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Hurricane Ike


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RedScare, you said in the Rita you didn't lose power during Alicia. You lived at Westheimer & Wilcrest at the time. I'm wondering if I should turn off a few things before it goes, but I haven't had a flicker yet.

Also, poor animals outside. I drove by the ducks today and they were all hunkered down in the water. :( They're normally laying in the grass or pooping on the street.

Yeah, I've never lost power in any of the storms, Alicia, Allison, Rita, etc. Kinda lucky, I guess, but I do not expect to make it through this one with power.

Just had a 48 mph gust while I was outside having a smoke. Startled the hell outta me. Trees blowing and stuff creaking. I may just have to turn on the JennAir and smoke in the kitchen from here on out.

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Your killing me guy, I got the beer thing down but we had to take my mother in law from the Assisted Living Place because the evacuated it and so the laying around the house naked part is way out. Course once it passes I got the pool so maybe that will help.

Lost cable and internet for a while earlier but it came back. We are near Dixie Farm Road and 518 in Pearland.

Who you callin' a guy? :P

In other news... Lost power here (Memorial and Beltway 8) for a few minutes, but it came right back on. Very windy, but nothing that strong so far. No branches or anything like that blowing around. My husband, the hurricane virgin, is sitting here harping about, "They're just hyping this up! It's just a bit of wind!" I keep reminding him that these are the far outer bands, but he's foreign and doesn't listen. :lol:

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I chipped a tooth. Now I'll be thinking about the dentist for a while.

I'm hoping there's a secret government bunker under west Houston, and we won't be allowed to lose power. This area is flood proof - the bayou drenching projects were mainly for the benefit of those downstream.

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In other news... Lost power here (Memorial and Beltway 8) for a few minutes, but it came right back on. Very windy, but nothing that strong so far. No branches or anything like that blowing around. My husband, the hurricane virgin, is sitting here harping about, "They're just hyping this up! It's just a bit of wind!" I keep reminding him that these are the far outer bands, but he's foreign and doesn't listen. :lol:

Anyone have technical knowledge as to why the power can go out and then back on? Seems like if it went off, it'd stay off.

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Yeah, I've never lost power in any of the storms, Alicia, Allison, Rita, etc. Kinda lucky, I guess, but I do not expect to make it through this one with power.

Just had a 48 mph gust while I was outside having a smoke. Startled the hell outta me. Trees blowing and stuff creaking. I may just have to turn on the JennAir and smoke in the kitchen from here on out.

48? Are you sure it wasn't 47.5?

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4 drinks in and too amped to notice. My immediate family is in Katy, so talking to them. Mike's folks in Tennessee are really nervous for us and trying not to show it. Gotta love hurricane veterans, my mom and dad and I, after establishing that we all still had power, were discussing the various food network celebrities for at least half an hour. Note to Bobby Flay, my pop thinks you're a POS.

Power on here. Just talked to Musicman. Power still out there (about 4 miles from my place). He's fine. Another Alicia vet.

edit: I really did pick the worst time to quit smoking. This is awful. Just reading Red's posts are hard.

Edited by crunchtastic
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Anyone have technical knowledge as to why the power can go out and then back on? Seems like if it went off, it'd stay off.

Not a technical expert but what you may be experiencing are minor brownouts as various parts of the grid go down. Power has to reroute to get back to you.

Minor flickers here in Rice Military.


addicting... can't stop watching... this site is about 30 seconds behind real time. I'll hear a big whoosh and then see it on the site 30 seconds later. Hella cool.

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Not a technical expert but what you may be experiencing are minor brownouts as various parts of the grid go down. Power has to reroute to get back to you.

Minor flickers here in Rice Military.


addicting... can't stop watching... this site is about 30 seconds behind real time. I'll hear a big whoosh and then see it on the site 30 seconds later. Hella cool.


Also, that website...information overload

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I did the a-hole thing this morning and turned the A/C down to 68, to make sure the house was nice and cold if/when the power goes out. Of course, there's always the ice-cold beer in the coolers and laying around the house naked if things get too bad. ;)

My wife won't let me turn down the AC and I am PISSED.

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My wife won't let me turn down the AC and I am PISSED.

I gave my boyfriend permission too do that... he said he's blasting it until the power goes out. Our friends who are losing power are all trecking to our place in the Heights... not sure how much longer they will have power there.

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Our normal program takes the a/c down to 67 at night, so we're chillin. I suppose if we cranked it down just for the storm we could get her down to 62-63. That would be some awesome sleep.

Is it weird that it hasn't rained ahead of the storm? We haven't gotten anything, just a nice breeze.

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Power on here. Just talked to Musicman. Power still out there (about 4 miles from my place). He's fine. Another Alicia vet.

thx for that call. i feel left out already. finally it's starting to rain....not hard yet but you can see and smell the rain. the explosions otuside are getting more frequent. more of us unfortunate ones losing power. now i'm starting to working whether the occasional glow to the south is lightning or the transformers blowing.

EDIT: wind is also picking up big time.

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I gave my boyfriend permission too do that... he said he's blasting it until the power goes out. Our friends who are losing power are all trecking to our place in the Heights... not sure how much longer they will have power there.

Don't be suprised if everyone in Harris county and surrounding areas lose power, from 45 and the north belt out to Katy. You don't have to have high winds to lose power to begin with and all of Harris is going to have Cat 1 winds between midnight and 7 am, depending on location.

Just be happy we have it for a few minutes longer than south houston...

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When I went to check on mom, we had literally a few drops of rain. The major rain bands are hittings the coast now. We'll see what happens in the next hour or so. I am excited~!

Are you there (here) or did you see it on the news? I haven't seen anything or heard anything from our house yet. Still have cable and power.

On the news. My grandma is in the Heights in the big retirement building. I'm not too worried about ther though. but I am going to call and check on her.

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