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College Football 2008-09


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Obviously my LSU Tigers aren't what they were last year, but hey, when you come back from being down 31-3 in the 3rd quarter to win 40-31, that's a pretty damn good comeback. I wish I was there to see it. I have a feeling that half the crowd left be halftime (anyone there know?), I bet most wish they hadn't.

most were probably too drunk to leave then and many are probably still passed out drunk there now.....it is LSU after all!

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Obviously my LSU Tigers aren't what they were last year, but hey, when you come back from being down 31-3 in the 3rd quarter to win 40-31, that's a pretty damn good comeback. I wish I was there to see it. I have a feeling that half the crowd left be halftime (anyone there know?), I bet most wish they hadn't.

My LSU buddy just texted me that LSU fans will never be confused with Aggie fans. He said half the stadium left at halftime and most of the rest had left by the beginning of the 4th quarter. He was severely unimpressed, though I think he knew this from watching the game on TV.

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My LSU buddy just texted me that LSU fans will never be confused with Aggie fans. He said half the stadium left at halftime and most of the rest had left by the beginning of the 4th quarter. He was severely unimpressed, though I think he knew this from watching the game on TV.

The real party is always outside the stadium. Until you can bring liquor in that will never change. Yeah, I don't really like how they are not dedicated fans, it's not near the same as it used to be. I went to games back in the 80's and even through the 90's when we sucked, and the crowd was much more attentive. But not being like Aggies is a good thing, so I'll take that compliment any day. ;)

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Texas Tech wont lose, its been a long time since Graham Harrell has lost his composure. Seriously, this game is in grahams hands. tech as so many talented wide receivers that it isnt necessary for crabtree to have a great game in order for tech to win.

I put all my chips in on graham harrell tonight. the guy is a real ice man. just about nothing phases him while he is in the pocket even when he has 4 or 5 defenders swarming around him. not many guys have that in the NCAA


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Texas Tech wont lose, its been a long time since Graham Harrell has lost his composure. Seriously, this game is in grahams hands. tech as so many talented wide receivers that it isnt necessary for crabtree to have a great game in order for tech to win.

I put all my chips in on graham harrell tonight. the guy is a real ice man. just about nothing phases him while he is in the pocket even when he has 4 or 5 defenders swarming around him. not many guys have that in the NCAA


I hope not. Would like to see TT go all the way. TT's national championship hopes are gone! Looks like Sam Bradford is the front runner for Heisman now.

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Texas Tech wont lose, its been a long time since Graham Harrell has lost his composure. Seriously, this game is in grahams hands. tech as so many talented wide receivers that it isnt necessary for crabtree to have a great game in order for tech to win.

I put all my chips in on graham harrell tonight. the guy is a real ice man. just about nothing phases him while he is in the pocket even when he has 4 or 5 defenders swarming around him. not many guys have that in the NCAA


The last time Mike Leach won a game in Norman, he was the OU offensive coordinator. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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Texas Tech wont lose, its been a long time since Graham Harrell has lost his composure. Seriously, this game is in grahams hands. tech as so many talented wide receivers that it isnt necessary for crabtree to have a great game in order for tech to win.

I put all my chips in on graham harrell tonight. the guy is a real ice man. just about nothing phases him while he is in the pocket even when he has 4 or 5 defenders swarming around him. not many guys have that in the NCAA


Please pay up, all your chips belong to someone else now. As do mine...Ole Miss made sure all our luck/karma from last year continues to get thrown back into our face this year. Still, I can't complain.

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Punk move by safety Harris to horsecollar Crabtree after getting stiffarmed for an extra 15 yards or so. At least the refs made it up by calling him for a personal foul later in the game. The refereeing in these games is (to me) extremely uneven in the games I've watched in this conference, but in this case I was glad. It always bothers me a little bit to see the less-talented and the vile take cheap shots against someone who they know is simply better...

Anyway Texas Tech's defense was not as good as it usually is and apparently coach Mike Leach has problems winning in Norman. It did not seem like there was much they could do.

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Please pay up, all your chips belong to someone else now. As do mine...Ole Miss made sure all our luck/karma from last year continues to get thrown back into our face this year. Still, I can't complain.

Perhaps the most (only?) amusing thing about the LSU-Ole Miss game was that THIS TIME the crowd stayed for the 4th quarter, only to be treated to a horrible ass-whooping by Ole Miss. It was almost as if the Tigers were punishing their fans for leaving early last week. Even the TV announcers berated them for it.

As for OU.....WOW! Screw Bama. Screw Penn State. Screw everybody else. I want to see OU and Florida waylay each other.

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You know what would be interesting. If OU loses to OSU next week which is very possible. All 3 teams(Texas, TT, and OU) will be tied in the conference. So who would play Mizzou for the conference title?

Do you really watch these games?

As it stands right now with Tech losing to OU, they are already in a three way tie already (all are 10-1). If OU loses next week to OSU, they're out. With the three way tie as it stands now, the tie breaker goes all the way down to the fifth tie-breaker, the BCS standing. As it stands now the Horns are winning the tie breaker, by standing. That may change come Monday. I can't see OU jumping over Texas, since they lost to UT in heads up play. If OU loses next week, you'll see UT and Mizzou playing for the Big 12 title. The winner of that would play 'Bama for the title.

Leach is out of his mind letting Harrell back in the game.

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Perhaps the most (only?) amusing thing about the LSU-Ole Miss game was that THIS TIME the crowd stayed for the 4th quarter, only to be treated to a horrible ass-whooping by Ole Miss. It was almost as if the Tigers were punishing their fans for leaving early last week. Even the TV announcers berated them for it.

As for OU.....WOW! Screw Bama. Screw Penn State. Screw everybody else. I want to see OU and Florida waylay each other.

Yeah I thought I wanted to see Florida and TT, but I think that would end up much like tonight did. It's hard to predict what the scores will be like when juggernauts meet. Would OU-FLA end up 56-52, or more like 23-17 in some crazy hard hitting bash-out? Don't know, let's find out. 2 more games for each still. Actually maybe not, if Texas ends up higher in the BCS they go to the B12C. Still some scenarios yet to unfold.

I was pulling for TT at the beginning of the night, but the sadist in me really wants to see 70 up there against any highly ranked team.

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Do you really watch these games?

As it stands right now with Tech losing to OU, they are already in a three way tie already (all are 10-1). If OU loses next week to OSU, they're out. With the three way tie as it stands now, the tie breaker goes all the way down to the fifth tie-breaker, the BCS standing. As it stands now the Horns are winning the tie breaker, by standing. That may change come Monday. I can't see OU jumping over Texas, since they lost to UT in heads up play. If OU loses next week, you'll see UT and Mizzou playing for the Big 12 title. The winner of that would play 'Bama for the title.

Leach is out of his mind letting Harrell back in the game.

Nevermind. I misremembered. ;)

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Do you really watch these games?

As it stands right now with Tech losing to OU, they are already in a three way tie already (all are 10-1). If OU loses next week to OSU, they're out. With the three way tie as it stands now, the tie breaker goes all the way down to the fifth tie-breaker, the BCS standing. As it stands now the Horns are winning the tie breaker, by standing. That may change come Monday. I can't see OU jumping over Texas, since they lost to UT in heads up play. If OU loses next week, you'll see UT and Mizzou playing for the Big 12 title. The winner of that would play 'Bama for the title.

Leach is out of his mind letting Harrell back in the game.

You sure about that? If it's a two-way tie between UT and TT, TT gets the nod from head-to-head, I would think. Unless it's about common opponents for the first tiebreaker, which would just be idiotic. And Mizzou still, maybe, could possibly win the big 12 championship, at which point UT probably gets into the national championship game even though they didn't win the big 12. Seriously, it could happen. Did before, with Nebraska one time.

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No big surprise, identical records, UT won the Red River Shootout, that's the way it was suppose to end up. I can't see TT getting axed as bad as they did in the polls, Below So. Cal. and Utah, that was pretty tough to swallow. Oh well.............

I would've thought that the fact that OU and Florida are playing lights out to Bama and UT's mediocre would factor into it. Oh, wait, it's the BCS. Nevermind.

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I heard though that OU will leap Texas if they beat OSU and that Texas playing A&M is not going to help the Longhorns. It is going to be tough for OU to beat OSU in Stillwater though.

Depends. If OU only wins by 10 points or less, and Texas blows out A&M, OU will stay behind Texas.

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There's a real decent chance it could be OU-UT in the national championship. The computers aren't loving Florida, their comp avg is 6. Then again, winning out could adjust that a good bit since they would have to beat Alabama. But I'm just saying, it's going to be close if all these teams at the top win out, and there will be some arguments. Less arguing if Bama wins out, but still they'll be arguing that OU or UT deserved a shot if they miss out.

Here's my personal complete-guess opinion of what happens:

Bama beats Auburn

Florida beats FSU, beats Bama big in the SEC championship

OU beats OSU

UT beats A&M, maintains a better BCS and wins Big 12 South

UT beats Missouri in big 12 championship

USC wins out, but so does Oregon St, and USC doesn't even win the PAC 10 so voters don't put them up there

TT wins out but voters will not get over 65 laid on them (however, comp avg for them is 4...)

Voters will put Florida, Texas, and OU as the top 3, with Texas grabbing those few votes over OU after winning the big 12 title.

Florida will barely be 1st in the BCS, and only because of the human polls being 2/3 of it. UT will beat out OU by less than .01 (about the same margin they have now). Bama will drop to 4 in all the polls, and will be closer to OU than OU is to UT in the final rankings.

BCS bowls:

Sugar: Alabama vs Utah

Orange: Cincinnati vs Florida St

Fiesta: Oklahoma vs USC

Rose: Oregon St vs Penn St

NC: Florida vs Texas

..and most importantly, my LSU Tigers will whoop Notre Dame in the awesomeness that is the Independence Bowl. Sad defense of a title for sure, but at least we get to beat Notre Dame in a bowl game for the third time in 12 years.

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...after overcoming a 25 point 4th quarter deficit in front of 1200 remaining fans and a dog of mixed ancestry.

Please, that is completely absurd, there will be at least 2 dogs there. Better than only a few LSU fans remaining, all of the irish fans will still be there to witness it.

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I would've thought that the fact that OU and Florida are playing lights out to Bama and UT's mediocre would factor into it. Oh, wait, it's the BCS. Nevermind.

How is UT playing Mediocre? Because they are crushing bad teams? No doubt OU is playing great, but if you want to talk about whether OU or Texas deserves it based on the season (and leave Tech out, as the BCS has) I don't see anyone being able to argue OU deserves it more...it's a little thing called scoreboard on a neutral field...

It really pisses me off that OU is going to jump Texas in the BCS next week when we whipped them, hopefully enough voters will come back from the dark side...

Oh yeah, and Go Rebels...if they take care of business against State they could be in the Cotton Bowl against TTU...

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