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College Football 2008-09


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My heart is borken!!!! An interception away from the title game and it was droped -_- . Then eight seconds away from title game and you got taken to school by Crabtree <_< . What a comeback it would have been :( .

If Texas falls below USC and Florida in the BCS I am going to be more pissed than I am right now!!!

they will end up being like 5th or 6th in the polls. alabama, oklahoma, florida, penn st will pass them for sure. i would think that since Tech beat them, Tech will move to at least 5th, so UT will most likely be 6th. UT should be higher than USC though since USC plays weak opponents.

Edited by sifuwong
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Talk about a wail of a football game. That freshman makes that tackle on Crabtree, the game is over and UT wins, or it the inception was made on the play prior to that, game over UT wins. I am sure they will remember that for a while. Heck of a game, thought the Horns were going to pull it off. Leach just prepared his team, and the line of scrimmage was dominated by TT. Just had to sit there and say WOW!

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they will end up being like 5th or 6th in the polls. alabama, oklahoma, florida, penn st will pass them for sure. i would think that since Tech beat them, Tech will move to at least 5th, so UT will most likely be 6th. UT should be higher than USC though since USC plays weak opponents.

I want to put Texas Three cause I love em but I cant put them above T.T. They are the best one loss team in the nation befor USC, The Gators, and Sooners. I mean look at who they beat and their one loss to a team that will be #1 next Sunday if they beat the Cowboys and it was down to the last second. Top 5 should belong to the Big 12! What the top 10 should be imo:







Okla St.



Boise St.


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I want to put Texas Three cause I love em but I cant put them above T.T. They are the best one loss team in the nation befor USC, The Gators, and Sooners. I mean look at who they beat and their one loss to a team that will be #1 next Sunday if they beat the Cowboys and it was down to the last second. Top 5 should belong to the Big 12! What the top 10 should be imo:







Okla St.



Boise St.


I think it should be Bama, Penn, T.T, Florida, Texas for the top 5.

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Talk about a wail of a football game. That freshman makes that tackle on Crabtree, the game is over and UT wins, or it the inception was made on the play prior to that, game over UT wins. I am sure they will remember that for a while. Heck of a game, thought the Horns were going to pull it off. Leach just prepared his team, and the line of scrimmage was dominated by TT. Just had to sit there and say WOW!

The refs don't pick up the flag on the block in the back, game over, Tech wins. Not to take anything away from either team, but the zebras put Texas back in the game on that obvious penalty. Hats off to the pirates for not letting the refs take the biggest win in school history away from them.

I think it should be Bama, Penn, T.T, Florida, Texas for the top 5.

I guess your remote was broken. You didn't see OU tattoo Nebraska for 35 points in the 1st quarter? You don't pin 62 points on the Huskers and drop two places in the polls.

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The refs don't pick up the flag on the block in the back, game over, Tech wins. Not to take anything away from either team, but the zebras put Texas back in the game on that obvious penalty. Hats off to the pirates for not letting the refs take the biggest win in school history away from them.

I guess your remote was broken. You didn't see OU tattoo Nebraska for 35 points in the 1st quarter? You don't pin 62 points on the Huskers and drop two places in the polls.

Oops, my bad. I didn't have a broken remote. I just forgot about it. It should be Bama, Penn, OU, TT, Florida, Texas

Edited by sifuwong
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The refs don't pick up the flag on the block in the back, game over, Tech wins. Not to take anything away from either team, but the zebras put Texas back in the game on that obvious penalty. Hats off to the pirates for not letting the refs take the biggest win in school history away from them.

Watched the TiVo several times after you mentioned it Red, and from what I am seeing the player got his head inside the right shoulder of the defender, and that's all it takes, and if you look at it from both angles, it shows it clearly, it was a borderline judgement call, but by the letter of the rule it was legal. the ref that threw the flag was on the wrong side to make the call, that's why the conversed over it and then picked up the flag. Either way it is what it is, the Red Raiders to it to their ass and won the game. I tell you it was a hell of a game, Tech has their work cut out for them, in the next few weeks.

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It's all about when you lose, not even how and to whom. For that reason, Florida and OU, who keep pasting people, will be the higher ranked 1 loss teams. Maybe USC, but I think Florida jumps them after what they did to Georgia.

But to say UT is out of the championship hunt is way premature - remember last year? My tigers were out of it twice, and still pulled it off (thanks to the big 10 really sucking). Here's how I see it going down this year:

TT will lose to OU or OSU. Their 1 loss just won't look as good as OU, UF, USC, UT, because they don't have history propping them up in the polls.

Bama will lose 2 games. I can almost guarantee this, Saban is notorious for the let down games. They'll either lose to LSU (I hope!) or even Auburn, and then they'll lose the SEC championship game. They will be out of it.

Then we start looking at the 3-way tie rules in the big 12 south. I know in the SEC, if there is a 3-way tie it was broken by BCS ranking after they look at division record. Anyway, if TT beats UT, UT beats OU, and OU beats TT, there's your 3 way tie. Whoever gets the nod to the big 12 championship will win it and will play in the national championship.

Florida will roll through the rest of the year including the SEC championship game. For them, their hopes lie completely in voters since they are already at a ranking disadvantage. When TT loses they'll jump ahead of them, and they will be ahead of UT after this week and will stay that way if they both win out. I don't know if they can jump OU and USC though.

Penn St won't lose any more. I don't think Penn St will lose because the big 10 sucks so bad and they are pretty good.

Edited by 20thStDad
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I was in Smithville yesterday eating at a little hamburger joint, and a football game was on in the dining area. Even though I quit following football years ago, I knew that Texas had beaten OU from someone at an art show we were doing that weekend. We were well aware we would have to compete with that game.

Anyway, I wasn

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It's all about when you lose, not even how and to whom. For that reason, Florida and OU, who keep pasting people, will be the higher ranked 1 loss teams. Maybe USC, but I think Florida jumps them after what they did to Georgia.

I like the BCS but there are 4 things that need to be looked at IMO.

1. Just because a team lost early does not mean thay are better than a team that lost late. See who they lost to and how they lost.

2. The Human polls need to learn how not to give more credit to diffrent teams and confrences than they earned.

3. They need something like RPI rankings like in College Basketball that takes much more in consideration teams strength of schedule and who they played.

4. Make a rule saying if any of the BCS conference champs does not finish in the top 14 then they can lose their BCS slot to other teams more deserving. Change the rule that will only allow two teams to play from a conference in BCS Bowl games.

Texas is the best one loss team there should be no doubt about it. You cant put Florida, who LOST AT HOME to Ole Miss, over Texas. You cant put USC over Florida cause The Gators have two very good wins(blowouts) over LSU AND Georgia. USC really only has one good win and that was to an over rated Ohio St. & SC plays in the Pac-10 which is not very good. OU is the 2nd best one lost team cause their only loss is to UT so you cant put them above Texas. USC should not be above Okla St. cause their only loss is to Texas at Texas. It makes perfect sense in my head.

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I'm pretty certain Penn St. will be playing in the national championship game. Who they play is the question. TT will lose one and Bama will lose one. I don't know why the media/poll is enamored with USC. They have a weak schedule. They should be bumped down even with their win. Just heard on the radio that Texas is ranked 7th with coaches today. Kinda got screwed. I guess it is what it is.

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I like the BCS but there are 4 things that need to be looked at IMO.

1. Just because a team lost early does not mean thay are better than a team that lost late. See who they lost to and how they lost.

2. The Human polls need to learn how not to give more credit to diffrent teams and confrences than they earned.

3. They need something like RPI rankings like in College Basketball that takes much more in consideration teams strength of schedule and who they played.

4. Make a rule saying if any of the BCS conference champs does not finish in the top 14 then they can lose their BCS slot to other teams more deserving. Change the rule that will only allow two teams to play from a conference in BCS Bowl games.

Texas is the best one loss team there should be no doubt about it. You cant put Florida, who LOST AT HOME to Ole Miss, over Texas. You cant put USC over Florida cause The Gators have two very good wins(blowouts) over LSU AND Georgia. USC really only has one good win and that was to an over rated Ohio St. & SC plays in the Pac-10 which is not very good. OU is the 2nd best one lost team cause their only loss is to UT so you cant put them above Texas. USC should not be above Okla St. cause their only loss is to Texas at Texas. It makes perfect sense in my head.

I agree. However, we all know that if you're gonna lose, you better lose early in the season.

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If you have a problem with early losses versus late losses counting against your team, then your problem is with the pollsters, not the BCS. The BCS happens to be 2/3 human polls now, the computer polls (which don't care when losses happen) are a mere 1/3.

Rankings are out, Florida and OU are 4/5 in the Harris/USA Today polls. AP doesn't count any more. Florida has a 3 total vote advantage, about as close as you can get. It'll be all about style points, look for both to try to run up the scores as usual.

Whoever ranked Texas #1 in the Harris poll needs to lose their voting privileges.

One more thing, Oklahoma St could end up in the final as well. I don't think they can do it, but if they win out they would.

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They got it half right almost. Florida over OU not right. Did they really put Utah over the Cowboys? That crazy. As long they got Texas in the right spot it looks good. Penn St. vs Texas in BCS title game :D .

N Judah I think your right USC will lose another game, wont be surprised if they finish with 3 over all.

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I think Cal is the only remaining team USC will have trouble with. USC, every year, loses to either Cal or Oregon. By this logic, since they have already beaten Oregon, they will lose to Cal.

USC won't lose another game.












They got it half right almost. Florida over OU not right. Did they really put Utah over the Cowboys? That crazy. As long they got Texas in the right spot it looks good. Penn St. vs Texas in BCS title game :D .

N Judah I think your right USC will lose another game, wont be surprised if they finish with 3 over all.

I think Florida over OU was good, but agree that Utah over Cowboys was off. Florida beat a very good and highly ranked Georgia team. Oklahoma beat Nebraska. Texas has a good shot at playing in the national championship game now.

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I always look at the computer polls as pure strength of schedule polls, with random other biases. In that way, it is interesting that the computers have Texas ahead of Penn St even with the no losses. I agree with it, it is just interesting since those human pollsters couldn't possibly vote that way. TT and Bama tied in computer rankings, TT actually ranked 1st by more computers...I like it. There is a misprint on ESPN.com's BCS page, OU's computer rank is 6 and not 9.

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Spoken like a true Longhorn homer. You should be proud.

Show me another team with a better loss or a tougher schedule...I'll wait....

Also, with regard to the zebra's in the Tech game...they were a joke both ways...can anyone tell me how a team throws the ball 53 times and does not get called for one holding penalty? If an NFL offensive line played a high school team and threw the ball 53 times they would hold once. The big 12 offenses/QBs are really aided by this complete disregard for the rules. It has become blatantly obvious that you are now allowed to grab onto a defensive player and hold on for dear life no matter which direction he goes. The Longhorns should coach accordingly.

Kuddos to Tech on a great win and a great night of college football...that is what it is all about. Crabtree is a stud, it can't be said enough...If Penn st. would have been ahead of Tech this morning I would have puked...

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Show me another team with a better loss or a tougher schedule...I'll wait....

Kuddos to Tech on a great win and a great night of college football...that is what it is all about. Crabtree is a stud, it can't be said enough...If Penn st. would have been ahead of Tech this morning I would have puked...

Penn St. is a good team people are underating them. They went to Ohio St. and won. They could have been three or two I dont think it matters cause if Tech beats Cowboys they go to #1. If Tech lose to any Oklahoma team do they go after Texas or stay ahead of UT in BCS knowing that Texas beat both the Sooners and Cowboys and have a win over Mizzou. I think they would still be the best one loss team cause of that extra win over Mizzou.

Crabtree Heisman front runner for me. That last catch was sick! <_<

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Show me another team with a better loss or a tougher schedule...I'll wait....

Also, with regard to the zebra's in the Tech game...they were a joke both ways...can anyone tell me how a team throws the ball 53 times and does not get called for one holding penalty? If an NFL offensive line played a high school team and threw the ball 53 times they would hold once. The big 12 offenses/QBs are really aided by this complete disregard for the rules. It has become blatantly obvious that you are now allowed to grab onto a defensive player and hold on for dear life no matter which direction he goes. The Longhorns should coach accordingly.

Kuddos to Tech on a great win and a great night of college football...that is what it is all about. Crabtree is a stud, it can't be said enough...If Penn st. would have been ahead of Tech this morning I would have puked...

There are many teams with a tougher schedule than Texas. Pretty much the entire Big 12 South has a tougher schedule due to Texas' very WEAK out of conference schedule. Hell, look at Baylor. The Bears have to play Oklahoma State, Texas, and Texas Tech on the road and they host Mizzou and Oklahoma. Plus, the Bears scheduled out of conference games with Wake Forest (started the season ranked) and at UConn.

AND, I'd also argue that while the top of the Big 12 is incredible, the entire SEC is a better league. Here's why I think so...

1) All of Kansas, Kansas State, Iowa State, Texas ATM, and Baylor have yet to beat a team that currently has a winning record. In the SEC, only Auburn and Mississippi State have failed to do so.

2) All of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas State, Iowa State, Oklahoma, Texas, Texas ATM, and Baylor have yet to win a road game against a team that currently has a winning record. That's 75% of the league that has yet to prove they can win a big game on the road. In the SEC, 7 out of the 12 members have won a tough true road game.

3) Colorado, Iowa State, and Baylor have yet to win ANY road game. In the SEC, only Tennessee and Miss State have failed to do so.

Thus, I think there are more breaks or gimme type games in the Big 12 than in the SEC.

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There are many teams with a tougher schedule than Texas. Pretty much the entire Big 12 South has a tougher schedule due to Texas' very WEAK out of conference schedule. Hell, look at Baylor. The Bears have to play Oklahoma State, Texas, and Texas Tech on the road and they host Mizzou and Oklahoma. Plus, the Bears scheduled out of conference games with Wake Forest (started the season ranked) and at UConn.

We were talking about 1 loss contenders for the national title, I don't think Baylor quite qualifies.

I actually think Baylor, the worst team in the big 12 south (though this is close with aTm)...would beat Auburn, Arkansas, Vanderbilt, Miss St., and show well against Kentucky and Tennessee...Interesting about the road games, but that will work itself out as conference road/home flips every year...

More gimmie games in a conference has nothing to do with home/road and everything to do with the quality of opponents...but many teams in the big 12 would struggle with SEC officiating as they call holding. Wide splits on the spread basically force an offensive lineman to hold against a faster D line.

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2) All of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas State, Iowa State, Oklahoma, Texas, Texas ATM, and Baylor have yet to win a road game against a team that currently has a winning record. That's 75% of the league that has yet to prove they can win a big game on the road. In the SEC, 7 out of the 12 members have won a tough true road game.

Are you saying that 7/12 teams in the SEC have won a road game against a team that currently has a winning record??? Lets compare apples to apples...

I think Florida is the team to really watch out for. They seem to be peaking at the right time.

Agreed, I don't think anyone wants to play them right now...still can't see how they lost to Ole Miss at home, but I saw it with my own eyes...

The only thing about Florida is how much credence you lend to beating the crap out of LSU and Georgia, both of which appear to be highly overrated...interesting to see how well LSU does against Bama and Ole Miss...

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