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Hurricane Ike


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I just got word that we can go down to Gilchrist, on Bolivar, to see what's left. Even though I realize that nothing's there, I want to see for myself. There might be something of value or a memory, like my big crab/crawfish/shrimp boiling pot or countless other things like that. I will make sure to take a camera.

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I finally got power!!!!! Man you don't really know how good you have it until you lose it for a few days.

Where are you?

I guess we won't be complaining so much about the high cost of electricity anymore. It is amazing how spoiled we get with creature comforts.


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Galveston Island Re-entry Announcement

(Galveston, Texas) -- Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas has announced a re-entry advisory for all Galveston residents and business owners. Beginning Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 6:00 a.m. all residents will be able to re-enter Galveston Island. You must show photo identification that verifies your Galveston address or place of business at all manned checkpoints. The City of Galveston will distribute advisories as returning residents and business owners enter the island.

Areas Located Behind the Seawall East of 103rd Street/Cove View Lane:

All residents and business owners may re-enter the City of Galveston, assess the damage to their property, and determine if they wish to remain in the city. Very limited water, sewer, natural gas, and electric services have been restored to areas behind the Seawall.

Areas Not Located Behind the Seawall West of 103rd Street/Cove View Lane:

All west end residents/businesses may re-enter the City of Galveston, assess the damage to their property, gather important belongings, and then leave the city to return to safe and more secure locations no later than 6:00 p.m. Water, sewer, natural gas, and electric services have not been restored to areas West of Seawall therefore sanitary living conditions are not available at this time.

Current Conditions in Galveston

. No medical facilities are available

. Limited water, sewer, electricity, or natural gas service

. A boil water notice remains in effect until further notice

. Mandated water conservation program in effect island-wide

. Limited retail services available including fuel, food, water, auto, pharmacies, etc.

. Curfew strictly enforced: 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Violators subject to $2,000 fine.

. Limited cell phone coverage

. The south side of the Seawall, all beaches, and the water of the Gulf of Mexico remain closed until further notice

Supplies You Will Need to Bring

. Bottled Water

. Flashlights & Batteries

. First Aid Kit

. Hand Tools

. Hand Sanitizer

. Heavy Duty Garbage Bags

. Camera

. Notepad & Pens

. Bug Repellant

. Personal Hygiene Items

. Gloves

. Face Masks

. Boots

. Sunscreen

. Vehicle Fuel Additives

. Tire Repair - Tools, Fix-A-Flat, Spare Tire, Jack

Safety Requirements

Traffic Safety:

. Watch for Debris

. Drive Cautiously - Obey All Speed Limits

. Be Conscientious of Other Vehicles, Bicyclists, and Pedestrians

. Treat All Intersections as a Four-Way Stop

. Street Signs May or May Not Be Present so Remain Alert When Driving

Personal Safety:

. Do Not Put Yourself in a Hazardous Situation

. Do Not Enter Unsafe Buildings

. Exercise Common Sense and Caution When Entering Structures

We appreciate the patience of Galvestonians. We are in this together and we will rebuild together.

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Centerpoint has a new "restoration" map out... this one broken up by zip code. My zip code, 77008, will see 80% restoration by THURSDAY... not sure how to take that. :unsure:

I am in the same situation (77090). In fact, we are NOW losing water pressure, which had been the one constant in all of this.

Not getting a good feeling.

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Heard through the grapevine that some of Willow Meadows (77035) has power. I hope it is contagious and spreads south!


This is true. I noticed yesterday, when driving down Willowgrove Drive. So close to our homes.. come on power!

Kroger and Randalls are both open today. Exxon and Chevron are now open.

Things are really going smoothly the past couple of days.

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Thanks! That might work. I am at the main library right now and will stop by there (Montrose Kroger) when I leave.

Since a couple of other people have mentioned the downtown library, I'm wondering how many HAIFers have been hanging out there this week. I've been spending some time there almost every day since they reopened on Tuesday - we have power at the house but no cable or internet, and my office has been closed all week, so the library's wifi has been a welcome lifeline. And so far they've waived the normal fees in the parking garage as well - I asked the security guard at the entrance how long that was going to last, but she didn't know.

Also found this site while poking around - never realized there were so many wifi hotspots downtown before.

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Since a couple of other people have mentioned the downtown library, I'm wondering how many HAIFers have been hanging out there this week. I've been spending some time there almost every day since they reopened on Tuesday - we have power at the house but no cable or internet, and my office has been closed all week, so the library's wifi has been a welcome lifeline. And so far they've waived the normal fees in the parking garage as well - I asked the security guard at the entrance how long that was going to last, but she didn't know.

Also found this site while poking around - never realized there were so many wifi hotspots downtown before.

I've been at the main library for several reason:

  1. Still no power at home - no power = no cable = no high speed internet
  2. A/C
  3. Relatively quiet, upgraded digs - Nice!
  4. Has high-speed Internet (I noticed they opened up POP so now I can check email and chat without having to use a web client)
  5. I can check out books if I like

If you see me (I'm usually on 2nd or 3rd floor with a black Macbook) say hello.


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As of 9:00 am this morning I still have no power. My neighbors across the street never lost power and have been true neighbors and extended a cord last Sunday. Sometimes I plug in fridge, sometimes a fan, charge a phone, etc. I will be forever thankful. Centerpoint says we should have power by Thursday.

Living in Oak Forest, the tree damage in our area is terrible. Neighbor 3 doors down had 2 HUGE pine trees crash through her house. She lives alone and taking the stress very well. Paid $7000 to have those trees removed. I worry about the structual soundness of her house now.

I have been hanging at the office yesterday and today. Yesterday I worked...today I'm reading newspaper and surfing net. I'm wondering if I can get away with sleeping here tonight. :wacko:

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Judge Emmett was HOT yesterday on the radio complaining about people "driving for miles past an open Randals or Kroger just to get free water." He also mentioned that the reason that certain neighborhoods got PODs while others didn't was that those that didn't get one already had power and groceries available and thus didn't need one.... but listen to KTRH at night during the "delicate flower About Ike Hour" and you will hear all kinds of people calling to complain, more or less, about the inequitable distribution of the free stuff with no regard whatsoever as to need or circumstance.

I realize that there are more people acting decently than not right now, but it still makes me sick to listen to some people who see a natural disaster as nothing more than an excuse to delicate flower about how mistreated they are by the government.

I did get a case of mre's last Sunday. I had no power, no cash and no stores were opened. Power was restored to me late Tuesday night. I had eaten 3 dinners out of the case of 12 so I took the rest to a co-worker that still has no power or water. When I got the mre.s on Sunday they tried to give me 3 cases and I told them no, that I only needed one. They also tried to give me ice and water and I told them I only needed one case of mre,s and that was all. They seemed shocked. I can't stand people that take advantage of anything much less a bad situation.

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I did get a case of mre's last Sunday. I had no power, no cash and no stores were opened. Power was restored to me late Tuesday night. I had eaten 3 dinners out of the case of 12 so I took the rest to a co-worker that still has no power or water. When I got the mre.s on Sunday they tried to give me 3 cases and I told them no, that I only needed one. They also tried to give me ice and water and I told them I only needed one case of mre,s and that was all. They seemed shocked. I can't stand people that take advantage of anything much less a bad situation.

I am still w/o power at my place but haven't had to get any of the "free" stuff b/c fortunately I haven't needed it. I stalked up on food before the storm like we were told to do... non perishables... after a couple days the Kroger near me opened so I have been able to get more food and particularly ice from them. I almost had to go to one of the PODs early on to get some ice but my boyfriend was able to find a restaurant that was nice enough to give us some they had. I am also lucky that my work stalked up on food for us to eat while we are hear... stuff for sandwiches, snacks, catered BBQ... that's been a big help. They have stopped that now since more people are getting power and more food stores are opening, but it was nice the past week that they did it.

I am leaving the free food, ice, water, etc. for people who truly need it... for those who don't have any and can't afford to buy any.

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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I am still w/o power at my place but haven't had to get any of the "free" stuff b/c fortunately I haven't needed it. I stalked up on food before the storm like we were told to do... non perishables... after a couple days the Kroger near me opened so I have been able to get more food and particularly ice from them. I almost had to go to one of the PODs early on to get some ice but my boyfriend was able to find a restaurant that was nice enough to give us some they had. I am also lucky that my work stalked up on food for us to eat while we are hear... stuff for sandwiches, snacks, catered BBQ... that's been a big help. They have stopped that now since more people are getting power and more food stores are opening, but it was nice the past week that they did it.

I am leaving the free food, ice, water, etc. for people who truly need it... for those who don't have any and can't afford to buy any.

Good for you guys... I feel bad for poor people. A little money can get you a hotel room for a break from the heat, or fresh groceries every couple days from the store, but if you don't have extra money you're really out of luck. I have spent so much, just on stocking up before the storm, then more water and non-perishables after a few days, then restocking the empty fridge when we got our power back. Luckily we can handle a few more expenses, but I know a lot of people can't.

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For me it's not the expense (I am lucky and have a bit of reserve money), but it is the inconvenience and the disruption to life. I hate having to look for ice every day, plan out where I am going (because the house is too hot during the day) that day, and making sure to be inside before the curfew.

I got ice from one POD one day and some water another day, but that was once and when I couldn't find it anywhere in my area.

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For me it's not the expense (I am lucky and have a bit of reserve money), but it is the inconvenience and the disruption to life. I hate having to look for ice every day, plan out where I am going (because the house is too hot during the day) that day, and making sure to be inside before the curfew.

I got ice from one POD one day and some water another day, but that was once and when I couldn't find it anywhere in my area.

I agree... I just feel like life is on hold until I get power back. I know that sounds stupid and there are people who have it far worse than me... it's just the inconvenience that has been getting to me. I just can't wait for power to get on so I can do laundry, run my dishwasher, turn my a/c on, turn my tv and computer on, stalk my fridge and freezer back up... all that good stuff. Again, others have it far worse so I don't want to complain too much.

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As I mentioned last night, we were cleared to go to Gilchrist, on Bolivar, on a look-and-leave basis to look at the remnants of two beach houses. I even heard the announcement on CH 11 this morning, since I had to get up at 8:00am. Our posse was turned around because we don't have permanent resident status (ie: just beach house owners). Does Texas have a property ownership class level? We were literally 3-4 miles from our properties. WTF? The officer was very nice and said that before you get mad, it's frustrating for me because his directive seems to change every 20 minutes. Who the hell is in charge here? I know, the oil companies. They got three cars to burn gas and diesel for 180 miles each. Like we can afford that sort of BS right now.

Oh, and how did those people in the yellow house get down there? Right, media sensationalism. That's not their permanent residence.

Since we all go back to work tomorrow, it'll be next weekend before any of us can get back down there. These houses have been in the family and or circle since the 70's. Any possible thing to 'cling onto' ;) will be gone.

Guadalhara is open on Fulton and that area is swarming with power people. We needed ritas after our unsuccessful road trip.

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I agree... I just feel like life is on hold until I get power back. I know that sounds stupid and there are people who have it far worse than me... it's just the inconvenience that has been getting to me. I just can't wait for power to get on so I can do laundry, run my dishwasher, turn my a/c on, turn my tv and computer on, stalk my fridge and freezer back up... all that good stuff. Again, others have it far worse so I don't want to complain too much.

I hear the whole "on hold" thing. Mrs Cottonmather0 was supposed to start a new job last Monday, then kept getting put off each day until now she is definitely going in tomorrow. Our son was out of school last week and now he starts back on Tuesday... and we're still living in my in-laws' house in 77079 while we wait for the power to come back to our place in 77008. It's like a vacation that really isn't. :(

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Update: Power is back on FM 1960 @ Ella Boulevard and some of North Houston

Centerpoint and the 10,000 linemen working on the power lines came through big time for me. Earlier went to the main library downtown to escape the heat and use the Internet. Was there most of the afternoon.

Lights were on when I got home this afternoon. So happy I could do a dance.

Guess I am in good (as there are unfortunately still many without lights), but it's almost a little unreal. I feel almost shell-shocked.

Rest. That's what I need (and with the A/C cranked to about 60!).

Hope everyone without gets their power back on very soon, and thanks to those who helped hold out hope for those of us without.

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Day 10 without electricity. Actually, it is still day 9 for another 54 minutes, but you get the idea.

I finally went back to work, so I have internet access! The Blackberry thing so bites. Looking at a 2 inch screen, and now for the last 3 days, it shows errors for virtually everything I want to view. Probably because I haven't paid the bill yet, but the phone and text still work.

Need to correct a few things that I noticed in my absence. I talked to the Harley neighbor today, and he did run an extension cord to two neighbors, one with an infant, and a commodities broker behind him who was having a meltdown...so he isn't that bad. Also, my own neighbor threw me a line to run a fan and a TV. I watched TV for the first time since 4:00 am last Saturday. Interesting. Of course, by now, the hurricane is not news. The meltdown of the US economy is the news...and the NFL.

I'm really starting to get used to this no AC thing. Well timed cold showers, laying on my hammock on the back deck, wearing as little as possible...eventually you get this figured out. I finally fished out my windows screens so that I can open all the windows, that and a fan makes it tolerable.

Yes, I have an extra case of water if someone needs it. Otherwise, it goes to the Hurricane Season 2009 stockpile.

Screw the ice thing. I am sick of buying...or picking it up for free...ice, bringing it home, cleaning out the cooler, and repacking it with fresh ice. I loaded up the few perishables left in my cooler and brought them to the mini-fridge at work. I'll just eat them here. Don't care if my drinks are cold, I'll drink it warm, or run to the store if I just have to have a cold drink. Or maybe I'll stash a 6-pack in the neighbor's fridge. But, from now until I get power back, it is can food and warm drinks.

Related to above...

Next time a storm enters the Gulf, the first thing I am doing is eat all of the perishables. I don't want to worry about ice. Even my beloved flavored coffee creamer must go. They make powdered creamer, and it will have to suffice.

A last note...

Having endured the last 10 days without power, I must say that...with the exception of the elderly, the infirm, and infants (NO, I do not mean children!), most people are a bunch of panzies. This is not tough. Uncomfortable, occasionally. Tough, hardly. I've said this before, but there was a time when people (men mostly) bragged about how tough they were. Now, people brag about how wimpy they are. I find myself making mental notes when I hear all the complaining, not to be anywhere near these complainers when Armagedden hits. Now, this is not a swipe at any HAIFers, as HAIFers are as tough as they get (except for the few who ran away before Ike hit). This is mostly aimed at the crybabies that have called into all of the radio stations that I've listened to. I am quite sure that if I had TV, I'd be bitching about the ones on TV as well.

Anyway, end of vent. Nice to be back at work, and back on HAIF. It will be even nicer when I do it from home!

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Harris County Opens Debris Drop-Off Sites for Unincorporated County Residents

Harris County to open six (6) countywide debris drop-off sites beginning Monday, September 22, 2008, to provide residents of Unincorporated Harris County with additional ways to clear debris quickly from their property. For further information, residents of Unincorporated Harris County are urged to call (800) 207-2325 between the hours of 8 AM to 8 PM.

. Vegetative debris (branches, limbs, and shrubbery) ONLY will be processed at this site.


. Tree limbs should be cut into 10' pieces.

The following WILL NOT be accepted:

. White Goods (refrigerators, microwave ovens, air conditioners, ovens, and blenders, etc.)

. Construction Debris (shingles, siding, treated wood, etc.)

. Household Trash

. Household Hazardous Waste (paint, cleaning products, batteries, etc.)

Household Hazardous Waste should be gathered and disposed of at Household Hazardous Waste events. Call (713) 290-3000 to find the next scheduled event.

Debris Drop-Off Locations*


1) Tom Bass II Park.3930 Fellows Road 77047-8 AM - 4 PM

2) Challenger 7 Park.2301 W. Nasa Blvd 77058-8 AM - 4 PM

3) Alexander Deussen Park.12303 Sonnier Road 77044-8 AM - 4 PM

4) Gene Green Beltway 8 Park.6500 E Sam Houston Parkway N 77049-9 AM- 4 PM

5) JD Walker Center/Wade Road Camp.7613 Wade Road 77521-9 AM- 4 PM

6) Sylvan Beach Park.636 N Bayshore Drive 77571-9 AM- 4 PM

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METRORAIL is back online this morning, running its normal service.

The I-45 North HOV lanes also reopened this morning to METRO buses and vehicles that meet its occupancy requirement.

However, I-45 South HOV lanes, as well as all other HOV lanes remain closed due to electrical outages. As a result, all other METRO Park & Ride buses will continue to operate on the main lanes.

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SPRINT service

The following information is approximate and based on the total affected area in TX from Hurricane Ike:

1. Sprint's Wireline network is 100% restored

2. Sprint's iDEN Wireless network is 99% restored (Nextel)

3. Sprint's CDMA Wireless network is 98% restored (Sprint)

The totals include both permanent and temporary solutions.

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FEMA in partnership with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers has established the Blue Roof Program. A program to assist homeowners who have received roof damage during a hurricane in preventng further damges caused by rain through by providing and installing plastic sheeting to damaged areas of a roof.

In order to have plastic sheeting placed on their roofs, homeowners must complete a right of entry form to allow government and contractor employees on their property. Right of Entry (ROE) centers for affected counties are manned by Corps of Engineers employees. For the center location in your county call toll free 1-888-766-3258. For this information in Spanish, call 1-800-403-0573. Information is also available online at www.blueroofers.com

Below is the list of area ROE centers.

County City Name Address

Brazoria Angleton County Court House 111 E. Locust

Chambers Anahuac 1st Baptist Church 405 South Magnolia Street

Chambers Wallisville Wallisville Project Ofc 20020 IH 10 East Feeder Road, 77597

Hardin Sour Lake Fire Station 711 W. 6th Street

Hardin Kountze County Court Complex 300 Monroe

Harris Friendswood WalMart 150 West ElDorado Blvd

Harris Houston Home Depot 6810 Gulf Freeway

Harris Houston Central Library 500 McKinney

Harris Houston Kendall Library 14330 Memorial Dr

Harris Houston Denver Harbor MSC 6402 Market Street

Harris Houston Third Ward MSC 3611 Ennis

Harris Houston North East MSC 9702 Spaulding

Harris Houston McGovern-Stella Library 7405 Stella Link

Harris Houston Clayton Library 5300 Caroline

Harris Houston South Houston High School 1000 College Ave.

Harris La Porte Bayshore Baptist Church 11315 Spencer Hwy

Harris La Porte Big Lots Parking Lot 6802 Spencer Hwy

Harris Webster Community Center 311 Pennsylvania Dr

Harris Houston Lowes 1000 Gulfgate

Harris Pasadena Pasadena Town Square Mall 171 Town Square Mall

Jefferson Beaumont Lowes 4120 Dowlen Rd

Jefferson Beaumont South Beaumont 4070 Reed

Jefferson Port Arthur Civic Center 3401 Cultural Center Dr.

Jefferson Fannette Municipal Building 19217 Hwy 365

Liberty Cleveland Austin Memorial Library Center 220 South Bonham Ave

Montgomery Conroe Lowes 1920 Westview Blvd.

Orange Bridge City Bridge City High School 2690 Texas Ave.

Orange Vidor Parking Lot 195 West Boliver


Editor's note: I have attached the Blue Roof PDF flyer to this message


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