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Hurricane Ike


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I'm not trying to predict any certain level of damage. When they put the wall in, what it supposed to do? If the answer is keep the storm surge out of Galveston for cat 2-3, then it will not be accomplishing that. That's all I'm saying. Sure, it's better to have an inadequate wall than no wall at all, that goes without saying.

Okay this is not what you're getting, this may be only a Cat 2 in "Wind speed", however they're saying it will have Cat 4-5 surge potential due to the over all massive size of this thing, it is encompassing the entire GOM. That a lot of water moving in out direction and inertia is inevitable. We won't get, thank god, the high wind damage, but the water surge is a diffenrent story. You cannot build something to fight 20-22 ft surge, and still be able to be able to access the beach.

Gosh I love Channel two, they have nice eye candy. The Kemah coverage girl is top shelf.

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You cannot build something to fight 20-22 ft surge, and still be able to be able to access the beach.

Structures can be built to withstand nuclear blasts. I think I could figure out how to get them to withstand a 22-foot wall of water. Actually, I've put a fair bit of thought into it. One of my latent fantasies is to put up something like this in a location like Smith Point.

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Okay this is not what you're getting, this may be only a Cat 2 in "Wind speed", however they're saying it will have Cat 4-5 surge potential due to the over all massive size of this thing, it is encompassing the entire GOM. That a lot of water moving in out direction and inertia is inevitable. We won't get, thank god, the high wind damage, but the water surge is a diffenrent story. You cannot build something to fight 20-22 ft surge, and still be able to be able to access the beach.

Gosh I love Channel two, they have nice eye candy. The Kemah coverage girl is top shelf.

No, I get that. The surge is so large because of the size of this storm, I've been watching the coverage. I just wanted to know what the planned maximum defense intent of the wall was when they built it.

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HL&P, owned by Houston Industries, changed its name to Reliant Energy, then was split up into Reliant Energy (unregulated electricity marketer, which doesn't own infrastructure), Centerpoint Energy (regulated and owns all the transmission lines), and TNG, which had some plants and was taken private. That's your concise history.

But Centerpoint Energy is a much much larger, regulated company, with help from many other companies that pool resources for disaster relief. They're good at what they do, but the rapidity with which they can restore power depends a lot on the scope of damage. Houston is a big city, so it may take a while to tackle all the repairs...but I have no doubt that they'll do their job well.

For most of the Houston area, Centerpoint is the responsible party that owns all the wires and they will do a good job fixing things. They will also have line crews pitching in from utilities up and down the gulf coast, just as their own crews have traveled to other states recently to help with other storms. Power is very likely going to go out just about everywhere in the area, but I suspect it will be restored rather quickly for most areas.

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Probably not, but this isn't like Alicia.

Sugarland(First Colony Area).

You're too far inland for a storm surge. Ike will be in a hurry to get to Oklahoma once it makes landfall so they're not predicting too much rain.

Edited by westguy
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I really hate to see this thing coming. I just don't want the Houston/Galveston area turning into the next New Orleans (Katrina). I just hope by monday stuff will be pretty much back to normal.

1.) We are not below sea level

2.) We have competent local authorities here who are acting and not waiting on someone else to bail them out

We will be fine.

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I'm just amazed at the strom surge and the flooding and it hasn't even started raining yet!

Surge on the islands is only a little over feet above normal tides right now. But the islands aren't naturally five feet high in most places. At this point it looks much worse than it actually is. The worst is yet to come.

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Probably not, but this isn't like Alicia.

You're too far inland for a storm surge. Ike will be in a hurry to get to Oklahoma once it makes landfall so they're not predicting too much rain.

I'm not concerned about the surge. It was the wind and just concerned about the rain. It is said to move fast once it hits. Sugarland normally holds up very well as far as flooding is concerned. We'll see.

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Looks like a direct hit for Houston with eye going right over the city. The good news is that it will only be a cat 2 or maybe 3 as opposed to a 4 or 5... plus the strongest winds are actually 40 to 50 miles east of the center. The bad news?... the center may actually go in just west of Houston meaning we could be on the eastern side with the strongest winds.

Hunker Down!

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I have a 4 pieces of plywood and 4 tall double windows I'm going to board - but I can only board the top or bottom of each. Bottom ones are about 4-5 feet off the ground. Top ones maybe 7-9 feet. Anyone have an opinion on whether I should cover the lower ones or upper ones?

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The lower ones probably. No one in my neighborhood has boarded up.

Thanks. I was about to board up the upper ones just so I could see out better. But boarding the lower ones probably makes more sense.

Only a few of my neighbors have boarded their windows. I think it's a smart idea, I just didn't buy any plywood - had a few sheets lying around, though.

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Very few people have boarded up in our neighborhood, either.

It might not be a bad idea if you have the flimsy single-pane aluminum windows that are pretty common in the 40-50 yr old houses that are plentiful through here, but most modern replacement windows - double paned and wind rated and impact resistant - should be ok this far inland. The might crack and need to be repaired later on if something flies into them during the storm, but they shouldn't fail for the most part.

We paid up for new windows a couple of years ago and I am very pleased with that decision right about now.

Edited by cottonmather0
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Looks like a direct hit for Houston with eye going right over the city. The good news is that it will only be a cat 2 or maybe 3 as opposed to a 4 or 5... plus the strongest winds are actually 40 to 50 miles east of the center. The bad news?... the center may actually go in just west of Houston meaning we could be on the eastern side with the strongest winds.

Hunker Down!

Looks like I may go 2 for 2 on Houston hurricanes. Alicia's eye passed over my apartment in 1983. Now, Eye of Ike may do the same. I can probably parlay this into some sort of instant celebrity if I play my cards right.

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Well that last hold out family at Surfside, that said on TV that they weren't leaving, and the cops kept telling them they needed to leave. And they blew them off saying you won't be hearing from us, we got it covered. This is all just a bunch of BS panic.

Well the coast guard is out there right now rescuing those idiots, because they called 911 saying their house was going under water..............well boo frigging hoo

They should be charged with felony stupidity.

Looks like I may go 2 for 2 on Houston hurricanes. Alicia's eye passed over my apartment in 1983. Now, Eye of Ike may do the same. I can probably parlay this into some sort of instant celebrity if I play my cards right.

Hell Red, you're already a celebrity


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Well that last hold out family at Surfside, that said on TV that they weren't leaving, and the cops kept telling them they needed to leave. And they blew them off saying you won't be hearing from us, we got it covered. This is all just a bunch of BS panic.

Well the coast guard is out there right now rescuing those idiots, because they called 911 saying their house was going under water..............well boo frigging hoo

They should be charged with felony stupidity.

Seems to me, when you talk tough on TV, then bail 14 hours before landfall, you should be forever more known as a...even more so than those who left intelligently. :D

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Here is video of one of Houston Media's finest and brightest


To hell with KHOU... around 4pm yesterday they reported that Hobby was closing at 6:30 - No one at Southwest or Hobby knew anything about the report or where they got their data. I didn't fly out until about 9pm. (not evacuating, was scheduled to leave for vacation Friday night... but at least I'm dry where I am)

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Is it just me, but it seems like days of putting tape on windows are gone. I don't see people doing this nowdays.

Seriously... what's the point of doing that... I never understood that. If something hits a window tape isn't going to keep it from breaking. ha ha

But anywayz... it's getting windy out... really eerie... we have been talking about this storm for days and now it's really starting to hit that it's coming.

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