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What does your HAIF name mean?


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The longer I'm on HAIF the more I get to recognize people by their HAIF names. Have you ever wondered what the different HAIF names mean? Some are easy like NorthMainGuy or Mark F. Barnes. But some are obfuscated, like RedScare, or Vertigo58.

So, what does your HAIF name mean?

I'll start -- I went with Editor because I figured that I'd be editing the site for content like a newspaper editor. Some people have assumed it means that I was a TV video editor, but I've never done that.

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I am a bag of memes. Memes are small units of culture, transmitted by imitation. My phenotype is the bag, and it carries around all of the little bits of culture I've accumulated over the years.

The name came to me during a hallucination. I have the severed head of Julian Jaynes over my fireplace and sometimes it speaks to me because I lack true consciousness. Usually it just gives me a hard time about my bicameral mind, but sometimes it actually says something interesting.

We're all bags of memes, I'm just the only one who's really, really proud of it.

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Chamo is the way my mom calls me since I can remember.

Most people think that it has to do with the SouthAmerican-Venezuelan term Chamo which means young boy/kid. But is not the case.

I have my dad's first name, and my mom did not like the idea of calling me Jr.; since my last name is Chamorro she started calling me Chamo.

35 years later, most people knows me as Chamo. At my new job they have degenerated the Chamo to Chuy and Chubaca, but for the HAIF Family, Chamo is the way to go.


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I am a bag of memes. Memes are small units of culture, transmitted by imitation. My phenotype is the bag, and it carries around all of the little bits of culture I've accumulated over the years.

The name came to me during a hallucination. I have the severed head of Julian Jaynes over my fireplace and sometimes it speaks to me because I lack true consciousness. Usually it just gives me a hard time about my bicameral mind, but sometimes it actually says something interesting.

We're all bags of memes, I'm just the only one who's really, really proud of it.

What's not to be proud of? Memebag is a definite step up from meatsack. You evolved!

To answer the question, I was eating flaming hot cheetos when I was registering as a member, and I didn't want to overthink it and end up with a dumb name. Oops.

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Well, I...um...eat. A lot. So, when I started a food blog lo these many moons ago, I named it "she eats." And now that's what people call me, even when they know my real name. All one word, too, like "Oh, hey! Sheeats is here!" Or, "Go ask sheeats about it; she'll tell you."

*sigh* My real name is much prettier.

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My favorite film director the official "Master of Suspense" - Sir Alfred Hitchcock. Directed one of his personal favorite 1958's psycological thriller Vertigo.

Where I live there is Villa de Matel's church tower bellfry just as the one Kim Novak's duel character Madeline/Carlotta falls to her death in the film.

I have a perfect view of it from my upper floors. Then we hear the haunting music themes come from the tower every day. If you stare to much you get Vertigo. It also takes place in one of my fav cities ever.

This man was a genius.


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My name is Kimberly. I honestly don't know where the "say what" came from. I think I was watching "What's Happening!!" reruns when I signed up.


I have a perfect view of it from my upper floors. Then we hear the haunting music themes come from the tower every day. If you stare to much you get Vertigo. It also takes place in one of my fav cities ever.

"Vertigo" has a great score. Anything by Bernard Herrmann is good.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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... doesn't live near Highway6.

Thought up while a student up at A&M about a decade ago. Highway6 was the road home, in either direction. Always loved the cruising the short hour drive from CS to NW Houston or visa versa, especially the beautiful stretch from Hempstead to Navasota. Consequently, to me it came to represent The official Highway of Texas.

Also, at the time, Highway6 was a Texas County band made up of all Aggies including a few friends of mine.

So, Highway6 to me means Being a Texan, Home, Aggie Experience, Nostalgia all wrapped into one.

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Well, I...um...eat. A lot. So, when I started a food blog lo these many moons ago, I named it "she eats." And now that's what people call me, even when they know my real name. All one word, too, like "Oh, hey! Sheeats is here!" Or, "Go ask sheeats about it; she'll tell you."

*sigh* My real name is much prettier.

There was question from some quarters when you first signed up as to whether sheeats was supposed to be pronounced she-ats, and whether it was a play on a common vulgarity. The question has since been resolved.

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There was question from some quarters when you first signed up as to whether sheeats was supposed to be pronounced she-ats, and whether it was a play on a common vulgarity. The question has since been resolved.


Glad I could clear that up, then.

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My handle is the confluence of two wildly disparate interests of mine. Having grown up during the Cold War, I have always had a keen fascination with the Soviet Union and the (2nd) Red Scare. The ominous Soviets, with their massive Red Army, atomic bombs and extensive espionage operations, as well as the use of the Soviet machine by US interests, specifically the Air Force, to massively inflate their budgets to procure planes, ICBMs and personnel, and the attendant propaganda that came with it, influenced US policy and society for decades.

The other interest was North Carolina State (my dad's alma mater) athletics. The Wolfpack's colors are red and white. I grew up obsessed with Wolfpack basketball. I even got to attend the Final Four in 1974 with my dad, where we watched David Thompson and the Pack defeat Bill Walton and UCLA in overtime to end UCLA's string of national championships.

How do they combine? In the 2003 Gator Bowl, NC State, with Phil Rivers at QB, was slated to play Notre Dame. The conventional wisdom was that traditional powerhouse ND would slaughter the Wolfpack, a traditional basketball school. The sports forums were loaded with Irish fans taunting NC State fans. I felt compelled to enter a forum to stick up for the Pack. I chose RedScare as my name for its dual meaning. The Gator Bowl was indeed a blowout, but it was NC State who blew out the Irish. I figured my screen name brought the Pack good luck. ;)

When I signed on here, the name followed. It has developed a third meaning on the HAIF. Since any poster who does not agree with any and all Republican talking points is immediately labelled a communist (usually by TJones), I figure RedScare is an appropriate moniker.

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The longer I'm on HAIF the more I get to recognize people by their HAIF names. Have you ever wondered what the different HAIF names mean? Some are easy like NorthMainGuy or Mark F. Barnes. But some are obfuscated, like RedScare, or Vertigo58.

So, what does your HAIF name mean?

I'll start -- I went with Editor because I figured that I'd be editing the site for content like a newspaper editor. Some people have assumed it means that I was a TV video editor, but I've never done that.

Well, I love butterflies. Papillion is butterfly in French. The Wyngs part just had a life of its own.

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"marmer" has been my screen name, user ID, whatever, since 1983. It's a contraction of my first and last names. I once got an e-mail from a guy whose family name was Marmer, and he was very excited about finding a possible relative. I hated to have to disappoint him. :) It, or as close to it as I can get, is what I pretty much use for everything.

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When I signed on here, the name followed. It has developed a third meaning on the HAIF. Since any poster who does not agree with any and all Republican talking points is immediately labelled a communist (usually by TJones), I figure RedScare is an appropriate moniker.

I have NEVER called you a Commie-Bastich !!! Socialist loving do-gooder maybe (i.e.) your misty-eyed love for all things Obama ! (BLEH!)

Redscare has actually become synonymous with anything remotely resembling LAWYERING around here. You are a regular Racehorse Haynes of our HAIFworld, Red. You are my go to guy on such matters though. ;)

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When I was a kid, I had a dog named Heights2Bastrop, so I thought I'd use that.

"From: Heights Native, now living on 8 wooded acres on Cedar Creek just south of Bastrop." I just assumed that's how your name came along. How wrong.

Just made my name up. I'd been using it befor egetting to HAIF though.

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