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Dancing Obama/McCain/Hillary dolls yanked from Walgreen's

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I was going to put this in Politics, but if we can talk about the dolls and not the race, then maybe it will work here because I think the videos are pretty funny.

According to the AP, these dolls have been pulled from the Walgreen's stores because of complaints from some precious snowflakes.

Here's the vids since you can't buy them anymore:

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I think they have been pulled because they're pretty lame, and maybe the company who made them used that as an excuse.

We were in Wal-Mart not longer after after Hurricane Ike and took a detour down the Halloween aisle. We saw a McCain mask hanging up on a peg. We looked over and saw where the Hillary masks should have been, someone had put up witch/hag masks instead. But, we never could find any Obama masks at all in that section or even any pegs that said Obama.

When we went to check out, the checker picked up the McCain mask and said, "Man, that's too funny!" Then he called over two of his fellow checkers to see the mask. They all guffawed good-naturedly until I said, "Yeah, I looked all over for an Obama mask, but couldn't find one." They stopped laughing, and the checker told me that Wal-Mart decided they weren't going to carry it. When I asked why, the checker told me that, "It's just too racist!!!" Unbelievable.

Edited by pineda
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I think they have been pulled because they're pretty lame,

The Walgreen's spokesperson clearly stated they were removed because of customer complaints.

and maybe the company who made them used that as an excuse.

The Walgreen's spokesperson made it clear that it was Walgreen's decision, not the manufacturer's.

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When we went to check out, the checker picked up the McCain mask and said, "Man, that's too funny!" Then he called over two of his fellow checkers to see the mask. They all guffawed good-naturedly until I said, "Yeah, I looked all over for an Obama mask, but couldn't find one." They stopped laughing, and the checker told me that Wal-Mart decided they weren't going to carry it. When I asked why, the checker told me that, "It's just too racist!!!" Unbelievable.

Oh, the perils of taking Walgreens checkers' statements as fact...

According to Bud Kennedy at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, a Walgreens spokesman said that Walgreens is not carrying EITHER presidential candidate. They do not think either candidate looks very good as a mask. Walgreens is only carrying Bill and Hillary Clinton masks this year.

The article leaves unanswered the question of how you were able to purchase a product that Walgreens does not carry.

EDIT: BTW, WalMart carries both masks if you wish to attend your Halloween party as either of your favorite presidential candidates.

Edited by RedScare
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Oh, the perils of taking Walgreens checkers' statements as fact...

According to Bud Kennedy at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, a Walgreens spokesman said that Walgreens is not carrying EITHER presidential candidate. They do not think either candidate looks very good as a mask. Walgreens is only carrying Bill and Hillary Clinton masks this year.

The article leaves unanswered the question of how you were able to purchase a product that Walgreens does not carry.

EDIT: BTW, WalMart carries both masks if you wish to attend your Halloween party as either of your favorite presidential candidates.

He/she said he/she was in Wal-mart.

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He/she said he/she was in Wal-mart.

Oh, you are right. Then my edit is applicable. The WalMart site shows that WalMart carries both masks, and the In-Store locator shows that they are available in numerous stores in Spring and The Woodlands. So, I should amend to say, "Oh, the perils of taking WalMart checkers statements as fact..."

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Yeah, I didn't lose any sleep over not finding an Obama mask at my local Wal-Mart.

I merely explained the incident as it had happened because it was entertaining to us that the checker would have said such a thing.

Seriously, an Obama Halloween mask as "racist"? Ludicrous!

So, I should amend to say, "Oh, the perils of saying anything that might be construed as anti-Obama..."

Edited by pineda
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Yeah, I didn't lose any sleep over not finding an Obama mask at my local Wal-Mart.

I merely explained the incident as it had happened because it was entertaining to us that the checker would have said such a thing.

Seriously, an Obama Halloween mask as "racist"? Ludicrous!

So, I should amend to say, "Oh, the perils of saying anything that might be construed as anti-Obama..."

Just as long as you aren't wearing a kool-aid outfit paired with the Obama mask, you should be ok.

Never fear Pineda, the "O.J." mask will be coming back with a vengence this year. ;)

Edited by TJones
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This comes as no surprise.

Wal-Mart has an ignoble history of determining moral standards for its customers. Remember when they refused to carry Sheryl Crowe's album because they found her lyrics "offensive"? (Offfensive, because she correctly referred to Wal-Mart as the source of a gun used in a senseless killing.)

Cannot find a reference online, but believe it was Wal-Mart who refused to sell - pulled from its shelves - banned sales of the recording of "That's What Friends Are For", the fund-raising song for AIDS research, because the cause was too controversial. :wacko:

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This comes as no surprise.

Wal-Mart has an ignoble history of determining moral standards for its customers. Remember when they refused to carry Sheryl Crowe's album because they found her lyrics "offensive"? (Offfensive, because she correctly referred to Wal-Mart as the source of a gun used in a senseless killing.)

yes because stores should carry the product of a brain dead fool that is so ignorant as to blame a store for selling a legal product while surely calling for the coddling of the person that actually used the gun to commit the crime and stomping on the grave of the victim to try and further push their loser liberal agenda

just because some smelly leftist idiot can make a song about something does not mean stores have to give it the time of day

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yes because stores should carry the product of a brain dead fool that is so ignorant as to blame a store for selling a legal product while surely calling for the coddling of the person that actually used the gun to commit the crime and stomping on the grave of the victim to try and further push their loser liberal agenda

*Nominated for Sentence of the Day*

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  • 1 month later...
yes because stores should carry the product of a brain dead fool that is so ignorant as to blame a store for selling a legal product while surely calling for the coddling of the person that actually used the gun to commit the crime and stomping on the grave of the victim to try and further push their loser liberal agenda
*Nominated for Sentence of the Day*

How did I overlook this one?

All that blamin' and callin' and coddlin' and stompin' and pushin'!

That Sheryl is one busy gal. No wonder she stays so thin.

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