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Attending Texas Southern University


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Sheeats makes a great point here...you're doing your job as a father by worrying about your daughter and wanting the best for her.

Of course, we've ALL made decisions in our lives that our parents questioned, haven't we? Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. But lucky for your daughter, she's got you keeping an eye out for her best interests. You can't make decisions for her anymore, but you can certainly help. Personally, now that I'm older, I wish I'd listened to my dad more often in my youth. Then again, by doing a lot of the things my dad told me not to do, I had a hell of a good time!!! :D

Be confident in what you instilled in your daughter, and hope that you've given her the tools to make the right decisions. And if it doesn't work out, you can always welcome her back to Indiana with open arms.

She may just surprise you. This may be her time to get out on her own and shine as an independent woman.

being older and wiser there are there are some things as parents we just KNOW.turning down a free education(tuition,anyway)and getting enough schloarship money and grants to cover room/board doesnt make "cents" to me.i was trying to get her into college with the least amount of debt she would owe upon graduating.she's a headstrong 18 year old and her mind was made up.but if things dont go right

for her I told her I will never tell her"I TOLD YOU SO".We'll deal with the situation and keep it movin.she knows we have her back.

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I'm a Howard grad, but both my parents and several aunts and uncles (and even a niece recently) received their degrees from TSU. Any school is what you make of it, and how much drive and determination a person puts into it. You and your daughter seem well grounded and she seems like she made a researched decision.

As an aside, I am currently at University of Phoenix working on my masters in business administration because it fit my lifestyle, my educational, and professional goals.

But to some people (UT, Texas A&M, UoH folks ... especially) in the academic circles where I work, you'd swear I've sold my sold to the devil.

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Prairie View being the best out of the bunch. They have a REALLY nice engineering department.

Prairie View also has a very good School of Architecture and is the 2nd oldest college in Texas only after Texas A&M.

Indyman your daughter should have looked at more HBCU's in Texas like Houston-Tillotson in Austin or Paul Quinn in Dallas or in Houston PV only about an 60 min drive. She is going to get an college education no matter where she goes it is just what she does with it. TSU gets a lot of bad credit because of the wrong the students do. If the student fails and does not graduate it is not the college faults.

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Paul Quinn is BARELY alive on life support

the only thing it has going for it is this year they implemented a "business dress" policy for 100% of their students

other than that it is in extreme trouble and has been for some time.....even after Comer Cottrell bought it he has done a better job managing it, but he has wisely not dumped 100% of his money into it until it can prove viable

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the only thing it has going for it is this year they implemented a "business dress" policy for 100% of their students

I read the student handbook - it sounds like a typical non-uniform high school dress code - i.e. no Daisy Dukes, no profanity on shirts, no doo-rags.

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Prairie View also has a very good School of Architecture and is the 2nd oldest college in Texas only after Texas A&M.

Indyman your daughter should have looked at more HBCU's in Texas like Houston-Tillotson in Austin or Paul Quinn in Dallas or in Houston PV only about an 60 min drive. She is going to get an college education no matter where she goes it is just what she does with it. TSU gets a lot of bad credit because of the wrong the students do. If the student fails and does not graduate it is not the college faults.

And Prairie View is actually only 15 minutes away from the development in NW Houston. Houston Premium Outlets (Cypress) is about 15 minutes away from the PV exit.

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they have probably not updated that site yet

everything I have read is business casual


Hmm... I understand having a business casual dress if I worked at a typical business office (banking offices, AFAIK, are still oxford and tie). But some other fields like IT have very relaxed dress codes. Many teachers may wear T-shirts and shorts.

I guess the president was very embarrassed with how the kids at Quinn dressed.

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Really good article about TSU from this morning's Chronicle: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5975630.html


During his first seven months as president of Texas Southern University, John Rudley has been praised for raising admission standards, hiring a new administrative team and producing a $208 million balanced budget.


Despite some community opposition, he ended a decades-old policy of admitting any student with a high school diploma or GED.

This fall's incoming freshmen were required to graduate in the top 25 percent of their high school class or have a 2.0 grade-point average. Those who did not were directed to a summer preparatory program. More than two-thirds of the summer students eventually qualified to enroll, Rudley said.

Sophomore Britnee Redhead predicted that the new standards, along with Rudley's move to limit late registrations, will weed out students who aren't serious. "It's going to be a good thing," she said.

If you're still hanging around with us, indyman, you should read the article. It might help set your mind at ease. :)

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Really good article about TSU from this morning's Chronicle: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5975630.html


If you're still hanging around with us, indyman, you should read the article. It might help set your mind at ease. :)

the article was pretty good. i'm not going anywhere for the next four years!i'm rooting for the new guy to get things in order.but that meal plan they sprung on us when we were getting my daughters' place was crazy.a guy in the office told me they were trying to recoup money from tearing down the mens dorm.if your going to implement a meal plan,then lower the rent while youre changing things.
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the article was pretty good. i'm not going anywhere for the next four years!i'm rooting for the new guy to get things in order.but that meal plan they sprung on us when we were getting my daughters' place was crazy.a guy in the office told me they were trying to recoup money from tearing down the mens dorm.if your going to implement a meal plan,then lower the rent while youre changing things.

if your daughter is as responsible as you make her sound and she is good with her finances you would be better off getting the lowest cost least number of meals on that plan and allowing her to choose when and where to eat for herself

most dorm food even today is still garbage and the hours it is offered are horrible and your daughter will probably end up only eating there because she has to when she is not that hungry and then eating something else later on on her own dime and in the long run it will cost more money overall to eat

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if your daughter is as responsible as you make her sound and she is good with her finances you would be better off getting the lowest cost least number of meals on that plan and allowing her to choose when and where to eat for herself

most dorm food even today is still garbage and the hours it is offered are horrible and your daughter will probably end up only eating there because she has to when she is not that hungry and then eating something else later on on her own dime and in the long run it will cost more money overall to eat

the freshman have to get the most costliest plan,they dont have a choice.
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Oh, dear, Indyman ... guess it's too late to head your daughter off at the pass.

I'm a Houston gal born and bred, and I went to Houston Baptist for my undergrad and UH for my grads. I would not have gone to TSU on a full scholarship, a bet, or a double-dog dare.

TSU is just about the worst-thought-of school in Texas. Seriously. It is a college to steer clear of if you actually want to list your degree on your resume. It is literally one very small step up from LeTourneau or the University of Phoenix.

Oh, well, if she keeps her grades up, she can transfer after a year.

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Oh, dear, Indyman ... guess it's too late to head your daughter off at the pass.

I'm a Houston gal born and bred, and I went to Houston Baptist for my undergrad and UH for my grads. I would not have gone to TSU on a full scholarship, a bet, or a double-dog dare.

TSU is just about the worst-thought-of school in Texas. Seriously. It is a college to steer clear of if you actually want to list your degree on your resume. It is literally one very small step up from LeTourneau or the University of Phoenix.

Oh, well, if she keeps her grades up, she can transfer after a year.

man,thats pretty harsh!but that pretty much sums up what I've been hearing.Shes proud to be there,though,and I dont want to tell her everything I've been hearing to spoil "her thing."maybe she'll transfer after a year.Is it the worst thought of school in Houston or in Texas?

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looks like TSU has ditched the required purchase of a meal plan

I would discuss this with your daughter and see if she feels she would be better served with the least costly plan and doing some meals on her own

I have no doubt my daughter will scrap her plan.she knows how to cook and grocery shop,so she'll be ok.they didnt tell us about the meal plan until we got there to get her residence.I was like,"WHAT!"She's going to use her pro-rated refund towards a plane ticket back to indy for xmas break.

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