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Hurricane Ike


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We're back. Out in the Energy Corridor (77079) with my in-laws. They got power and cable back yesterday so the family is staying with them and I have moved my home office into their dining room for the time being. Timbergrove has a lot of tree damage to the power lines and it will be a while until the power is back.

Very comfortable here and aside from the stacks of tree debris at the curb there is no sign of anything wrong here. We are very lucky and Mrs Cottonmather and I are trying to figure out the best way to go volunteer later this afternoon.

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I wonder if the lion ate his master. Purportedly predators don't like the taste of human.

Good to hear about the library. My loft is not configured for doing anything productive: HAIF on one end, TV on the other, with a futon in between.

This Galveston County guy just mentioned a tiger on the loose in Crystal Beach. Oh my.

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Power is back on in Westchase, but not in my apartments! Across the street and up and down Richmond there is power but as of 11am this morning the Aberdeen is lacking lights. I have seen two electricity bucket trucks; both in Bellaire. Other than that, nothing. I'm not going to lie, it is frustrating. Comcast, TV Max, and AT&T are everywhere.

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  • Texas has requested federal management of 12 Points of Distribution in Harris County and HoustonFEMA, TSA, the National Guard, and other state and federal partners are coordinating this effortTogether they will get any supplies needed, wherever and whenever the state and local officials request themMore than 7 million meals and 24 million liters of water are in East Texas right this minuteSupplies and equipment will continue to move into the hardest hit areas as quickly as possible, especially water, meals, generators, tents and tarpsAs local communities identify their critical needs and each state prioritizes these actions, federal partners will provide the additional personnel, equipment and supplies to supplement their response and recovery efforts
  • President George WBush declared major disasters in Texas and Louisiana, making available federal funds to assist individuals and communities in their recoveryIndividuals can register for assistance by calling 1-800-621-FEMA or at www.fema.govMobile registration centers will move into the region to assist those without telephone or internet access to apply for assistance
  • Federal, state and local responders are providing those in need with water, food, and medical care and taking appropriate actions to prevent crimeFederal assets were on the ground beside our state and local officials long before landfallThey will remain as long as necessarySearch and rescue and immediate health and safety missions remain the top priority of federal, state and local officialsSearch and rescue operations are likely to continue throughout the week
  • People will be anxious to return home, we are asking for everyone to be patient and to wait for the all clearPlease don't put yourself - or first responders - at riskResidents in the affected areas are reminded that power, water, sewage and medical assistance may be limited in the aftermath of a storm; evacuees should wait to return until essential services are restoredRestoration of power is a critical and essential step towards recovery
  • Floodwaters can be contaminated by wastes from overflowing sewage systems, toxic chemicals from fertilized plants and fields as well as contaminants from cars and businessesReceding floodwaters often leave behind exposed electrical wires and weakened structuresNever eat or drink anything which has been in direct contact with flood waterChildren should never be allowed to play in areas or to use toys which may have been exposed to flood watersFor information on cleaning up after a flood go to www.fema.gov, www.redcross.org, or local health departments
    • Homeland Security Efforts
      • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
        • FEMA is supporting search and rescue operations and other life-saving and life-preserving activities
        • FEMA is supporting Texas and Louisiana with millions of meals, millions of bottles of water; hundreds of generators; hundreds of thousands of blankets and cots; twenty five thousand rolls of plastic sheeting and eighteen thousand tarpsContracts have been activated to supplement existing resources without shifting resources from other disaster operationsFEMA is also working with the private sector and voluntary agencies to enhance their abilities to provide resources and support to communities before and after a storm
        • FEMA activated the National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System to help reunite families that have become separated as a result of Hurricane IkeIt can be accessed online at www.fema.govPeople may also call in at 1-800-588-9822, 24-hours a day

        [*]U.SCoast Guard (USCG)

        • USCG's top priorities are search and rescue operations and the protection and safety of life at sea, both for mariners and residents of the Texas coastUSCG has 11 fixed-wing and 31 rotary-wing air assets onsite, and 5 cutters positioned offshore for post-hurricane response
        • USCG has aircraft conducting search and rescue, port assessments, infrastructure damage assessments and prepared to respond to any oil spill/hazardous material pollution incidents
        • USCG search and rescue teams have already saved 198 lives and 16 animals

        [*]Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

        • CBP currently has more than 350 people deployed in Texas and more than 100 deployed in LouisianaThey include Law Enforcement Officers, Technicians and Operations Support Staff conducting post-storm damage assessments of homes and government facilities
        • Two CBP aircraft flew a seven-hour reconnaissance mission along the affected coastline yesterdayOne flew at 1000 feet and beamed live streaming video back to emergency response agenciesThe other flew above to ensure that no conflicting air traffic was present

        [*]Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

        • TSA has more than 200 Transportation Security Officers in place at Houston-area airports to assist with re-establishing airport operations
        • TSA has deployed more than 150 officers to assist with relief efforts in the Houston area

        [*]U.SCustoms and Immigration Service (USCIS)

        • USCIS is contacting community organizations and the media to inform them that USCIS will reschedule all appointments in offices that closeUSCIS is advising customers to take all necessary actions to protect their documents and inform them that if they are evacuated, or a USCIS office is closed, they can temporarily make an appointment in another USCIS office

        [*]National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD)

        • The National Communications System (NCS)
          • The National Coordinating Center for Communications is working with the Federal Communications Commission to coordinate access support by industry members to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs)PSAPs are state and local organizations responsible for answering 9-1-1 calls for emergency assistance from police, fire, and ambulance servicesAt this time all 9-1-1 calls are being answered, although some PSAPs have been damaged
          • NCS is working with the communications industry to get through hurricane debris and flooding in their efforts to restore communications to impacted areasCommunications sites on secondary power (battery and generator) and fuel reserves to support secondary power is a concern

          [*]Infrastructure Protection (IP)

          • IP and the Sector Specific Agencies are working with the private Sector Coordinating Councils and state and local officials to assess damage to critical infrastructure - currently focusing on electric power grids; oil, gas, and petrochemical facilities; pipelines and rail transportation; and chemical facilities
          • 14 IP Protective Security Advisors have deployed to Texas (10) and Louisiana (4) to support the assessment of impacts to critical infrastructure; and to coordinate the prioritization of restoration electric

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I feel your pain. We live in Pearland and our entire neighborhood has power except for us and 11 other houses. We all live on the edge of the neighborhood and for some reason they have not repaired it yet. Everyone else including our neighbors across the street came back on last night at 7:00. My biggest concern is that we get missed in the bigger effort and they start moving crews to other areas and we sit without electricity for weeks. No way to call CenterPoint so I went on line and sent them an e-mail. Tey may get around to reading it in six months.

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Looking at the outage maps, it seems the bulk of the crews are starting on the fringe and working their way into the city. There are spots of green here and there within the city, but most of the green restored areas are in the suburbs or on the edge of the service area. The inner Beltway is a frustrating sea of red. Maybe the outage maps are out of date or something, I don't know.

Also, the way LeBlanc from CP said they were restoring power concerned me. He said they are starting on the west which is good for me, but then he said they will be doing Transmission lines first then working their way down to transformers and drop lines. That's all well and good, but we have foure scorched transformers in our apartments which I think is impeding service restoration. What are their plans for that? Are they going to turn on the easy stuff first, go elsewhere and then come back? They should be working to get whole neighborhoods restored at once, not just piecemeal. I know this a tough task and I appreciate the linemen who are doing it, but the powers that be, who most likely have lights might be going about this the wrong way. The lightly damaged neighborhoods should all have lights by today or tomorrow, but the way it's been explained I don't see that happening.

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Patrons Asked to Keep Moving at Toll Plazas

The Harris County Toll Road Authority reminds patrons that all tolls on the toll road system are free of charge until further notice.

Patrons should to proceed with caution through toll plaza; However, they should not stop.

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The way I have heard it explained several times are that the normal repair crews have permanatly assigned areas that they work in. The were initially sent to their nomal areas covering all the outages. If they finished everything in their area they would then moved to other areas based on need. They thought since the west side had the fewest outages that they would be freed up the fastest and move on to other areas. A TV reported I watched yesterday interviewing the CenterPoint media rep on the phone mis represented the idea that they were starting in the west. He just said they were going to finish there first.

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Burning of Debris from Hurricane Ike

Harris County Public Health & Environmental Services is urging citizens of Harris County to avoid open burning of storm and tree debris created from Hurricane Ike. This includes tree branches and wooden fences.

Improperly controlled burning of debris not only is a potential fire hazard but can also produce smoke that can irritate the eyes, nose and throat. Smoke can be much more harmful to people with lung problems such as asthma. Also, open burning has a negative effect on air quality.

Place all debris near the street and work with your local jurisdiction or precinct personnel to dispose of the debris.

The removal of this large amount of debris will take some time and your patience is requested in this matter.

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We're back. Out in the Energy Corridor (77079) with my in-laws. They got power and cable back yesterday so the family is staying with them and I have moved my home office into their dining room for the time being. Timbergrove has a lot of tree damage to the power lines and it will be a while until the power is back.

Very comfortable here and aside from the stacks of tree debris at the curb there is no sign of anything wrong here. We are very lucky and Mrs Cottonmather and I are trying to figure out the best way to go volunteer later this afternoon.

Lucky ducks! We're in 77079, too, but no power quite yet. We have a generator, but it isn't much use to us... We can't run it during the day, since neither of us are at home and we don't want it nicked. And we can't run it at night, because the neighbors complain (even though we've invited them over to charge cell phones and have beer and the like). So that leaves us a three-hour window in the evening during which we can plug in our fridge and a light or two. :rolleyes:

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This is to inform those citizens living within the incorporated limits of the City of Humble, there was an error in reporting a problem with a City's water supply. One of the Municipal Utility Districts with an Humble address, MUD #96/Fall Creek, not in our incorporated limits, had the problem earlier in the day.

The City of Humble has a "superior" quality rating and our water is safe to use and drink.


NASA's Johnson Space Center continues to recover from Hurricane Ike. At this time, Johnson is targeting next week to reopen and return to normal operations. Recovery operations are proceeding well. Power, air conditioning and internet capability have been restored to the center. Groundskeeping and cleanup teams are cutting down damaged limbs and clearing debris from roads and sidewalks.

The International Space Station is being controlled by a team of flight controllers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.

As of now, space shuttle mission STS-125 remains targeted for launch on Oct. 10.

Johnson employees are encouraged to call the JSC Emergency Information Line locally at 281-483-3351, or remotely, toll-free, at 1-877-283-1947, for updated information, including when they should return to work. Employees are asked to call the Marshall Hotline at 877-470-5240 to check-in and give their locations.

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Lucky. Going in on Thursday. Headed back to Houston tomorrow.

My office is open downtown tomorrow, but no expectations are set on required attendance. Besides, I think I accidentally drank some skanky water while brushing my teeth, etc. At least that's what my stomach would reflect. I always keep Cipro on hand, so we'll see how that goes. I may go in for a few hours since I don't live far. Oh, they said to bring your own food and water.

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Art Rascone just interviewed Max and Mary in Gilchrist, on the Bolivar. They are longtime friends of mine. They were reporting from Waco St. As they panned around, there is nothing standing vertically. I'm talking total obliteration. I'm not sure where they went for the storm or how they even got there. However, there are no PODS there, but there are people.

Gotta go, garbage is here.

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The Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) is on schedule with normal garbage, yard trimmings and heavy trash collection operations. The Curbside Recycling crews are assisting the Yard Trimmings crews with vegetative storm debris collection and, therefore, will not be collecting the recyclable materials from the green bins. On Wednesday, September 17th, SWMD will be collecting heavy trash for customers whose regularly scheduled pickup is every 3rd Wednesday. We will continue heavy trash collection according to the regular schedule.



Beginning today, SWMD will open its neighborhood depositories 7 days a week to accommodate small amounts of storm debris from Houston residents. One pickup truck load or less will be accepted. Hours of operations will be 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Locations are:

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Is this the first time the Washburn Tunnel flooded?

Most restaurants in the vicinity of Market Square are open now. Got a burrito at Chipotle downstairs for dinner -- it tastes better after a hurricane.

Maybe I'll check them out for lunch tomorrow if I go to work. I'll tell you, I'm going to take the long way around. There is no way I'll be walking near Chase.

Do you know if Les Givrales is open on Mkt Sqr?

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Maybe I'll check them out for lunch tomorrow if I go to work. I'll tell you, I'm going to take the long way around. There is no way I'll be walking near Chase.

Do you know if Les Givrales is open on Mkt Sqr?

Haven't checked; Cabo, Market Square Grill are both open. Timpano and Azuma are up and running as well -- perfect incentive to get near Chase. ;)

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Had a note in our mailbox from the HOA in our townhome community when we got home last night. It said not to expect power for another four to five weeks, due to the weird grid that we're on. :blink: Also, since our water heaters are electric, no hot showers for the foreseeable future either.


At least we got our running water back yesterday morning.

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