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Merchants Park: Retail Center At 1303-1421 W. 11th St.


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Actually going to have to agree with Attica here - HEB prices are considerably lower on day to day purchases - your cereals, your produce, your butter, etc....Kroger has better Sales, but they are just sales to get you in the door...if your going to do all your shopping at one place, HEB whoops the Kroger butt....Randalls is a joke compared to Krogers & HEB.

As to the layout - its terrible - I despise it with all my heart - but I will endure it if I have to. Worst store to shop at in Houston is Central Market though - high prices, snobs, and they expect you to do all the work putting price tags and other things on the stuff...Whole foods not too far behind though with all the snobs, and total lack of parking.

All in all I would love to have a big HEB, they are great. One of the few upsides to the burbs.

I only buy things on sale. My wife gets most of the regular stuff at Walmart, which beats all the grocery stores in general. Attica I did not consider the box wine factor, but you may have a point there.

Agree that Central Market is the worst store in history. I get all AWP when I hear people go on about how they bought some cold chicken breast and macaroni and cheese for $18/lb and it was to die for. Reminds me why I'm so glad Eatzi's died. Hey, great idea for a store - let's cook stuff and sell it for 4x markup, give it to people cold and they have to heat it up themselves!

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I only buy things on sale. My wife gets most of the regular stuff at Walmart, which beats all the grocery stores in general. Attica I did not consider the box wine factor, but you may have a point there.

Agree that Central Market is the worst store in history. I get all AWP when I hear people go on about how they bought some cold chicken breast and macaroni and cheese for $18/lb and it was to die for. Reminds me why I'm so glad Eatzi's died. Hey, great idea for a store - let's cook stuff and sell it for 4x markup, give it to people cold and they have to heat it up themselves!

Central market is only about three blocks from my home, but the only time I shop there is when I'm looking for wine or beer that's better than the mainstays and Spec's is closed because it's a Sunday. Or, if my wife has me pick one thing up from the store on my home from work and I don't feel like sitting in traffic for another half hour. Otherwise, yeah, the prices are retarded. I'm floored people will willingly pay those prices for food when a waiter isn't setting it on their tables.

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Fiesta is definitely the cheapest, but it can be real hit-or-miss what you'll get in terms of produce and meat on any given day.

I'm shallow, I like a nice shopping atmosphere (which Kroger definitely doesn't have), so I'm perfectly happy to wander the HEB maze and ooh and ahh and impulse buy. Yep, I'm a marketer's dream customer. Which is also why I'm not the main grocery shopper in the household.

Anyone ever set foot in a Wegman's? Now THAT is a great grocery store. They're only in the Northeast, I believe.

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Fiesta is definitely the cheapest, but it can be real hit-or-miss what you'll get in terms of produce and meat on any given day.

I'm shallow, I like a nice shopping atmosphere (which Kroger definitely doesn't have), so I'm perfectly happy to wander the HEB maze and ooh and ahh and impulse buy. Yep, I'm a marketer's dream customer. Which is also why I'm not the main grocery shopper in the household.

Anyone ever set foot in a Wegman's? Now THAT is a great grocery store. They're only in the Northeast, I believe.

No, but in the past I did regularly shop at one of the original Piggly Wigglys in Midtown Memphis. That place is a throwback to a different era. Everybody on staff, from the store manager to the baggers, wore black slacks, white shirts and black ties. It was like stepping out of a time machine and finding myself in 1955.

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Anyone ever set foot in a Wegman's? Now THAT is a great grocery store. They're only in the Northeast, I believe.

No, but I remember Shwegman's in New Orleans as a child. It was a pit. My parents used to make fun of it and the people shopping there. They sold everything from clothes to ground beef. I guess it'd be considered the early version of a now pitted out Super Walmart.

Oh yes, Piggly Wiggly and A&P, Winn Dixie and Jitney Jungle.

I've never been in the Kroger that I can remember and won't until it's remodeled. If it turns out anything like the Kroger on Buffalo, you Heightsonians are going be ectastic. That store rocks!

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If you build it they will come... that is HEB

I LOVE LOVE LOVE HEB... specifically the Bunker Hill Market. I look forward all week to my Friday post work grocery outing. If you build anything similar to that or Buffalo Speedway Market you will automatically have a loyal customer in me. My big draw is fresh, quality produce. Please Please Please Please build in the Heights!!!!!!

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Would love to see an HEB in that location.

Quality meat and (esp.) seafood currently require a trip all the way down the Shepherd corridor.

Currently the best part of visiting clients in the energy corridor is the opportunity to stop by the Bunker Hill store on the way home.

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I braved the miserable parking scene at Kroger on 11th this past weekend and the cashier said the construction is scheduled to be completed this Friday. It doesn't look like it can be finished that quickly, but that's what she said. Starbucks is scheduled to open then, too.

I'm not sure how they're ever going to do this without shutting the store down for a day or two. Reinstalling ceiling tiles, knocking down that wall behind the far row of freezers, paving, cleaning, stocking, moving food, etc.

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Miserable parking is right! Sunday there were *no* available spaces....it seems like they've only left about 20 spots for customers...everything else is reserved for construction.

Even better. Has anybody tried shopping there with the intention of continuing southward? You can't access Durham now!


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Really? You scooped it, Dude!

Let the AWP's run free!!!!

Oh, and what an AWP slice of heaven it is! Stained concrete and a Starbucks counter, for two. Aisles wide enough for TWO women with carts to talk on their cellphones! I'm sure there's more, but I didn't explore. If they hadn't moved the bread and brats section over there already, I would've never known it was open.

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Oh, and what an AWP slice of heaven it is! Stained concrete and a Starbucks counter, for two. Aisles wide enough for TWO women with carts to talk on their cellphones! I'm sure there's more, but I didn't explore. If they hadn't moved the bread and brats section over there already, I would've never known it was open.

Stained concrete? That's so... urban chic!

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Stained concrete? That's so... urban chic!

You guys laugh.... It looks nice and doesn't smell like the old one did. Further, the wide aisles ROCK. I hate having to wait behind people who are too busy doing nothing to realize they're blocking 3/4 the darned aisle. We bought some pumpkins :)

Of course, this all assumes they redo the old section, too.

Edited by Yankee_in_TX
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Oh, and what an AWP slice of heaven it is! Stained concrete and a Starbucks counter, for two. Aisles wide enough for TWO women with carts to talk on their cellphones! I'm sure there's more, but I didn't explore. If they hadn't moved the bread and brats section over there already, I would've never known it was open.

Red, the floors are latte...to go with the Starbucks.

Reserving overall opinion...it's an unmerged mess right now.

One comment...Want international? Go twelve blocks north.

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It wasn't as big an improvement as I would have hoped.

The produce section is prettier, but the selection's about the same. Fish and meat look slightly improved, but not much, and the space dedicated to fresh proteins is pretty modest given the overall square footage of the store.

The seem to have focused most on prepared foods. That's probably where their market research tells them the money is, but it's a disappointment to those of us who cook their own food. That, and it's still staffed by the same idiots as before.

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It wasn't as big an improvement as I would have hoped.

The produce section is prettier, but the selection's about the same. Fish and meat look slightly improved, but not much, and the space dedicated to fresh proteins is pretty modest given the overall square footage of the store.

The seem to have focused most on prepared foods. That's probably where their market research tells them the money is, but it's a disappointment to those of us who cook their own food. That, and it's still staffed by the same idiots as before.

I agree, the changes will mostly appeal to those looking for prepared foods.

The only two things in the produce section that I could identify as new were a wider variety of cauliflower (purple, yellow AND white) and mushrooms (they now have shiitake). The bulk bins (nuts and granola) are a nice touch.

Lisa in the cheese department seemed to know her stuff. But the placement of the cheese is very confusing...I saw three separate sections with cheddar cheese.

I'll reserve judgment for a few weeks while they get it organized.

Edited by kat_zor
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My impression isn't nearly as negative as angostura's. I see it as a HUGE improvement. The produce selection wasn't significantly better, but everything else was improved. They had a great and vastly improved selection in baked goods, fish (lots and LOTS more fish), meat (they actually have prime, angus, and natural beef!), and organics/healthfoods. There is even a bulk food isle full of nuts and grains! Not my thing, but they also have tons of kitchen junk to get you to impulse buy.

I can't really say what they're doing with staffing. When I was there, there were tons of suites/manager types all over the place. Friday afternoon it was samples galore... Hell, the bakery guy gave me a huge piece of cinnamon pecan bread (not sample sized, but real sized!).

While I may continue to walk to fiesta for my produce, I'll drive out to Kroger for meat/fish/bread/healthfoods.


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It wasn't as big an improvement as I would have hoped.

The produce section is prettier, but the selection's about the same. Fish and meat look slightly improved, but not much, and the space dedicated to fresh proteins is pretty modest given the overall square footage of the store.

The seem to have focused most on prepared foods. That's probably where their market research tells them the money is, but it's a disappointment to those of us who cook their own food. That, and it's still staffed by the same idiots as before.

You should probably reserve judgment until the construction is finished. Half of the store is yet to be remodeled.

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Not sure what some of you want?!?!?!?!?!

It went from smelly, crowded and dirty to (assuming the second half will be redone) clean and roomy with expanded selections.

It's the closest to my house so I do most of my shopping there and I am happy it's much improved.

Don't get me wrong. The improved part is cosmetically a LOT better, and I'm happy that the meat and fish counters are now staffed by actual human beings. The cheese section is also improved (the organization is apparently geographical, rather than by type, which is not uncommon), and I like the addition of bulk bins. However, if that's the extent of the improvement, I think it'll be a disappointment.

I'll wait until the rest of the remodel is finished before passing judgment, but I think I'll mostly stay away until then.

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