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Unemployment Hits 6.1%


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Stock market should be fun today. It tanked 3% yesterday in anticipation of bad unemployment numbers. This morning, they came out...worse than expected.

Anyone catch McCain's plan for the economy last night? I stopped listening after he threatened Russia for invading a small country for its oil.

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And every singe drilling company, oil field service company, support service, etc., are short handed and hiring, the unemployed need to get off their ass and get a JOB! Almost every McDonald's you drive up to has a Help Wanted Sign in the window, grocery stores need help, Wal Mart is Hiring, Why is it the Help wanted classifieds in the papers are pages and pages long? If people want to work, they can work. If they want to sit on their lazy ass a become a statistic, they can do that too.

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And every singe drilling company, oil field service company, support service, etc., are short handed and hiring, the unemployed need to get off their ass and get a JOB! Almost every McDonald's you drive up to has a Help Wanted Sign in the window, grocery stores need help, Wal Mart is Hiring, Why is it the Help wanted classifieds in the papers are pages and pages long? If people want to work, they can work. If they want to sit on their lazy ass a become a statistic, they can do that too.

Agree. We can't find enough people right now in the gas trasnportation side of the business. Our building has ran out of space (Class A) and we have people sitting in windows and hallways.

The governement will never be able to solve unemployment. The only thing they can do is lower business taxes to encourage more growth.

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And every singe drilling company, oil field service company, support service, etc., are short handed and hiring, the unemployed need to get off their ass and get a JOB! Almost every McDonald's you drive up to has a Help Wanted Sign in the window, grocery stores need help, Wal Mart is Hiring, Why is it the Help wanted classifieds in the papers are pages and pages long? If people want to work, they can work. If they want to sit on their lazy ass a become a statistic, they can do that too.

So, the fact that the job does not pay enough to cover the rent should not figure into it? Given that a person working 40 hours a week at a low paying job that doesn't cover the bills cannot interview for a real job that would pay the bills, your admonition sounds suspiciously adverse to the "Work Smarter, Not Harder" axiom.

I also have this sneaking suspicion that you are superimposing Houston's economy onto the rest of the nation.

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So who you gonna blame Red?

Go ahead. I know you want to blame somebody.

It's not just the US. Global stocks are taking a hit; the UK economy is coming to a stand still.

This has to be somebody's fault, dang it!

I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just stoked to find that the skills required to work at McDonalds and Walmart are the same as those needed at drilling companies, oil field service companies, support service, and gas transportation!

I can do that! :D

Edited by RedScare
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I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just stoked to find that the skills required to work at McDonalds and Walmart are the same as those needed at drilling companies, oil field service companies, support service, and gas transportation!

I can do that! :D

Our oil company hires people who haven't even finished high school to work on rigs.

Also, something else I was thinking about. Maybe it's not a legitimate arguement.

But everyone is saying Houston is such a great place to do business because there aren't as many restrictions right? Well, why would we want a govt. that intends to hamper business even more?

Edited by lockmat
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Red, I will get back to you on this, But there are jobs to be had and no one willing to fill them. But I'm headed over the Independence H-D to pick up my new Electra Glide. See you back in a couple of hours or so.

Make sure when you get back to me you have 9.4 million openings for those lazy unemployed workers. Oh, and find some full time work for the 17.3 million part-timers, too. Cuz, part-time laziness is just as bad as full-time laziness.

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Our oil company hires people who haven't even finished high school to work on rigs.

Also, something else I was thinking about. Maybe it's not a legitimate arguement.

But everyone is saying Houston is such a great place to do business because there aren't as many restrictions right? Well, why would we want a govt. that intends to hamper business even more?

But didn't the Houston economy have similarly few restrictions in the early to mid 80's? And yet, the economy tanked.

Maybe the current healthy economy has more to do with the concentration of the energy industry here while the demand and price for oil are high.

Edited by barracuda
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Stock market should be fun today. It tanked 3% yesterday in anticipation of bad unemployment numbers. This morning, they came out...worse than expected.

Anyone catch McCain's plan for the economy last night? I stopped listening after he threatened Russia for invading a small country for its oil.

Down 148 points already since opening. Damn.

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