hovering around the wine sample table go over to him and request "Rhiannon."

I think he reminds many of those old women of their old days, their college days, back when they were experimenting and before they met their River Oaks millionaire husbands, back when they used to flirt with grungy coffee shop guitarists. It was a simpler time. Most importantly, it was time before "Rhiannon" was a classic rock/Sunny 99.1 staple.

If I want to see Angry White People, I go to the Bunker Hill HEB or Central Market. Those places are full of Angry, Impatient, Entitled, Self Absorbed White People. Every time I go to one of them I get cart bumped, ran over, or scoweled at by women with perfect hair and nails.

Most of those perfectly coiffed, silicon enhanced banshees are just pissed because they have to venture to that side of I-10.

Only if there are AWPs there.

Dude... It's the post office. That's like the AWP Mecca.

Next stop: Luby's!

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If I want to see Angry White People, I go to the Bunker Hill HEB or Central Market. Those places are full of Angry, Impatient, Entitled, Self Absorbed White People. Every time I go to one of them I get cart bumped, ran over, or scoweled at by women with perfect hair and nails.

Soooo true in quite a few of the Houston grocery stores. When I first moved to Houston from ___, I went to the Randalls on Voss and I just couldn't believe how many times AWPs would literally run over my heels with their grocery carts. In time though, I have found myself a bit annoyed trying to shop at central markup or whole paycheck trying to get through the aisle when a family/group of 8 people are blocking the entire cheese aisle learning about pecorino from the clerk (who doesn't even know that it has to be called pecorino romano to be the real deal.)

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Oh, the keyboard player is quite the treasure. They have one at the Buffalo Speedway location too. There's something so incredibly odd and awkward about the whole situation. But I suppose that for some of the older shoppers, the Kroger keyboard player's rendition of Rhiannon is the highlight of their week.

You push your cart that much faster, thinking "God, please don't let him pick now to start audience participation....!"

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Most of the angry white people are angry when a Starbucks isn't open or when they have to go more than 40 ft to get to one. I am angry that Starbucks exists, or that anyone would waste $4-$7 on a drink that has no alcohol in it. Dumb.

Well if the Starbucks near the W Gray Kroger isn't open, the AWPs can just walk across the street to the other one. No matter what, they can purchase their ten dollar, thousand calorie, almond cherry mocha frappy latte shot.

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Well if the Starbucks near the W Gray Kroger isn't open, the AWPs can just walk across the street to the other one. No matter what, they can purchase their ten dollar, thousand calorie, almond cherry mocha frappy latte shot.

There are actually 3 there now counting the one in the Barnes & Noble - there was something on the chron about it last week. Surely one won't make it...right?

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Most of the angry white people are angry when a Starbucks isn't open or when they have to go more than 40 ft to get to one. I am angry that Starbucks exists, or that anyone would waste $4-$7 on a drink that has no alcohol in it. Dumb.

My wife worked at the drive through River Oaks Starbucks when Rita was coming. They were finally allowed to close around 10 AM on the Friday of (the same day the storm hit). I was helping them close up so we could go hunker down.

I have NEVER seen so many AWP's in my life. People were banging on the doors, demanding they open back up and brew coffee so that the AWP's could get on the road to evecuate (too little, too late my friends). Never mind the well being of the workers, lol.

Edited by Yankee_in_TX
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There are actually 3 there now counting the one in the Barnes & Noble - there was something on the chron about it last week. Surely one won't make it...right?

I just looked Starbucks at that intersection up on Google maps, and it appears there's another one in the FIT Athletic Club a couple blocks away too. Is it possible that Shepherd and W Gray has the highest concentration of Starbucks of any place in the world? If so, let me be the first to say it: "We're number one! We're number one!"

Edit: Sigh... No, we're number four as a city...


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Soooo true in quite a few of the Houston grocery stores. When I first moved to Houston from ___, I went to the Randalls on Voss and I just couldn't believe how many times AWPs would literally run over my heels with their grocery carts. In time though, I have found myself a bit annoyed trying to shop at central markup or whole paycheck trying to get through the aisle when a family/group of 8 people are blocking the entire cheese aisle learning about pecorino from the clerk (who doesn't even know that it has to be called pecorino romano to be the real deal.)

I shop entirely at the Kroger on 11th and have been doing so for 3+ years, and I guess Im not going at the right times, because I am yet to ever see a single angry white person there....I would also say that that white people who do shop there still dont make up more than 50% of the business.

I personally do not care for this Kroger, but its only 5 blocks from the house, and usually all I need is coffee and cereal anyways, so its not a big deal.

I guess I am either blind to it, or everyone here complaining about angry white people, are WAY to thin skinned and need to get over themselves and find something else to complain about...

I have lots of complaints about this particular Kroger, but angry patrons is not one of them.

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I guess I am either blind to it, or everyone here complaining about angry white people, are WAY to thin skinned and need to get over themselves and find something else to complain about...

Angry white people killed my parents.

No, not really, but if they had, it would suck, right?

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you must be blind to it. Because i promise you the AWP are there.

Or maybe Marksmu is an AWP. They're like zombies. They don't eat the brains of their own kind. There's only one way to find out if Marksmu is an AWP or not, and it's by answering this question: Marksmu, how do you take your Starbucks?

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I just looked Starbucks at that intersection up on Google maps, and it appears there's another one in the FIT Athletic Club a couple blocks away too. Is it possible that Shepherd and W Gray has the highest concentration of Starbucks of any place in the world? If so, let me be the first to say it: "We're number one! We're number one!"

Edit: Sigh... No, we're number four as a city...


Which is nothing compared to midtown Manhattan!

from my favorite econo-blog:

"There are 215 Starbucks within 5 miles of my office"


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Or maybe Marksmu is an AWP. They're like zombies. They don't eat the brains of their own kind. There's only one way to find out if Marksmu is an AWP or not, and it's by answering this question: Marksmu, how do you take your Starbucks?

I dont care for the burnt starbucks coffee - and I also dont care to pay that much for a cup of coffee - Ill take my coffee from my house, or if I am out, Ill pick up a cup with a donut from the shop there on 11th and Shepard

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I shop entirely at the Kroger on 11th and have been doing so for 3+ years, and I guess Im not going at the right times, because I am yet to ever see a single angry white person there....I would also say that that white people who do shop there still dont make up more than 50% of the business.

I personally do not care for this Kroger, but its only 5 blocks from the house, and usually all I need is coffee and cereal anyways, so its not a big deal.

I guess I am either blind to it, or everyone here complaining about angry white people, are WAY to thin skinned and need to get over themselves and find something else to complain about...

I have lots of complaints about this particular Kroger, but angry patrons is not one of them.

I guess you've never had your heels run over by a grocery cart only to turn around and find some witch smirking at you. AWPs posts are an observation about just how rude people can get lately- but for some unknown reason they feel justified in doing it. (Such at the post about people demanding a coffee at Starbucks just before a hurricane). My favorite grocery store used to be the Fiesta on Dunlavy until they (somewhat) spruced up the one on 14th a few years back. If I just want to grocery shop quickly and w/o the crowds - I'll go to the Randall's on Westhemier/Shepherd - there's hardly anyone there.

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I guess you've never had your heels run over by a grocery cart only to turn around and find some witch smirking at you. AWPs posts are an observation about just how rude people can get lately- but for some unknown reason they feel justified in doing it. (Such at the post about people demanding a coffee at Starbucks just before a hurricane). My favorite grocery store used to be the Fiesta on Dunlavy until they (somewhat) spruced up the one on 14th a few years back. If I just want to grocery shop quickly and w/o the crowds - I'll go to the Randall's on Westhemier/Shepherd - there's hardly anyone there.

I can honestly say that I have never been bumped by a grocery cart in my life....Ive had my cart bumped, but I have personally never been bumped.... But honestly, I pay quite a bit of attention to other people, dont block isles and I dont tend to place myself in a situation that I am blocking others...Im usually by myself, I have no kids, I know exactly where everything I want is, and Im not taking up much space and moving quickly...I am probably not the person getting bumped...Im not saying that its not happening, but I am saying its got to be a minority of people, and certainly not the majority.

Furthermore, I am sick and tired of the assault going on in this county against White People...If your white, you can be called any name under the sun...but if I said I was sick of Angry black people - I would be a racist. Its B.S. Not to politicize the topic or anything, but Im about sick of the white assault going on everywhere in this country.

And I second the Ducan Donuts Coffee - mmm mmm good!

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Furthermore, I am sick and tired of the assault going on in this county against White People...If your white, you can be called any name under the sun...but if I said I was sick of Angry black people - I would be a racist. Its B.S. Not to politicize the topic or anything, but Im about sick of the white assault going on everywhere in this country.

It's sooo unfair, isn't it? Those poor crackers can't ever catch a break, can they?

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It's sooo unfair, isn't it? Those poor crackers can't ever catch a break, can they?

Wah - youll get no sympathy from me. Racism that actually oppresses anyone of any ethnicity in this country is long since dead - the only thing repressing anyone in this day and age in the USA is their own pathetic feelings of entitlement. The only real racists are just ignorant individuals who wield no power, and are only capable of inflaming emotions.

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Wah - youll get no sympathy from me. Racism that actually represses anyone of ethnicity in this country is long since dead - the only thing repressing anyone in this day and age in the USA is their own pathetic feelings of entitlement. The only real racists are just ignorant individuals who wield no power, and are only capable of inflaming emotions.

...he says as he bumps people with his shopping cart.

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The most annoying shoppers I've found are at Whole Foods on Kirby. I refer to the shoppers who roll their giant Lexus SUV into a compact space, and then block entire aisles with their carts while that chat away on their cell phone, oblivious to the other people trying to pass by. It's worse at this location because the aisles are narrow and yet the store is usually packed (including the parking lot). I miss the days when Whole Foods seemed to be frequented by hippies instead of pretentious soccer moms and dads...

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I've never been bumped by a cart, but I did bump someone pretty good one time. I blame the cute 1 year old I had in the seat, she must have been doing something either really funny or really annoying for me to be not paying attention that much. The person I hit didn't get angry, neither did I. I get the AWP looks when I cross the parking lot. Yield to pedestrians? NEVER! I have to get my fat ass to Starbucks NOW!

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I dont tend to place myself in a situation that I am blocking others...Im usually by myself, I have no kids, I know exactly where everything I want is, and Im not taking up much space and moving quickly....

You're very focused on your items and you're "moving quickly"...hmm... why? You're dodging the other angry white people? That's why! (Oh, don't deny it. You're an AWP. We have read your posts, after all). I get it. I'm all about the carry-basket gymnastics. It's a way to survive.ph34r.gif

And I second the Ducan Donuts Coffee - mmm mmm good!

Caffeine! That's how Golden Locks infused this whole, multi-poster diatribe... like a freaking French press!

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The most annoying shoppers I've found are at Whole Foods on Kirby.

There's the first problem. Don't shop at Rice Epicurean either. I've recently discovered their CFO Bruce Levy (one of the owning family members) sits on the board of a major British oil company (though not BP). Not to mention, he's a complete [not getting sued for libel]. All the loose and liberal hippie-friendly grocery stores are really just disguised yuppie gastronomical asylums. Unless you're looking for a tin of pate, I can't understand the draw of a place like WF or RE. Those places attract the Range Rover driving dregs of society.

I have to get my fat ass to Starbucks NOW!

Yuppie AWPs don't have fat asses! They spend too much money on lipodissolve and personal trainers for that. You've just been exposed for the normal person you are!

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maybe he's too busy cutting people off shoving them into the cereal?

The kroger on 11th street is the first place in my entire life that i saw someone try to cut in a grocery line. there were 3 buggies deep per register, and this female AWP tried to cut infront of three people. The second person said something like "what do you think your doing" to which the AWP replied "i'm in a hurry".

I'm normally quick to mouth off, and have often suffered consequences for it, but i was so shocked i couldn't even respond. When she realized they weren't going to let her cut them, she shoved her buggy aside and yelled about how rude people were.

I could have written this off to be someone who was really in a hurry, but 5 minutes later saw them going in to Buccannans..

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There's the first problem. Don't shop at Rice Epicurean either. I've recently discovered their CFO Bruce Levy (one of the owning family members) sits on the board of a major British oil company (though not BP). Not to mention, he's a complete [not getting sued for libel]. All the loose and liberal hippie-friendly grocery stores are really just disguised yuppie gastronomical asylums. Unless you're looking for a tin of pate, I can't understand the draw of a place like WF or RE. Those places attract the Range Rover driving dregs of society.

Yuppie AWPs don't have fat asses! They spend too much money on lipodissolve and personal trainers for that. You've just been exposed for the normal person you are!

If you hate oil companies, maybe Houston is not the place for you. Oil built Houston and is still the foundation.

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maybe he's too busy cutting people off shoving them into the cereal?

The kroger on 11th street is the first place in my entire life that i saw someone try to cut in a grocery line. there were 3 buggies deep per register, and this female AWP tried to cut infront of three people. The second person said something like "what do you think your doing" to which the AWP replied "i'm in a hurry".

I'm normally quick to mouth off, and have often suffered consequences for it, but i was so shocked i couldn't even respond. When she realized they weren't going to let her cut them, she shoved her buggy aside and yelled about how rude people were.

I could have written this off to be someone who was really in a hurry, but 5 minutes later saw them going in to Buccannans..

I've had people ask if they could jump in front in line, but never force themselves there. :angry:

On a related topic, I've always found it odd how cashiers in Houston will take the last person in line when they open up a new lane. Having worked in retail back in high school, I was always under the impression that you help the person who'd been waiting the longest, not the least (assuming they hadn't already dumped their junk onto the desk or conveyor belt). I guess that makes too much sense though.

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